Loranns flavors with no flavor

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Ez Duzit

Super Member
ECF Veteran
Aug 16, 2009
Southern California
I'm getting really disgusted and very annoyed with these crappy weak ... Loranns flavors.
Up to now I've only been cutting double strength flavors, and also mixing together premade flavors, but I decided to finally try using the Loranns and making juice from scratch.
I bought them new about a few months ago, so I don't think they're old. Used my 401 atty so I can really taste the flavor, and I start some basic mixing with horrible results.

Raspberry - Smells delicious but no dam flavor at all. Start out with 10 drops in 2ml nic juice. NO FLAVOR AT ALL. Add 5 more, and still no flavor. Add another 5 and barely any flavor. Getting annoyed so I add another 10 drops flavor and a bit of VG since it's now as thin as water, but still barely any flavor. Now, I'm getting really ...... off, so I put 2 drops of pure flavoring on the atty and I get a mild raspberry taste. This is pure flavoring and it still doesn't have as much flavor as some raspberry juice I've had in the past.

Same exact thing with Mint Choc Chip. Tried to make 2ml and started off with a 15% flavoring mix using Dans ejuice calculator. Wound up adding more, a few drops at a time, until over 1/3 of the Loranns dram bottle was used, and it was still horribly weak. So getting frustrated again, I dripped 2 drops of pure loranns Mint choc chip on the atty, and finally the flavor was half way decent, but still a bit weak. I let another person try it (2 drops pure flavoring) and he agreed, it was ok. But I have to use pure flavoring to get that taste. What is going on?

Same thing with the Loranns Chocolate flavor except even worse (bought at the same time as the mint choc chip). Tried to mix some with 1ml of unflavored nic juice and again, no flavor. Doesn't matter how much, or how little I mixed in. Finally dripped 2 drops pure flavoring on the atty, and STILL BARELY any flavor. What the heck is going on? Their flavor can't possibly be that weak or no-one would buy them. Someone please enlighten me.

Now the Raspberry flavor had been repackaged into a vial, but I know it wasn't diluted, because it was from DIYFlavorshack, and I trust Dawn implicitly.

The Mint Choc Chip, and Chocolate flavors were from another supplier, and were in heat shrink sealed LorAnns dram bottles.

So either LorAnns flavors totally suck, or something is terribly wrong.
Anyone have any ideas, because I was really looking forward to mixing my own from scratch, and to say I'm disappointed is a huge understatement. :mad::confused::confused:
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Ez Duzit

Super Member
ECF Veteran
Aug 16, 2009
Southern California
I know a lot of folks here have great success with Loranns and thats why I can't figure out what the hell is going on. Totally frustrated right now.

Edit- Vaping pure flavoring should have some kind of strong flavoring, right? Even if it's bitter, or unpleasant, it should be really strong, shouldn't it? Not weak, like the pure flavoring I vaped was.
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Aug 18, 2009
Maryland, USA
I agree with Scottes. I found the Loranns Raspberry to be particularly strong. Just a couple drops in a 3ml container gave me huge flavor (I used Johnson Creek Original as the base). Others have cautioned using too much flavor as it has a tendency to lower the taste level, rather than increase it. Lorann's cherry behaves similarly to the raspberry. A couple drops (this time to unflavored base) to 3ml does me fine.


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Oct 22, 2009
New York City
I've done a little reading on the nature of natural and artificial flavors and, at least in the case of artificial flavors made in a lab, the smell is the only really useful component of flavor available.

It would appear that the taste of a food is given by the taste buds on the tongue and by the olfactory receptors in the nose. The chemicals that convey taste to the taste buds are apparently disgusting when isolated so flavorists use the olfactory components which don't' have to have the precise balances between flavors that give food its flavor.

It might be that 'too much of a good thing' drowns the flavor when you use too much of a concentrate as others have suggested, but it might be that your way of vaping excludes the nose and thus negates the flavor.

Try the French inhale (into the mouth and then out of the mouth and inhaled by the nose) and see if anything happens.

The 'less-is-more' idea also seems interesting. I have all my stuff in front of me now and I think I'll put up a test sample. Thanks to those who contributed it.

Ez Duzit

Super Member
ECF Veteran
Aug 16, 2009
Southern California
Well, I found out that both the Raspberry, and the Mint Choc Chip are extremely weak flavors. And the LorAnns chocolate needs to be mixed with something else to get the proper chocolate flavor. This comes from a source with more knowledge and mixing experience, then most of us could ever hope to acquire. And since they are a very well respected juice supplier, I take what they say as gospel.

Just my luck, but in my first attempt at mixing juice from scratch, all the flavors I used just happen to be very weak. After finding this out I mixed some Raspberry with 35% flavoring, and Mint choc chip using about 30%. Both were much closer to what was expected, but still need a little tweaking.

Something else I realize now, is that smell actually has less to do with flavor potency, (with regard to vaping), then one might think. Each of the LorAnns flavors I used had a pretty strong scent, and when mixed the first time around, the flavored juice also had a strong aroma of what it was supposed to taste like. But the actual flavor when vaped, was almost nonexistent. So a flavoring with a powerful aroma, does not necessarily equate to a strong taste, after being mixed.

I guess DIY mixing has it's own learning curve, and I'm just venturing down that road.

Brewster 59

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ECF Veteran
Oct 22, 2009
North Bay San Francisco
Well either I got lucky, or your taste buds are dead. I really think you guys put in to much flavoring. To much overwhelms the batch and smoking loranns straight will give a bitter taste. All I know is I followed the advise I read on here and on my first attempt I made some coffee and english toffee mix that is screaming.
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