My first experience

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Full Member
Nov 17, 2010
Kitchener, Ontario, Canada
Hi there,

As my unoriginal thread title suggests, I'm new here and new to vaping in general but have become very fascinated with it and am excited to try out different products!

Last weekend, I bought an ePuffer Elite Classic starter kit from The main reason I chose this company is because it is close to where I live and I was anxious to get my first PV. I hadn't done an awful lot of research before I decided to purchase one, and what I did find was that there is a LOT to choose from! But all e cigarettes must be somewhat similar right?


Anyways, I received my package 2 days later and was totally stoked. I opened the package and it was presented nicely for me, ready to be used. I checked the cartridge and there was nothing in it, so I inserted one of the pre-filled menthol cartridges and took a puff.

At first it was the coolest thing ever! It did not taste like tobacco and was happy it did not smell. Unfortunately there was very little vapor and it did not seem like I was getting an awful lot into my lungs. Wondering if there was maybe something wrong with the battery, I attached the spare battery that was sent with my kit. This battery would not even light up. Assuming the battery was not charged, I plugged it in to my charger and left if to sit for a few hours.

I continued to experiment with my new toy throughout the night using the battery that was working. It was pretty exciting to be able to smoke in my home as there was no smell, but through my testing, I established all of the pro's and con's.

  • No smell
  • Tastes good
  • Healthier (in my opinion)
  • Able to smoke inside

  • Had to inhale pretty hard to get the battery to activate
  • Due to con noted above, sometimes upon inhaling hard, I would get the e liquid in my mouth. It did not taste bad, just burned a little (plus I read it can cause ulcers/sores if happens too much)
  • Not as fulfilling as a regular cigarette - left me wanting more
  • Inconsistent vapor results with inhaling

Before going to bed, I checked on the battery that I had plugged in to be charged. I was surprised to find the light on the charger was green, meaning the battery was fully charged (the instruction manual said the first charge should take 6-8 hours to complete). I attached the newly charged battery to the atomizer and tried again, but it would not work. I actually removed the battery from the atomizer and sucked on the end of the battery itself, but the end did not light up. Disappointed with my DOA battery, I contacted ePuffer explaining my one battery did not work, began charging my battery that did work, and went to bed.

I woke up the next morning and tried my ecigarette right away. To my horror, it took a lot more effort than it did the night before for the battery to activate, if it did at all!

I spent the whole day trying to get the stupid thing to work when at 5pm it just refused to light up at all. ePuffer contacted me and asked me to send them the defective battery to them for replacement, and I responded saying I was unsatisfied with my purchase and would like to return for a full refund. Fortunately, they did not give me any grief about it, and I sent my piece of crap ePuf-fail back to them.

Based on my research online, I probably just had bad luck with my first e-cigarette experience (such is the case for the rest of my life as well! :p) A little miffed, but not discouraged, I began doing more research and hunted for my next purchase.

I decided on Electro Vapors Canadian Ecigs Accessories and Eliquid, as it is in Canada, and the product I am interested in purchasing has all great reviews. This is the e-cigarette I decided to purchase in the shiny black with blue LED model. I placed my order yesterday and should be receiving it on Tuesday/Wednesday this coming week.

I am trying the manual battery with the hopes that it will reduce the need to inhale hard for the battery to be activated. The other reason I liked this model is the fact that it is interchangeable with parts from the 510 model from Joye (in case Electro-vapors should ever go out of business), although (from my understanding), it is not uncommon to replace your e-cigarette every 6 months or less.

On a side-note, I wonder if the signature banners that calculate how many cigarettes you have avoided and money saved take into account the amount of money it costs to buy new kits so often?:laugh:


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Aug 11, 2010
Welcome to ECF! Enjoy it here. Haven't heard of the brand you have, so have nothing to contribute about it. Lots of reading here, so keep checking things out to help you make future decisions. Try not to get discouraged. I have a Joye eGo and love it. Most here agree that the manual batteries are the best way to go. A lot of us here use them. Check them out as you go. I haven't smoked since I got mine. Piece of cake!

I have seen some banners that account for the money you've spent & give a break even point. I didn't really want one, cuz I'm not sure I want to know. : ) I figure that all of this is free cuz I'm not spending it on cigs. OK, so I'm not being realistic, but it's fun that way. lol!


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Oct 16, 2010
Hi and welcome!

I had a similar experiece with my first kit. It was smaller than yours. Mine had good vapor and the battery lasted ... till I gave up on it first. HA! There was no TH or taste so I returned the thing. I was smoking alot more than normal because I was frustrated trying to make it work.

Got my second from here Electronic Cigarette - Starter Kits - Joye eGo very happy with it but still want to experiment more.
Got another here :) Vapor4Life-Because it's your life - E-Cigarettes/Smoking Alternatives

I'm so glad I found this forum or else I don't know what other crappy kit I would had chose. :p

Regarding the banner ... mine is actually broken (I think) it has been staying at 143 days for 7 days already!! Unfortunately it's pretty accurate :facepalm:


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Nov 8, 2010
Ithaca, NY
I'm sorry your first experience didn't go as well as you'd have liked -- I only started a few weeks ago, but my first few drags off my (now very trusty) 510 produced no vapor and I started getting scared

then I dripped a drop of juice right onto the atomizer (something I read here before I got my kit) and then suddenly I was in business

I'd look into getting a different PV -- there are THOUSANDS of people here with good vaping experiences, and it takes time to find the right combination of gear to get what you want, but stick with it -- it's well worth it


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Jul 31, 2010
Your ePuffer Elite appears to be a DSE901; if it is--and if ePuffer does give you a refund--consider the battery fiasco to be serendipity, because you paid way too much for it.

