Mixing Regular e-liquids/anxiety issues with e-cigs

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Mar 17, 2012
Sorry for the long post! especially considering the fact that this could be a potentially stupid question!

Basically I'm new to e-cigs and haven't even received my eGo-T yet, but I got a bit excited and ordered a load of different e-liquids to smoke in a few different flavours, problem is the only two strengths I ordered are 18mg and 24 mg, I have a disposable e-cig which is what inspired me to get on the e-cigs in the first place, it has 18mg strength nicotine and I notice that when smoking it I feel the effects of the nicotine a LOT more than when I'm smoking a cigarette, I'm on about 20 roll-ups a day so I thought 18mg would be a good amount to start with and I bought the 24mg because I plan to switch exclusively to vaping but wanted a stronger nicotine amount just incase I started to get some real bad cravings.

The thing is I sometimes get what I would call mild anxiety attacks, racing heartbeat, tingling in my arms and the top of my head and a general feeling of being unwell and very on edge, though I've become much better at controlling them, and my generalised anxiety, I still get them occasionally with certain cigarettes, (especially the first cigarette I smoke after waking up from a night of heavy drinking), but it seems when I vape this 18mg disposable cigarette I start to get those familiar feelings of one of these anxiety 'attack's coming in, guessing im more sensitive to the pure nicotine in e-cigs than I am the nicotine found in tobacco smoke, anyway enough of my life story, basically I'm looking to switch to vaping and put cigarettes aside once and for all and think it'd be a real shame if I couldn't do that because the nicotine from e-liquids trigger these mini attacks, so I was wondering, if I were to buy a 0mg e-liquid, could I mix it my 24mg/18mg e-liquids so I end up with 12mg/9mg amounts just incase the 24 and 12mg end up triggering these attacks

Like I said I'm a total noob to all this, wasn't sure if only the special DIY liquid can be effectively mixed or if any e-liquids can to give a lower nicotine concentration, thanks for any help! Also if anyone has any experience with generalised anxiety and vaping that would be a big help!


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Jan 15, 2011
You could purchase some VG and add it to your juice. Even some distilled water will lower the nicotine strength. It will reduce flavor somewhat but if you don't add too much it shouldn't be a problem. Just make sure it's food grade.

If lowering the nicotine strength doesn't help, you could consider looking into different types of juice with different vg/pg ratios.



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Full Member
Mar 17, 2012
You could purchase some VG and add it to your juice. Even some distilled water will lower the nicotine strength. It will reduce flavor somewhat but if you don't add too much it shouldn't be a problem. Just make sure it's food grade.

If lowering the nicotine strength doesn't help, you could consider looking into different types of juice with different vg/pg ratios.

thanks for the reply, yeah I've ordered juices that are VG, PG and 50/50 just incase it's the PG causing me to get these feelings, for some reason I got different ratio's but not different nicotine strengths which probably would have been a smarter idea! So you think it should be no problem diluting the 18mg with 0mg in order to get 9mg? I was a little worried that maybe they wouldn't mix at the nicotine wouldn't fully spread in the bottle


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Jan 15, 2011
thanks for the reply, yeah I've ordered juices that are VG, PG and 50/50 just incase it's the PG causing me to get these feelings, for some reason I got different ratio's but not different nicotine strengths which probably would have been a smarter idea! So you think it should be no problem diluting the 18mg with 0mg in order to get 9mg? I was a little worried that maybe they wouldn't mix at the nicotine wouldn't fully spread in the bottle

That's an excellent idea. Then you'll find the right nic strength for you.


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Jan 22, 2010
That's what I was gonna suggest you do (mix same flavors with lower or zero nic, that way you don't ruin the flavor). What you describe are definitely mild nicotine overdose symptoms - it's a really nasty feeling. My daughter vapes 12mg and on my 18mg juice gets all woogie like that. I got it when I tried 24, ugh. I think you're going to be fine with the mix-down.


Full Member
Mar 17, 2012
That's what I was gonna suggest you do (mix same flavors with lower or zero nic, that way you don't ruin the flavor). What you describe are definitely mild nicotine overdose symptoms - it's a really nasty feeling. My daughter vapes 12mg and on my 18mg juice gets all woogie like that. I got it when I tried 24, ugh. I think you're going to be fine with the mix-down.

Yeah sweet man I think thats the way forward for me, however I just had a couple of good hard vapes on the disposable e-cig and felt absolutely no problems at all! Just got a nice nicotine fix and had a relaxing vape

Thing is because this disposable e-cig doesnt produce much vapour I think what I ended up doing when I was first trying it out was taking huge, repeated draws over and over again, and obviously if you did that with a cigarette too it would cause the same symptoms! Think I was just being a little stupid with it before, this time I just smoked it as I would a normal cigarette and seemed to experience no problems, probably cos I was taking controlled draws with a couple seconds between my body was getting a chance to process the nicotine in a controlled manner, rather than having it completely flood my brain!

I'm going to test out the 18mg when I get it and see how it goes, if I smoke it normally and feel fine then I'll leave it as it is, if I smoke it normally and experience any anxiety symptoms I'll just dilute with some 0mg juice!

Also quick question, could anyone recommend a flavour that would go with any juice? I bought my e-liquid from 3 different places and it cost me £30 and I don't really fancy going through the hassle and money of doing that all again if I could just buy one 0mg e-liquid and dilute all my juice with that! Unfortunately I'm not a big fan of menthol as that would seem the most logical choice, although I do appreciate tobacco so maybe add some tobacco juice to all the liquids?

Thanks for the help/replies guys!


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Dec 27, 2010
Also quick question, could anyone recommend a flavour that would go with any juice? I bought my e-liquid from 3 different places and it cost me £30 and I don't really fancy going through the hassle and money of doing that all again if I could just buy one 0mg e-liquid and dilute all my juice with that! Unfortunately I'm not a big fan of menthol as that would seem the most logical choice, although I do appreciate tobacco so maybe add some tobacco juice to all the liquids?

Thanks for the help/replies guys!

I really love Highbrow's Vanilla Bourbon Bean - if you're a fan of vanilla, it's a pretty safe bet that you can use it in 0mg to dilute any tobacco or even fruit or dessert flavor.

That might be a safer bet than a tobacco flavor, as all of them may not mix well with one tobacco flavor in particular - using something like vanilla will still keep the tobacco taste of whatever you have, and just add a vanilla on top of it.


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Dec 27, 2011
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Also quick question, could anyone recommend a flavour that would go with any juice? I bought my e-liquid from 3 different places and it cost me £30 and I don't really fancy going through the hassle and money of doing that all again if I could just buy one 0mg e-liquid and dilute all my juice with that! Unfortunately I'm not a big fan of menthol as that would seem the most logical choice, although I do appreciate tobacco so maybe add some tobacco juice to all the liquids?

Thanks for the help/replies guys!
Well, you could use straight PG or VG which has no nic to begin with or if flavor is an issue you can buy the same flavor but in 0mg nic strength and mix same flavors together to lower nic level. Thats the reason I like fruit flavors mostly because they all seems to mix and blend well together. no need to clean between flavor changes just refill new flavor and vape away.
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