More noob questions

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ECF Veteran
Oct 12, 2009
Chicago Area
I wrote here yesterday for the first time, because my 3 day old NJOY NPRO is barely working at all. They are sending me a replacement atty. Since I haven't really experienced vaping yet, I feel like I have a 100 questions.

Do attys burn out fast (as in weeks)?
Can I get cheaper replacements or am I locked into NJOY?
IF I ever get going, I would like to find a nice menthol, no sweetness though.

It seems like folks here do ala-carte buying: battery from here, atty from there, juice from a 3rd place. Are all of these parts interchangable or once you have an NJOY you have to buy their atty, batts.

Plus I heard that juice voids the warranty. True?

Man I really want this to work!!!
Been vaping for a little while, chillax enjoy the learning curve.

I have ordered 510 starter kit from cignot, a pt and a few attys from innovapor and not had a single issue. Other than losing my cool ninja battery with no led I got from cignot.

I love cignot for the first purchase but for some reason the delivery time from IL. blows goats to Oregon. NOT cignots fault totatly the postal slugs, should have thought about that when my care packages to bootcamp took 2 weeks.
Innovapor just happens to be closer.

I have mixed and matched the atty and batteries with no ill effects, hell I love my green led battery. I nearly menlted one cart but you will learn, also the attys might not be burnt just flooded. I had a mint tin with an insert, looked and perfect size for the atty, lined with a coffee filter and blew out on papertowel and they have been resting upside down and all work well.


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Jul 28, 2009
Tempe, Az
These should work for you, as they have for thousand of others. I have never used Njoys so can't answer to those. Many people are satisfied with 510's. There are many vendors that sell these. Personally the 801 are my favorites.

Keep doing your research here and at other forums. Education, education, education coupled with experiementation and you'll be good.


Tootie Puffer
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Jun 21, 2009
San Diego
So it is barely working at all, and that has been the case since straight out of the box?

Three things come to mind then...
1) You have an atomizer that needs to get warmed up
2) You haven't figured out how to get the automatic batteries to function properly yet
3) Your atomizer is not any good
4) Your battery is not any good
5) Your battery charger is not any good

Lacking further information, I'm thinking that in general, number (2) is the most likely.
After that I would go with number (1) as the next highest probability.
The rest are all pretty low probabilities, in my opinion.

I would say that flooding your atomizer is a possibility, but you didn't mention anything about dripping on it or doing anything else, so I assume you just plugged in a cartridge and went at it.

Of course, there could also be the possibility that you only tried one cartridge and that cartridge for some reason is all dried out or severely lacking in juice.

As for being locked in, what model of NJoy did you buy?
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Full Member
ECF Veteran
Oct 12, 2009
Chicago Area
I'm not sure what you mean by #2. How do you use the auto-batts properly or improperly for that matter?

I did take a closer look and it seems that the steel wool in the atty is pushed down too far. I don't think that it is making good contact with the juice.

This is the way it was when I got it. I saw some diagrams on this form and the steel wool was sticking out pretty far, but mine is way in there.


Unregistered Supplier
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Sep 25, 2009
Falls Church, VA

Take very slow very long draws. Your led should light up as you do this. If the led comes on the switch is working.

I don't have a 4081 so I can't help much.

As for a la cart... Once you know the generic model number you don't need a specific vendor. All the vendors are fairly small and may have limited choices and stock. You can't always get everything you want in one place.

Another factor is location. Closer means faster shipping and nobody wants to wait. The first time you run out of your favorite juice you'll understand. :D

If you stick with the 4081 you can shop around for the best deals. Just watch out for shipping costs.


Jim Davis

Vaping Master
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Mar 16, 2009
Retired in Houston, Texas / USA
I think you're looking at the atty bridge. Some are external. Yours is internal, and normal for that type of atty.

You need juice. I'm guessing your atty is running too dry. No one can make it on carts alone. You have to refill them, and keep the atty wet.

Your NPRO is a model RN4081. Any 4081 parts will fit. I suggest you order some juice, and give it another try. You'll see a world of difference.

Also, if you update your profile, and add your location, you may have folks close by to give you a bit of help.


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