Move to ban smoking in Seattle parks criticized as effort to roust the poor

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Super Member
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Aug 27, 2009
Southern California
well, I'm going to give Seattle a thumbs up for excluding vape devices.

Poor vagrants are a complicated issue. One can offer them housing but there are some who just plain refuse to live in one. Sacramento's had people who live down by the river for years at a stretch. LA's got their version of a tent city, too. I've met a few homeless who go to national parks, where they can camp for two weeks and then have to pack up and leave for a few days per the rules (or go to a different park) and start all over again. But mental institutions weren't the answer, either, and there's no 'wild west' left for them to drift away to.

So the best we can do is act compassionately and let them smoke their blasted cigarettes if they want to - it's one of the very few pleasures they have left in life,.If we can create parks for dogs, can't we have a few parks for the homeless where they can smoke in peace?


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Mar 4, 2010
I don't like the policy but it's not completely antzy:
That's only a matter of moments.
Calif started like this. They first banned smoking on boardwalks, parks, bus stations, to rid the homeless, & have since added vaping to the bills.
The only difference is, a few towns had so many homeless, it was the only way to sweep the streets. Apparently the "no loitering" ordinances weren't being upheld by law enforcement, not enough $$ in it, but smokers? Hey hey! Jingle jingle Ca-Ching!
Use as needed Vapers or Med people users? Huge Ca-Ching!
I'm shocked they don't realize that smoking in your own home, car, backyard in Calif, is also under the law of Ca-Ching.


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Jan 26, 2013
Seattle area
Any bets that we can thank NORML for that? The green herb is legal there.

No confirmed reports, but I suspect that did play a role. Seattle is in King County, which is the first US Co to ban indoor vaping back in 2010, right after the FDA tried to ban all ecigs as medical devices. Seattle and King Co have the same "Health Department" thus, I suspect the only way to have a vaping exclusion from the Parks smoking ban is if a powerful lobby advocated for it.


Vaping Master
Dec 23, 2014
Could there be any connection between Seattle and this gentleman?


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