me and the minnesota state fair

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Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Jul 31, 2013
saint paul,mn,usa
on 8-29-13 me and the better half went to the fair.

the new no smoking policy came into effect this year.
smoking in designated areas only.
ecigs were ok though unless a vendor had a policy.
(indoor eating for one)

only seen one person smoking an analog and no one vaping.
i never did come across any of the 18 designated smoking areas.

the final figures are not in yet,but for the first 8 days attendance was down 20%.
granted it was hot.mid 90's with 60-70% humility.(not a typo:))
the local news and the fair officials said the heat was the reason for the decline.

according to estimates between 20-30% of adult minnesotans are smokers.
i'm wondering if in part non-participation by smokers could have
any part to play.
we'll never know because the media would'nt dare to report it.
having worked part time in the bar restaurant bizz fo 20 years i've seen first hand
how the no-smoking band reeked havok on the industry.
gross revenues down 30-40%,lay offs,1/4 of your mom and pop bars closed.
even some of the bigger ones.
media and government rigging the numbers to make it appear it was'nt that bad.
we'll find out next year when the complete ban kicks in.

get back to you next year.


Ultra Member
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Mar 14, 2011
We didn't go partly because my husband still smokes, but our adult children (non-smokers) went a week ago. They said they saw MANY vapers, and many were using "large, cool looking devices". I went to my supplies and pulled out a Vamo with a tank and said "Like this"? They said "Yes, like that". They did see a few people smoking, though not in the designated areas.

So yes, for us, the new smoking policy played a role in our decision to not go this year.
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