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Motivation for multiple Devices?

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Vaping Master
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Dec 9, 2008
Ottawa, Ontario -CANADA-

"..........." is the blanked out word.. guess ecf dont like the competitors.

v a p e r s f o r u m

There's a long history with the management here with some of the other forum's members.

I'd suggest that you don't circumvent the imposed censor block in place to prevent aggravating anyone to throw you an infraction/warning.

just sayin......



ECF Guru
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Feb 18, 2010
Dartmouth, NS Canada


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IMHO, I think all the mod stuff is highly over-rated. We think we need it but do we really need it?

Don't get me wrong, I am not bashing anyone that uses a mod or uses multiple devices.

My money goes towards items that need to be replaced on a regular basis (juice & attys).

There are days where I think that I am not getting anything out of vaping and I get the thoughts going on in my mind (and the devil sitting on my shoulder saying buy, buy, buy). But I resist because I know that I don't need it. For that matter, maybe I don't need to vape anymore (not).

Using the eGo with the LR atty has kept my vaping expense under control (or has it since I just spent about $250 in the last 6 weeks - stocking up on juice and attys - should keep me going for a couple of months).

On second thought, maybe for my first mod I will purchase the Silver Bullet. The problem is how am I to explain this one to the better half ???


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Jul 22, 2010
Milton, Ontario
Switched: Thank you again for the link

Smokum: I would love the Fistpack, but now you got me thinking with what's coming out down the road, and can wait :)

Larktdl: I understand what you're saying... the fact my wife is supporting me with this is great... although I don't think she knows how much I have spent thus far... it's only been 2 weeks and I've spent around $250-$300. Ya a new mod is probably novelty right now as I'm happy with my eGo. Love it with the LR attys... have a WHOLE BUNCH of juice on the way too that has a blend of PG/VG (been vaping only pure PG), so who knows? maybe I'll be more than happy once I get the right juices and this phase of wanting a mod passes?


ECF Guru
ECF Veteran
Feb 18, 2010
Dartmouth, NS Canada

I see your point and I also see larktdl's POV as well. IMO at this point you are still suffering from withdrawals symptoms. Well at least I can presume such not having the opportunity to discuss with you at the meet your former daily analog consumption.

My stash was designed and based on a possible ban. It is good to see some of these mods will be carried across the border as well in the future. During my venture I learned how to mod and have been following the atomomiser mod sub-forum as well for sustainability.

A vapers meet is a great place to learn all about this stuff and trying a variety of devices, not to mention seeing some of these devices in person, otherwise buying a mod is a crap shoot at best.

Take your time and define your vaping style and needs. Although I have HV capability, most of my time I vape 3.7 or 5V, with the majority of my vaping occuring on the eGo with a regular atty.

Being mainly a cart user (near dripping experience without the mess) LRs are reserved for the moments were I feel the need for a change up, the latter is usually conducted/accompagnied with a change in liquid flavour as well.

When we look closely at why folks go for this or that, we are able to refine our needs. e.g
  • longer lasting carts (lengthy commutes) hence my 510 cartos for the trip. I used 3 cartos interchangeably on my trip to Montreal;
  • longer lasting batteries for the aforementioned reasons and daily vaping requirements; or
  • facilitate our daily vaping needs away from home.
Bottom feeders were introduced that fulfill these requirements providing:
  • the battery is big enough, especially when using LR attys (count on at least 1/3 to 1/2 diminished battery life;
    • when using mods equiped with a 900mAh batt, it may not get you through an entire work day; when
    • compared with a mod that utilizes high drain batts.
  • the bottle carying capacity:
    • if you vape more than one flavour, do you want to carry a device that holds a 6ml bottle? (think of the spare 6ml you will need to carry), a 3ml carrying system would be better
    • if you are not a "cross dresser" e.g don't like mixing flavours = spare attys
  • some of these devices are quite stylish and expensive, and in all honesty are definitely not the "holy grail" of vaping. I didn't bring the 18650 wetbox I made during the trip, in order to keep equipment to a minimum.
I saw and felt first hand the quality of some of these devices, and I will leave it at, I am glad I took the time to do my homework.
Having vaped my P18 for 2 weeks, it needs to be cleaned as vapour production is starting to diminish. I hope it will last for my trip home on Monday. I have ferreted it away for the time being, in favour for its use on my return journey (hence why I brought so much gear)

Reports on touch sensors are starting to come in - that the build up of finger oils are closing the contacts on the sensor, making the device activated at all times. It is not how a device performs out the gate that is important, it is how it lasts during the stretch IMHO. Is the latter a defect? Probably not if one knows how to fix it. In retrospect, the selling feature of the device may have been mis-represented, once again IMHO.

Devices require weekly maintenance to keep 'em ship shape and performing. It is this ease of maintenance that is important, along with "user" serviceability. At this time I do not have nor does my sister have what I need to do maintenace on my P18, I can do partial maintenance if need be. My fall back, the Screwdriver MKI which will last the journey with a simple batt change midway.

I had an eGo batt go bad during the trip and one I believe is on its way out as well. Not bad for 5 months. I am glad I have 4, but I can honestly say that I am not looking forward in replacing them at $30 a pop. I will more likely bite the bullet as my eGo is my daily goto device.

