Lung hit but no throat hit?

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Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Jul 15, 2009
I used to have an automatic DSE 901 but I lost it when we moved. I was able to get decent throat hit by direct dripping but it really wasn't enough for me.

I recently bought a manual Joye 510. I charged the batteries up, put some drops on the atomizer, and puffed on it a bit. I am direct dripping on this one as well but I get absolutely ZERO throat hit. I'm getting lung hit but I don't like that. It makes me feel like I might cough. I've tried both batteries and both atomizers that came with the starter kit.

I'm currently using the Johnson Creek sample pack (18mg) as juice. I also have some cartridges that I tried that came with the 510 (Marlboro High). Same result.

Am I doing something wrong? Is this how the 510 is supposed to work?
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