Travel and Vaping My cruise

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James Wall

Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Sep 23, 2010
Hello everyone! We just got back Saturday from our cruise on the Elation to Cozumel and Calica out of Mobile Alabama and had a great time. If you're considering traveling on one of the smaller, Fantasy class ships on Carnival I highly recommend the Elation. The decor and the general feel of the ship were so much better than the Ecstasy (where we started our cruising lives, it was starting to feel like an old bowling alley).

Well, since you know my cruise went great, here's what happened to me as far as vaping onboard...I didn't. :( I got all set up with supplies prior to the cruise...I was going to be ready! I had 3 atty's, 3 new 510 manual batteries, 1 old mega 510, a brand spankin' new PCC, cartridges freshly cleaned and newly packed, fluids out the wazoo, 50 or so ECF business cards, and I'd even gotten extra business cards from my supplier. I was set!! Well I washed one of the 510 batteries, so that killed that one. I had a few beers a week before and (as always seems to happen when I do) burned out one atty. I picked up some VG and decided to add a drop or two to my favorite fluids to see how that seemed to work okay, but my last two atty's seemed to gum up, the last one died the day before my cruise and no amount of cleaning seemed to help. So, out of desperation, I picked up an NJOY setup from a gas station...the charger broke in less than 24 hours.

At this point I said hang it all and just bought a $28.00 carton of lights when I got onboard. Well, I was able to smoke light cigarettes and be satisfied and smoke them at about a pack a day with no issues. I had always smoked full flavors at a pack a day and always smoked almost double when I had wound up with lights in the past. So, that wasn't too bad. I just finished my last pack the night before last and switched back completely to the e-cig (Thanks to my supplier James at DFWVapes! You are a lifesaver!!!) My lungs cleared out this morning (hacking cough gettin' rid of the tar from my lungs).

So, I was a smoker again for about 10 days. I have to say it felt different. Now, I'm not the kinda guy to feel guilty about just about anything I do. I was never an inconsiderate smoker, always stuck to the smoking areas or stepped away from others when outside, etc. But I have to say I was very aware that I was a smoker again.

There was only one incident onboard with a non-smoker, I don't think it was stupidity on her part, I'm pretty sure it was one of my first experiences with a pathetic attempt by an anti-smoker to start something. So we're about to go in for our any-time seating (very worthwhile option I highly recommend it) and I run over to Duke's (the piano bar onboard [smoking area]) for a quick cigarette. There is a small group of people, 3-4, taking pics next to the Statue of Liberty thingy, all standing next to tables with ashtrays on them by the way, so I happen to sit about halfway down room from them, next to the windows so I can look out. Well a few minutes later their friends come in and they all start talking and then a few minutes later this older lady looks at me, starts coughing, and announces loudly "I didn't know this was a smoking area!" Man, she managed some venom in that word. So one of the people that had already been there looks at her like she's stupid and says "I told you it was when said we'd meet here." I started laughing, had finished my cigarette and put it out, and kept on laughing as I walked out past them to dinner.
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