Love this forum!

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Full Member
Jun 10, 2011
Mentor, OH
Hey all,

I joined the forum back in June but have just been lurking/information gathering for the last few months so I figured I would finally break the seal and throw up a post to get started. I started vaping about 15 months ago to quit smoking. I wasn't a heavy smoker (1-3 a day) but I hated everything associated with it. Along comes e-cigarettes. I've always been a gadget guy so this was right up my alley. NEW TOYS! Well I started out with GreenSmoke as (at the time) they seemed to be rated highly. But soon their selection of flavors forced me move on to blank cartomizers. I then moved on to Totally Wicked and the tornado. Then for some reason I just quit everything and threw away all of my stuff (it was an impulse decision at the time). When I got back into vaping I started fresh with Vapor4Life and their 808 stick cigs and blank cartomizers. I then moved to blank cartomizers and started buying juice from Vermillion River (based on recommendations on this forum). It still remains my favorite juice after trying Halo, SweetVapes and a few others. No one can touch their Fresh Mint, IMO. Recently I got some manual 510 batteries and have been experimenting with the clearomizers/fluxomizers and the sapphire hybrid tanks from GotVapes with good results. Today I made a big leap forward and purchased a ProVari as well as a Liquinator. I want to try a MAP tank as well but they are never in stock. I've never been a fan of dripping. I just wanted to say that the information I have read on this site has been extremely valuable to me in making various purchasing decisions as well as giving me new vendors for juice to try. Again, I will say that if you like a mint-based juice I have not found anything close to Vermillion River. That's it for now! Thanks again.
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