Missiissippi legislation (HB 892) would ban smoking and e-cigarette use in all public places

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Bill Godshall

Executive Director<br/> Smokefree Pennsylvania
ECF Veteran
Apr 2, 2009

Bill Godshall

Executive Director<br/> Smokefree Pennsylvania
ECF Veteran
Apr 2, 2009
TennDave wrote

Yeah, we need a National Campaign that we VAPERS are SICK and TIRED of the DISCRIMINATION!!!

We've been running a highly successful nationwide campaign ever since 2009 when the FDA first banned e-cigaretter imports, and when several e-cigarettes sales and usage ban bills were introduced at the state and local levels.

Please note that MS, AL and KY have yet to enact statewide smokefree workplace laws. The inclusion of e-cigarettes in these bills will make even more difficult for supporters to get the bills enacted into law (unless/until the e-cigarette provision is removed).


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Nov 18, 2008
Rochester, NY
vape-addict, go to the link Jacinda222 put up just above your post. The Call to Action, besides giving you the names, email addresses, and phone numbers of who to contact, includes seven "talking points" giving you exactly what to say.

Some of the paragraphs can be only minimally changed and used almost verbatim in your letter. For example, paragraph 3 starts out with "Explain how electronic cigarette use is easy to distinguish from actual smoking. ...." All you have to do is take out that "Explain how", and the rest of the paragraph is one of your paragraphs. You can easily modify and use all the seven talking points to contruct your letter. To wit - for paragraph 4 just take out the "Let them know that", and the rest is another paragraph you can use.

I hope you see how easy it would be for you to construct a personalized letter using the talking points provided for you. The only part you really need to write yourself is your personal story, as called for in paragraph 2 of the talking points - how long you smoked, if you've stopped completely after switching to e-cigs, how that has affected your health, etc, etc.

Go for it!


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Mar 28, 2011
Here's what I sent in:


Im am a resident of City, MS (X County).

A personal vaporizer has helped me to quit smoking. After decades of trying a number of expensive programs and pharmaceutical products, not a single one could get me to stop smoking upwards of 2 packs per day. Since trying a personal vaporizer I have been smoke free for nearly a full year!

Not only has my health improved, so have my finances! The electronic cigarette has saved me thousands of dollars. The PV and associated gear is far more reasonable on the family budget than smoking, gum, patches, or prescribed inhalers. Damages to health and property induced from smoking are now virtually ZERO. Risk to burning self, others, or property is also reduced to near zero.

In addition to improved health and finances, my professional and social life has improved. Since these devices DO NOT emit any type of SMOKE, my home, clothing, and property is free of the toxins associated with smoking. They are clearly NOT SMOKING, so it makes no sense to lump them in with smoking. Unlike smoking, Unless you see me using it, you'd never know I use one!

In the least, these devices need to be handled separately from smoking. There is NO smoke! The liquids on the market for these devices only contain FDA approved ingredients. There is NO SMOKE...only water vapor!

There is not a single study that has come anywhere close to proving these devices are harmful to users, or bystanders. NOT ONE!

Before voting to ban something as smoking that clearly is NOT smoking, please insist upon a demonstration of the device. Next, go into a room with a smoker. Think twice before banning this potentially life saving device.

In regard to pending MS legislation (HB892 & SB2713);
Please remove [paragraph (o) for HB, paragraph (p) for SB] of Section 2 because it grossly misrepresents the findings of FDA's laboratory test, which confirmed that e-cigarettes don't emit any tobacco smoke and contain nontoxic constituents, with similar trace levels of nitrosamines as found in nicotine gums and patches, and far lower levels than most smokeless tobacco products (none of whose usage would be banned by the proposal).

Please amend:
Section 3, definition of "Smoking" to replace the last sentence of the definition with this text, "The term does not include the use of an e-cigarette or any other type of smoke-free product."



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Dec 10, 2011
United States
I followed the link, but it does not work. I did link to the CASAA call to action link that I received in my email, BUT the What to say: [Read More] link does not work at all.

It seems that very few Mississippians want to "get involved." I know plenty of my fellow Mississippians vape, but I also know that they just want to be "left alone," translation: I don't want to stir up trouble. I have seen it time and time again around here. I have no idea why the people here are largely afraid to speak out, but they are.

I want to help. I am sick and tired of legislators trying to legislate every aspect of my life. As far as I am concerned banning vaping is synonymous with committing premeditated murder. I know that vaping saved my life, and I am NOT going to let any uninformed politicians take that away from me.


