Morandir835 Appreciation Thread

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How did I miss this thread yesterday? Oh wait, maybe I was in bed already :lol:

Much praise to Morandir. You've not only been helpful, you've managed to be helpful in a way that is encouraging, enlightening, and ridiculously thorough. I appreciate not only your helpful comments, but the accepting manner in which you make them. Thanks Morandir sir.


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
May 29, 2011
SF Bay Area
A HUGE Morandir, sir {{{GROUP HUG}}} and bow....


Idiot Guru
ECF Veteran
Jan 2, 2011
Outside DC
Still blown away by this thread Ithinkbutn2m sir...

It was 8 months ago today my V4L kit arrived, haven't had a single cig since. When I joined ecf 8 days later as soon as possible was posting here. I was very lucky, had a certain individual who's name rhymes with KnowFragon sir take me under his wing and help me in many ways (most of all his friendship). Try to pay it back every day by paying it forward. I'm just thankful you all put up with me and all my psychoticness, and am truly humbled by all the kind words. If I can help just one person avoid analogs, whether it be by sending them a juice they're out of, helping fix their batt or sending them one if mine if their short, etc. then I feel like I've accomplished something. As Snow sir says at the end of all his videos, this family is the greatest family on the ecf. There are so many great people here who have given support in so many ways, whether it be through laughter, a kind word, an encouraging word, etc. That is what makes this forum so special. Smilin sir, Mark sir, Wader sir, Chad sir, Mariano sir, Ms. Audrey, and everyone else who works behind the scenes with V4L, thank you. If not for you, this place (as in this awesome subforum) wouldn't exist.
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