In closing, take your time. Identify your needs and vaping style first, then get a mod that will suit your need. Get a mod that is capable of dual voltage, because yes you will go there. You know my take on electronics, that is my personal take, but perhaps my personal opinion is far more reaching, than meets the eye.

Switched is controversial at times. Some of my comments are not always welcome by vendors and that is OK, I am not here to assist the vendors per se, I am here to assist the community as a whole, and will always endeavour to qualify my statements with data/reasons versus the WOW factor. In the end, if it makes certain vendors step up their game, we all win in the end :) ... and we are seing the results of some of these suggestions or even controversial comments. It is a win win situation for all.


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Jan 26, 2010
> Motivation for multiple Devices?

People have different motivations, here's mine.

I have 2 devices and a 3rd on the way (not counting std ecig batteriers which don't have enough charge capacity for me).

The first one I ordered was the Chameleon from IkenVape. I got that device to help figure out what my preferences really were. Its sleek looking and its smaller than most PVs which everything else being equal I already knew was my preference. It comes with adapters for 510, 901, and 801 attys. There is a 5v USB passthru option, and there is an extension sleeve which opens the door to a larger battery or to 6 and 7.4v vaping. I ordered it with the USB passthru to try higher voltage, but I held off on the extension sleeve. I choose this device in large part to let me try out a bunch of things. But also because of its appearance and ease of end-user maintenance (there are no soldered connections).

While I was waiting for that one to arrive (it took a while), I ordered a Mini-VapeStack as a backup device. It uses the same size battery as the Chameleon. Just wouldn't be good if i misplaced my primary device with no other to fallback on.

For me, I found that the battery life of the 16340 is sufficient (although I am sometimes tempted by the super longevity an 18650 would provide). I never did get the extension sleeve to try 6 or 7.4v because I found that the LR atty was a satisfying way to achieve higher power levels. I did appreciate the 5v passthru, but LR attys accomplished the same thing. I've needed the backup MOD on a couple of occasions. I broke one of my Chameleon switches and my first replacement for it exhibited a voltage drop across the switch. I now have a supply of 14 replacement tact switches on hand if/when the current one goes out. I broke a soldered connection in my backup MOD (which I've since repaired).

Super reliability became more of a priority for me after spending a few months with my first couple of MODs.

So after figuring out what was important and what was not (for me), I'm now purchasing a Precise16 which I expect to become my new primary device. It's even smaller and sleeker than the Chameleon. It's purely mechanical switch pretty much can't fail. Stainless steel should be more resistant to corrosion and wear. It takes the same size batts that I have already.

Anyway... those were my motivations for multiple MODs... youtubecommercial has different motivations no doubt :)
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Ultra Member
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Jun 25, 2010
London, Ontario Canada
I'm pretty satisfied with with the regular 510 atty and my ego w/cone.. I have a LR atty that I use a couple times a day but i don't always like the flavor out if it compared to my regular atty's. I was thinking about trying the High Octane juice from nHaler to see if it makes me appreciate the LR or possibly HV devices.


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Jan 26, 2010
I was thinking about trying the High Octane juice from nHaler

Those are my favorites.. the tobacco flavors are the best I've tried!

I would not recommend those mod with switches made with wires, i.e. chuck and chameleon and I am sure there are numerous others. I would suggest a mechanical (metal on metal) switch. These are almost impossible to break whereas the wired one break very easy i.e. Super 6 and GG and numerous others.

Just a clarification, the Chameleon has no wiring whatsoever. It does have an electrical tact switch, but wires are not used in the device to put that switch in the circuit. Instead the short metal leads coming off of the tact switch are sandwiched between a plastic washer and a metal washer which are bolted together. It's a pretty slick design really. The switches are very inexpensive to replace, $3 for a bag of 15. Takes about 20 minutes to install a new one with the simplest of tools (small wrench, small screw driver, tweezers).

It really is end-user serviceable.

The Mini-VapeStack on the otherhand... you need a soldering iron to affect repairs on that which is a pretty big hurdle.

Isaac is evolving a "purely mechanical" cousin to the Chameleon... that could be interesting.
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Super Member
ECF Veteran
Jul 22, 2010
Milton, Ontario
thanks for all your input so far guys... perhaps I'm jumping the gun a bit... this is a new hobby, I'm looking at new toys, and I'm a dude... that recipe = disaster and possibly regrets

Research has been my friend thus far, otherwise I would've picked up a BluCig or something, they do a remarkable job advertising their product, and I'm sure the average smoker that's never been exposed to forums like this will agree. I will see how everything goes once I get my stuff from Ms. T's Bakery and eventually some stuff from TV. It could totally be amazing for all I know, and I got a glimpse of it on my eGo this past Tuesday. The quality of the stuff I tried on my eGo was alone, very satisfying!

So no, I don't NEED another device, but would certainly like to have one, again partly because I did try vaping with some of the mods there on Tues and it was completely different/amazing experience. It's almost like I see the light at the tunnel, but have not quite reached it.

That being said, I will certainly ask myself those questions Switched, when it comes down to me making that full commitment to purchasing my 1st mod, and I'm sure either way I won't regret it.


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Jun 30, 2010
New York
thanks for all your input so far guys... perhaps I'm jumping the gun a bit... this is a new hobby, I'm looking at new toys, and I'm a dude... that recipe = disaster and possibly regrets

I would just add personal injury to the list of what that equals LOL. My husband is the same way! :(:facepalm::oops::blush::laugh:
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