My English Composition Paper on Electronic Cigarettes. A+

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Jun 9, 2010
Rancho Cucamonga, CA
Informative with statistics and references...I like that about the paper as it is mandatory to attain the confidence of your reader to buy in to the validity of what you are conveying through words. The paper is mildly persuasive, which is an ingredient to make the article more like a speech and debate, but I'd like a bit more persuasiveness and confidence in your words (supported by research and personal experience, of course) if you want to be a true advocate for vaping and to grab the reader's eyes from straying from your firmly set position. The paper was demonstrative of what you believe can ideally occur, such as successful, long-term smoking cessation percentage rates rising for existing smokers who try e-cigs as opposed to the other less efficacious methods you mentioned in the body of your work. Three thoughts to make this paper better: It tends to jump around a bit...revise, revise, revise. Secondly, either take the e-cig advocacy statements out of the paper and just state the facts because the way you use "I" and "In my experience" and the words that follow are not persuasive enough (make your opinions and rationales stronger or just leave them out). Your demonstration of an e-cig's design and purpose is appropriate for a layperson. I don't know if this is for college and what type of paper you were asked to write as far as content criteria (e.g. objective, subjective, informative, persuasive, etc). I'd like to know more. I have been vaping for almost 19 months, and was an English major before I switched to become a registered nurse. PM me if you want me to help you out with some revisions
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