More of us than not have unsavory experiences with our first PVs (mine was with a cheap M402), and of those, most had to eat whatever they paid and call it humble pie.

The 510 is always a good choice--especially with a manual battery. Looks like you paid a little too much for this one also--join the club--but wasn't ripped off in the extreme. I notice, though, that the kit has empty cartridges and no juice. If I've got that right, it's going to be a problem--but that could be serendipity also; pre-filled cartridges suck (no pun intended), or at least the substandard juice in them does.

When/if you find yourself discovering e-juice, check out these people: FreedomSmokeUSA

Good luck! People are always here to help.


Full Member
Nov 17, 2010
Kitchener, Ontario, Canada
Your ePuffer Elite appears to be a DSE901; if it is--and if ePuffer does give you a refund--consider the battery fiasco to be serendipity, because you paid way too much for it.

More of us than not have unsavory experiences with our first PVs (mine was with a cheap M402), and of those, most had to eat whatever they paid and call it humble pie.

The 510 is always a good choice--especially with a manual battery. Looks like you paid a little too much for this one also--join the club--but wasn't ripped off in the extreme. I notice, though, that the kit has empty cartridges and no juice. If I've got that right, it's going to be a problem--but that could be serendipity also; pre-filled cartridges suck (no pun intended), or at least the substandard juice in them does.

When/if you find yourself discovering e-juice, check out these people: FreedomSmokeUSA

Good luck! People are always here to help.

Thanks everyone for the warm welcomes and advise.

To PoliticallyIncorrect, I did notice that there was no juice included with the kit, so I bought 2 other kinds of juices and plan on filling the cartridges myself with PTB's, or may even try dripping - I haven't decided. The one thing I don't like about the dripping option is that you would need to carry juice with you, and I don't really feel like doing that when I'm outside in the cold at work. :D (I realize you can vape inside, but it's not really something I am comfortable with doing in my work environment and may make others feel uncomfortable :] )

I don't feel like I paid too much, unless the kit does not work well. It comes with 2 batteries and 2 atomizers, which is getting more and paying the same prices for what I got at ePuffer.

I am not sure where to get my juice because I live in Canada, so I would prefer to stick with companies that are located in Canada due to shipping times, custom and duties charges, as well as problems shipping things across borders.


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Oct 22, 2010
The Internet
Welcome to ECF. All I can say is, at least it got you started and you found your way here!

You picked a 510 as your second kit, so that was a great move! You'll get much more pleasure from it. Some people say the Bauway atomizers are the best. As far as the "money saved" on the banners . . . I think it should be changed to "invested". :laugh: After you get set with a good device though, you just need to worry about the juice . . . all of the wonderful juice . . . thousands of different flavors . . . thousands. :laugh:

You really sound like you're the kind of person who will enjoy soaking up all the information you can find here. If you get lost, don't hesitate to stop and ask directions. The people here are great and will get all of your questions answered quickly!


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Jul 31, 2010
I second the idea of dripping (of course, here in California I don't get the variety of cold you have to confront). I used carts for a short while starting out, but stumbled onto dripping when I was trying to get my cheap &$*# M402 to work. Serendipity that...there's three uses of the word in two posts.

Suppliers north of the border is an unfamiliar topic for me (aren't they banned up there?)


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Oct 21, 2010
Richmond, VA
Welcome, Kupo! It is unfortunate that your initial experience with vaping was not so pleasant, but I'm glad you are going to try it again! There are many good options out there for pv's and equipment - not to mention all the e-juice out there! Take some time to read the reviews, watch Mistress Nomad's videos, and sit back and read, read, read all the other posts, too! Reading about other people's experiences can spare you a lot of frustration, wasted money, and more bad experiences! I've been vaping for over 3 weeks now, gave up analogs after 20 years at a pack a day, and I couldn't be happier! Good luck to you! :)


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Oct 2, 2010
Welcome and congratulations on considering vaping in place of smoking! :thumbs:

As far as the "money saved" on my banner, I did save the money by not
spending it on cigs, (an expense and hazard I did not want) and spent
only a portion (so far) on vaping which I enjoy. :laugh:

I went thru two mistakes before buying an eGo 510, so you're at least
one up on me.:facepalm:

Don't miss smoking and love all the different flavors available for my PV.

If you run into problems, with any part of your vaping experience, ask
any question, any time, somebody else most likely had a similar issue
and found a solution. :vapor:


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Jul 17, 2010
Las Vegas
On a side-note, I wonder if the signature banners that calculate how many cigarettes you have avoided and money saved take into account the amount of money it costs to buy new kits so often?:laugh:

Welcome to ECF Kupo! As far as the cost...the banners lie. Check out my comments below mine.
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