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Mar 28, 2011
Last week, Mississippi legislation (H 892, H 893, H 1003, S 2713 & S 2873) all died in committee. The bills would have banned smoking and e-cigarette use in all public places.

Great news! My local rep promised to ask for the amendments to exclude vaporizers. Sounds like he kept his promise ;)

I was on the University Medical Center campus this past weekend and their signs all prohibit ALL TOBACCO PRODUCTS. I didn't test it by trying to vape on campus. Not sure how these resolutions will effect those policies.


Vaping Master
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Jul 23, 2009
Green Lane, Pa
Great news! My local rep promised to ask for the amendments to exclude vaporizers. Sounds like he kept his promise ;)

I was on the University Medical Center campus this past weekend and their signs all prohibit ALL TOBACCO PRODUCTS. I didn't test it by trying to vape on campus. Not sure how these resolutions will effect those policies.

I was at our community hospital which has a no smoking on campus policy. I found three things interesting. First, I can vape totally stealth with a variable voltage device without any sign of vapor production. Second, a lot of people don't pay attention to the no smoking signs in front of the emergency room doors. Finally, you can really get some nasty looks from smokers if you just do one of those fake coughs we all know so well.

I just couldn't resist as I went out to vape (actually to get away from my mother for a few moments). After the looks, I just laughed and told them I wanted to see their reaction. We all got a laugh about it and got into a conversation about e cigs.


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Dec 10, 2011
United States
I also had a couple of representatives who promised to to argue for that same exclusion. However, we live in a very conservative state in which many people reside who enjoy nothing more than minding other people's business and telling them what to do. We need to be vigilant if we don't want this type of legislation passed here in our state.

@credo and rothenbj - PLEASE don't press your luck. I am a registered nurse. If anyone happens to push the issue in a hospital, you can believe that we will be looking at new legislation being introduced. Most hospital administrators tend to lack a sense of humor, particularly where "rule breaking" is concerned. Trust me, they will NOT see the distinction between vaping and smoking.

While each of us knows the true value of vaping regarding our health, we seriously need some PEER REVIEWED studies to help us make our case. Without such studies, it is not difficult at all to shoot down any arguments we can make regarding vaping. The first such study needs to show exactly what is exhaled when we vape in order to dispel the fear that our vapor can damage someone else. (Of course, we know that it is many, many times safer than second-hand smoke, BUT that is truly like saying it is "safer than being bitten by a rattlesnake" when it is said to a non-smoker.)


ECF Guru
ECF Veteran
Aug 16, 2009
CASAA - Wisconsin
we seriously need some PEER REVIEWED studies to help us make our case. Without such studies, it is not difficult at all to shoot down any arguments we can make regarding vaping. The first such study needs to show exactly what is exhaled when we vape in order to dispel the fear that our vapor can damage someone else. (Of course, we know that it is many, many times safer than second-hand smoke, BUT that is truly like saying it is "safer than being bitten by a rattlesnake" when it is said to a non-smoker.)

Agreed. Unfortunately, all of the respected researchers who study smoking, tobacco and nicotine addiction are either ANTZ, influenced by ANTZ beliefs or are funded by ANTZ or other groups funded by BP and are essentially under orders not to find anything positive about tobacco harm reduction. They must tow the ANTZ mission of "quit or die" or face losing their funding or even their jobs. If studies are commissioned by any e-cigarette company, they would have great difficulty getting peer-reviewed and even if they did they'd be dismissed as being questionable due to who paid for the study (even though all of BP's drug studies are funded by BP and then submitted to the FDA.) I believe the only e-cigarette studies that will ever see the light of day (in the near future) and be considered "acceptable" by those in power are those which are critical of the products and would help the ANTZ agenda.

The only hope we have is to stave off the attacks with common sense appeals, overwhelming anecdotal testimonies (which are considered "scientific" and not "anecdotal" so long as they are in a report by an accredited researcher, even though it's identical) and long enough for them to help enough people that banning them would be nearly impossible. Once they are finally convinced they will not be able to get rid of them and it's obvious no one is falling dead from anti-freeze poisoning and people are getting healthier, then we'll finally start seeing genuine research.

Bill Godshall

Executive Director<br/> Smokefree Pennsylvania
ECF Veteran
Apr 2, 2009
voiceinthecosmos wrote
While each of us knows the true value of vaping regarding our health, we seriously need some PEER REVIEWED studies to help us make our case.

About two dozen peer reviewed studies have already been published, and many more are coming down the pipeline.

Many of these studies have been posted on ECF, and all have been discussed on ECF.
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