Missouri SB841 - Minor Sales Ban - UPDATE 9/11/14

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Wandering life's highway
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Aug 11, 2011
Call to Action! Missouri Vapers, Ask Governor Nixon to Sign SB 841, Common-sense Ban on Sales to Minors

We need Missouri vapers to immediately contact Governor Jay Nixon’s office and ask him to sign Senate Bill 841.

After the Missouri Legislature overwhelmingly passed Senate Bill 841, we need you to contact Governor Jay Nixon to encourage him to sign this important legislation that will (1) prohibit minors from purchasing vapor products (e-cigarettes) and (2) clarify that vapor products are not subject to the same taxation or regulation as combustible cigarettes.

CASAA supports Senate Bill 841 and has worked to achieve passage of this common-sense regulation in the Missouri House and Senate. Senate Bill 841 passed the Senate by a vote of 27-4, with 20 of the 22 voting Republicans supporting this Bill and 7 of the 9 voting Democrats supporting this Bill. Senate Bill 841 passed the House by a vote of 127-19, with 96 of the 102 voting Republicans supporting this Bill and 31 of the 44 voting Democrats supporting this Bill.

Your story must be heard so that Governor Nixon supports this important legislation that was passed by your democratically elected representatives.

Governor Nixon is undoubtedly subject to pressure from “public health” organizations that inexplicably oppose these potentially lifesaving products. But we cannot allow this misinformation campaign to overshadow our true success stories and the work of our Legislature.

We need your support to make sure that Governor Nixon understands the importance of supporting this legislation.

See CASAA CTA here for helpful tips and suggestions on contacting the governor using the new CQ program, as well as telephone numbers, etc.: CASAA: Call to Action! Missouri Vapers, Ask Governor Nixon to Sign SB 841, Common-Sense Ban on Sales to Minors

Bill Godshall

Executive Director<br/> Smokefree Pennsylvania
ECF Veteran
Apr 2, 2009
The MO House and Senate should be urged to override Nixon's veto.

Nixon's veto statement repeats false claims by Big Pharma funded CTFK, ACS, AHA, ALA claiming that the bill “exempts” e-cigs from tobacco taxation and regulation, falsely claims bill would “contravene” proposed FDA regulation.

Jay Nixon's veto message even asserts Big Pharma's NRT products should (along with e-cigs) be taxed and regulated as tobacco products in MO.

First, Missouri law should not limit the regulation of products derived from tobacco that contain a highly addictive chemical and carcinogenic, noxious chemicals.

Bill Godshall

Executive Director<br/> Smokefree Pennsylvania
ECF Veteran
Apr 2, 2009
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Ultra Member
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Jan 27, 2010
Kansas City, Missouri
Gov. Jay Nixon is a liar:

“This bill appears to be nothing more than a thinly disguised and cynical attempt to exempt e-cigarettes from taxes and regulations protecting public health,” Nixon says in a news statement. “The FDA is already moving forward to ban the sale of these products to minors. Until more is known about the health effects of these products, letting tobacco companies off the hook with special loopholes would pose a real threat to Missourians’ health now and in the future.”


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Apr 17, 2014
MO, USA, Earth
An override requires 2/3rds vote from both houses, which would be met if the votes went the same way as the original passing, who knows if that will happen though
Funny he acts like he is trying to protect us against tobacco companies while wanting to keep tobacco taxes low and hindering tobacco alternatives

With another veto Monday of legislation that would have barred minors from buying electronic cigarettes while also restricting further regulation, Nixon has rejected 33 bills approved by lawmakers this year, the most in one year since he took office in 2009 and among the most ever by a Missouri governor in a 12-month span.
Missouri Governor Vetoes Teacher Gun Legislation - ABC News
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Ultra Member
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Jan 27, 2010
Kansas City, Missouri

I commented as follows:

You would think that the American Cancer Society would support legislation to ban e-cigarettes sales to minors if, as they claim, "it's unclear whether they're safe." But they don't actually believe they're dangerous. Rather, they are motivated by misdirected morality, ideology and the funding they get from big pharmaceutical companies that market relatively ineffective but highly profitable smoking cessation products and devices such as nicotine inhalers, chewing gum, patches, Chantix, Wellbutrin, and the like. Thus, their goal is to demonize e-cigarettes and the people who sell and use them, and what better way than to preserve their favorite mantra, "It's all about the chiiiildren!"

For more information: Why do the American Cancer Society et al. oppose regulations to prevent kids from using e-cigarettes? | Anti-THR Lies and related topics

Krashman Von Stinkputin

Super Member
ECF Veteran
Dec 31, 2013
Thanks for posting this.

Our illustrious Missouri (BTW it IS Missour-EEE not Missour-Uuuuuh) Gov Jay Nixon (yeah, the same Gov that "managed" the Ferguson event) has clearly demonstrated governments true colors by vetoing a proposed LAW that would:

1) PROHIBIT SALE OF ECIGS TO MINORS! (Isn't that what they're trying to do--"protect the children"????)

Maybe it has something to do with the second thing this law would do:

2) clarify that ecigs are not subject to the same TAXATION or REGULATIONas combustible cigarettes.

So clearly to Jay Nixon it's more important to protect:

than it is to

I'll definitely be contacting my legislators.....just as soon as I clean up my vomit.

Of the 32 State Senators who voted on the bill...

ONLY 4 voted against it (1 Abstained or was absent) meaning there is a very good chance the Senate CAN override this veto and send it back to the MO House.

Time for all those new vape shop owners (read small business owners and employers) reach out to their House Reps and tell them how they're contributing to the economy .
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