RDA Low ohm or high wattage?

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Jul 20, 2014
New Zealand
Easy answer is better airflow - look at the Doge X, Mutation X, those kinda RDAs that have massive airflow. The Tugboat isn't really a cloud chaser unless you want to start drilling holes in the side - I know people do that frequently with the Patriot, which is a similar airflow design.

Lowering the ohms and pumping up the wattage won't get around the problem of heat - what you could try is spaced coils. When your airflow is getting right in and around the coil instead of just moving over the outside of a compressed coil, it'll make a noticeable difference.


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Jul 20, 2014
New Zealand
At a glance I'd say the Anarchist cap will help - never used it, but it looks to have a heap more airflow than the standard Tugboat. Here's a pic from Google, try an image search for "RDA spaced coil" for more:


I personally don't find much different in flavor or vapor production between spaced and compressed. But for cutting down heat, spaced will give you a tangible decrease. You might want to post in the Cloud Chasers section to get more guidance on cloud builds. It's worth noting that there is a lot of personal inhale technique to blowing clouds. A build only gets you so far.


Full Member
May 2, 2015
Austin, TX
I'm not sure but I think I found what was reducing the amount of vapor. I was basically putting too much cotton into my coils and they were blocking some of the airflow.

I also opened up my throat to pull in a deeper drag and I've been shaking up my juice.

Either way I might give nichrome a try And I'm going to keep experimenting.

Also debating picking up a mutation x lol.

Thanks for the suggestions guys.
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