Mechanical Switch V1 has arrived =:D

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Super Member
ECF Veteran
May 14, 2009
Muskego, WI
Got my 3 switches yesterday, and after a little time to figure out which switch was the 5v and which was the 3.7, have both Prodigies and the Protege now purring for me. And I'm purring every time I use them.

The current flow with these switches really makes a difference, well worth the cost. Just when you figure Steve's products couldn't get any better he out does himself. Can't stop smiling!:D


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Mar 27, 2009
Bay Area, Ca
The current flow with these switches really makes a difference, well worth the cost. Just when you figure Steve's products couldn't get any better he out does himself. Can't stop smiling!:D

Happy, Happy, Happy, clap, clap, clap (like the song I use to sing to my kids).
These switches are the bomb, the vape amazing, yeah Amen and have mercy, LOL, It doesn't get any better than this:thumbs:.
Thanks Steve
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