More Misleading Media Coverage of Utah HB 170 Defeat

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ECF Guru
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Aug 16, 2009
CASAA - Wisconsin
The hard part is knowing what is true and what isn't anymore!

I very much appreciate that, Kristin. :wub:

As a movement, we don't have piles of money and we certainly don't have much (if any) political clout. But what we do have is the truth, and that is a powerful thing.

I'm certainly not going to say that second-hand smoke poses no risks, but, as you noted, much of which is stated as "fact" by the antis are "semi-truths" and, in some cases, outright lies. If we exploit the overblown hysteria associated with second-hand smoke (and, God help us, third- and fourth-hand smoke) for our own short-term benefit, we're really not much better than the antis.


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Jan 30, 2009
Des Moines, IA
Hey all! Aaron and I just finished recording our radio interview. I think it went pretty well, it was a fairly short interview so we didn't get to say everything we would have liked to say, but overall I feel pretty good about it.

It will be broadcast tomorrow around 7:30 am MST. My internet service is down right now so I'm having to use my Blackberry to post this, sorry I don't have access to the link for the streaming audio. Maybe someone else can post it?

Woots! Many thanks to you both! If I can dig up the link, I'll post it. :)

The hard part is knowing what is true and what isn't anymore!

I know. :( It's a sad, sad thing when you realize that your government and various "charities" are either flat-out lying or are not telling the whole truth.

But there are a few things I do know for sure--

One, I'm not going to get cancer, have a heart attack, or otherwise suffer any injuries by standing next to a smoker in the great outdoors, but even so, they're banning smoking in many outdoor areas now. I'm not going to support that.

Second, I'm also not going to support bans on smoking in restaurants and bars. Personally, I think business owners should make that decision, and people can decide whether to patronize or work at a smoking bar or restaurant. Property rights and freedom of choice. :)

And, no, I'm no longer a smoker.


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Link to the radio station: KCPW | NPR Utah | Salt Lake City News

Just click on the listen link around 7:30am Mountain time or you can navigate to the Schedule link and find the 7:30 news link.

As Jacinda said, the interview went quite well and there was only one real snippit that we were asked to respond to. However I feel we represented both CASAA and the movement quite well. We both could have talked for an hour to touch on all the points we wanted to but just didn't have the chance. Hopefully someone will hear this and want to talk more about it.


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Jan 30, 2009
Des Moines, IA
Tonight on Comedy Central (6 pacific, 9 eastern) is the episode about smoking on South Park. The children run afoul of Rob Reiner (sp?). "It's like... Smoking gives a lot of people a little joy in their lives, and you get to take that away from them. You're my hero!"

I will admit to being a South Park fan. My husband calls is "sophomoric humor." I tell him, "It's biting social commentary." :laugh:

But wherever you stand on South Park, that smoking episode has got to be one of my most favorite ever. For those who won't be able to see it on TV, here's a link where you can watch the episode (".... Out"): .... Out (Season 7, Episode 13) - Episode Guide - South Park Studios


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Bill Godshall called me a cyber bully because I kept asking him a question he refused to answer: Would he support graphic warning labels on any other endeavor that can cause harm to the participant? Looks to me like Michael McFadden has his head screwed on right. I'm a big fan of smoker's rights. And I'm not a smoker (anymore).


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Hey all. The radio interview on KCPW was broadcast at about 7:30 this morning. I was quite impressed that they did not edit the crap out of it to make us sound evil. The only part that I think was cut out was our response to Rep. Ray's final rant to the committee when they didn't approve his bill. There was so much more we wanted to talk about but just didn't have the time during the 5 minute interview.

I've tried to locate the podcast on the site but could not find ours. I've emailed the host for details on where it can be downloaded and will pass this on to you when I have it.


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Aug 21, 2010
Salt Lake, Utah
Here it is:

"Flavored e-cigarettes and other nicotine products aimed at ex-smokers are the target of State Representative Paul Ray, who’s trying to ban them to protect children from getting their hands on them. But two local ex-smokers say the products have changed their lives – and the lives of their children -- for the better."

Ex-Smokers Defend E-Cigarettes After Lawmaker’s Attempted Ban | KCPW


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Aug 3, 2010
Indiana, USA
Here it is:

"Flavored e-cigarettes and other nicotine products aimed at ex-smokers are the target of State Representative Paul Ray, who’s trying to ban them to protect children from getting their hands on them. But two local ex-smokers say the products have changed their lives – and the lives of their children -- for the better."

Ex-Smokers Defend E-Cigarettes After Lawmaker’s Attempted Ban | KCPW

Excellent interview, kudos to both of you on a job well done. :thumbs:
Here it is:

"Flavored e-cigarettes and other nicotine products aimed at ex-smokers are the target of State Representative Paul Ray, who’s trying to ban them to protect children from getting their hands on them. But two local ex-smokers say the products have changed their lives – and the lives of their children -- for the better."

Ex-Smokers Defend E-Cigarettes After Lawmaker’s Attempted Ban | KCPW

Excellent job, Jacinda & Aaron! I am so proud to have people like you representing our cause and helping to spread the truth about tobacco harm reduction in the face of the deceptions and outright lies from pharmaceutical corporate shills. Very nicely done.
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