Moving away from Cartomizers... Need Recommendations

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Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Nov 9, 2009
Recently I purchased a ProVari 2.5 e-cig and bought the IBTanked tank+carts to go along with it. However, of the 8 carts that I purchased, a few were simply faulty, while many others simply dry out too quickly and i'm forced to prime it over and over again to prevent it from drying up. I primed the carts really well too before each use, and it just seems like cartomizer carts are very inconsistent.

On top of that, cartomizers just dont seem to last long..on average i think they last me 1-2 days per cart (and this is with the hassle of having to prime it over and over and opening the tank and refilling) In addition, i tried to clean a few carts with hot water and let them dry overnight, but most dont seem to work anymore after that, while the ones that do, they only work for a half a day to a day (with massive taste and vap loss) and of course, i also lost a lot of e-liquid for filling up those carts that end up not working..... all in all, i've just had it with these cartomizers.

I switched to the iclear30s that came with my ProVari purchase and to my surprise, the draws were amazing, and it lasted me forever, i simpyl had to refill the tank with e-liquid and that was it.. i think i used it for 4-5 weeks straight with the same clearomizer cart inside without even needing to change it at all. Do clearomizer carts simply last longer than cartomizer carts? and usually have less problems? do they work better after a hot-water rinse?

I'm considering switching from cartomizer to clearomizer, and was wondering if anyone could suggest a few good ones I should consider? By the way, are there any other types of set up? besides clearmoizer and cartomizer? I'm looking for something that will last long and have cheap replacement cart cost

Augmented Dog

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Jul 8, 2014
Philadelphia, PA USA
Unless you want to move to RTAs/RBAs and build your own, my first suggestion would be a Nautilus, or Nautilus mini. 2nd, a Kanger Aerotank, or Protank 2 (single coil head), or PT3 (dual coil head) either with an aerotank base (v2 or v3 only). You'd have to buy the base separately, but that could save you money for the same result.
How long factory heads could last depends on what you're vaping and at what wattage/voltage.
RTAs/RBAs can cost more than tanks that use factory built replacement heads, but are cheaper to use in the long run.
Kanger heads can be dry burned for cleaning as well as rewicked to extend life. Nautilus heads can be soaked and reused a cpl times, as well.
There are quite a few threads on the forum that instruct on both.
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