Madvapes have anything 'light'?

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Full Member
May 15, 2010
I decided to post this here because my grand mother seems to trust this site after a bad experience with another vendor (that I've never heard of and isn't mentioned on these forums).

Last night my grandmother had me assemble and instruct her on how to put together and use a 510 mega battery kit she just got from madvapes. She finally made the switch to e-cigs after I did a lot of lobbying and after her surgery where the doctor said using nicotine at this point would cause her serious and/or lethal harm. So she took a few puffs off of her new e-cig (carto filled with Topvapor cola 24mg) and began coughing really deeply and hard.

It looked like a virgins first hit off of a joint. Keep in mind, this was just a standard Joye 510 mega battery with a regular cartomizer. No one else I've let try my Hello 016 with a LR atty has had such a negative physical reaction, in fact they all seem to enjoy it. So my question is two fold.

a) Some spearmint 0mg is on the way from Madvapes, would the lack of nicotine make the e-cig less harsh upon inhaling into the lungs?

b) Is there anything on Madvapes that you would consider a 'light' vaping experience? juice, certain attyies, cartos, anything? Vapor production, I imagine, is more important than TH.

Any help would be appreciated. My grandmother seems to enjoy these and wants to use these to mimic the physical sensation of smoking (so she stays away from the real stuff) but I'm worried she'll become discouraged.


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Anything with no nicotine will have little or no TH. That should help her both ways. She will need to understand that it is NOT smoking, and nothing will replicate it 100%.You will just have to remind her, that she can do this and it could very well save her life if she is willing to adapt just a little bit. With no nicotine there WILL be some withdraw, and it takes a strong person to just drop it with no stepping down. I wish you both the best of luck, and if there is anything I can do to help just PM me.


Unregistered Supplier
ECF Veteran
Aug 1, 2009
Charlotte, NC
In addition to what jc said there are a lot of variables from the smoothness of the liquid, heat of the atomizer, nicotine content and the usage.

My wife is a 1.5 pack a day smoker and I'll let her try new flavors sometimes and she coughs everytime she tries it. But in watching her usage, she'd take a huge long drag and inhale it deeply into her lungs, just like a cig smoker would. Shorter less deep drags have helped her to not cough when she tries a flavor now. Even with an arsenal of e-cig supplies at her disposal, she still refuses to switch :(

just my opinion but I think there is a definite learning curve when going from vaping to smoking and although smoking and vaping are similar in nature the body feels it differently at times.

Cola seems to be one of the bigger throat hit producing flavors due to the bubble like feeling so possibly trying a lighter flavors like honeydew or banana and taking smaller shorter drags to start off will make the transition easier.

I find that although nicotine content does affect throat hit somewhat, the flavor and pg content have a lot to do with it and too low of a nic content will still leave the urge to smoke.

It willl take a little bit of time to find the right combo that makes an e-cig satisfactory enough that you don't want analogs anymore.

On a side note, my mom who is 78 and has smoked for over 60 years does the same thing. She puffs .... after .... and has a 'normal' smokers cough but still refuses to switch to an e-cig because 'it's different' and makes her cough despite varying flavors and even going to no nic.

Sometimes a different atomizer may be beneficial also. With 510's being the vapor beast that they are, sometimes a 901 may be a little less harsh, a bit more flavorful and more tolerable. Not need to scrap the 510 though, just get an adapter and use the 510 batts with a 901 atty.

hope there's some useful info in there somewhere.

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Vaping Master
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Apr 13, 2010
Capitol District New York
I second the suggestion to move to a 'lighter' atomizer. The 901 or even a penstyle (801). The 901 is less TH and more flavor. The penstyle is even less TH more flavor and very cool vapor. If you go penstyle I've had the best luck (worked great for me) with Boge112 (BE112) atomizers vs the Salebo DSE801 or Joye302 which gave me nothing but problems with not wicking at all. You can get 510->901 or 510->801 adapters.

Another possibility for a really light vape is to try a HV atomizer on a regular 3.7V battery.

A third possibility although its another supplier here is nHaler's "lung juice" line. Supposedly made with herbs that promote health. Tastes decent, lighter on taste and TH and only comes in low nic (6 and 12 I believe).


Full Member
May 15, 2010
Sorry for the late response.

I appreciate the helpfulness and advice. Really trying to make this work for her and like I said, I'm worried she may get discouraged (even though she 'seems' to retain an interest). I'll wait to hear what she has to say about the 0mg juice (I assume she got it by now), and if that doesn't do the trick I'll see about getting her hooked up with a 901/801 setup. We'll see what happens from there.

Thanks again guys, I really appreciate it!
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