looking to move up: difference between competition mods and average mechmods

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Full Member
Dec 2, 2014
Miami, FL, USA
I've been vaping with a vaporshark variable battery and their glass tank atomizer for a couple months, and about 6-8 weeks ago finally got myself a mech mod and RDA. My new set up is a clone though, and was looking to step it up to an authentic mod and RDA.

I was looking at some and came across a bunch, as well as some competition mods?

What is the purpose of competition mods and what would the benefits be?

What are some reasonably priced competition mods?

I don't smoke and I've never smoked cigarettes but I love vaping and I'm definitely looking for big clouds :D


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Apr 9, 2014
USA. State: Inebriated.
Competition is merely a title. Anyone can claim their mods are competition mod/devices, it's really an arbitrary load of crap.

The Manhattan is probably the one you're referencing, which claimed it was a competition mod because it touted "NO VOLTAGE DROP" and stuff like that. "No voltage drop" is simply impossible with anything electrical. Additionally, the Manhattan is dumb as a "competition mod" because it has no venting. If a battery were to vent (as it may, if you're in a competition going super-low sub ohm), the gasses would have nowhere to escape, which would GUARANTEE a catastrophic situation (pipebomb mod essentially). That said, there's even evidence that no amount of venting would prevent a battery from rupturing, there is an immense amount of pressure released when a battery vents and no little airholes are going to be enough to stop the mod from expanding.

Additionally, there's the Competition Doge RDA (I own one), which states that it's for competitions in the title, but really it's just as much an RDA as any other. I don't vape "competitively" (god what a dumb thing to do) and I use the Doge for my all day vape all the time!

So really, competition is just a dumb title people append to their things to imply you'll be able to blow bigger clouds with it. There is no truth in this, and there are plenty of non-"competition" mods that would DESTROY a "competition" mod in a cloud contest.


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Apr 9, 2014
USA. State: Inebriated.
Okay cool, so really what I should be looking for is a mod with low voltage drop, right?

Well, yes? There is no such thing as a mod with "no" voltage drop, although some mods are lower than others. The only noticeable voltage drop I've ever experienced was with a Panzer Blackhawk clone, and that thing was getting INSANE voltage drop. The same battery, the same atomizer, and little to no clouds. Additionally, the body of the mod got hot, meaning that somewhere there was a short, and I was losing voltage to the actual body of the mod.

Are you looking to go into the "competitive" side of vaping (ugh)?


Supreme Overlord of Everything
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Jul 29, 2014
Houston, TX, USA
What you should really be doing is looking into what it takes to do what you want to do... if you're trying to just make monster clouds to look and feel cool, then be cool enough to do the homework... I'll even help you out there.... there is a link in my signature entitled "Bad's Awesome Blog"... READ that. All of it. Understand battery safety. Understand Ohm's Law. Understand electronics enough to know what voltage drop is and whether or not you want/need it. Be able to give a definition of Watts, Ohms, Voltage, Resistance, and know how they equate with each other in a heating circuit. Understand amp draw limitations of batteries and what coil build will draw what current.

Once that all sinks in... then come back asking questions about what mod is best for your needs/desires...


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Apr 9, 2014
USA. State: Inebriated.
My friends that really cloud chase build their box mods to suit their needs.
There is a lot more into "competitive" side of things then just buying a mod. Lots of math, trial and error. I have done countless hours of research and have barely scratched the surface on what it takes to really chase the clouds.

Just to point out, box mods (regulated ones, in particular) will almost always yield better clouds, and with the ability to use higher-ohm builds too. My .6 ohm Doge on my OKL-T20 box can REALLY kick out the clouds, far more than a .18 ohm on a mech mod.

But they aren't allowed in competitions. For me, that's not an issue at all, but if you're trying to enter cloud contests and stuff they won't let you use box mods 99% of the time. Usually the rules stick to "single battery 18650 mods".


Full Member
Dec 2, 2014
Miami, FL, USA
I'm not trying to get into competition vaping(?) cause I don't really understand competing to blow bigger clouds, and I have read badittude's blog, but as I was researching I came across the whole competitive thing and didn't think it made a difference but I wanted people's opinions because I couldn't find anything on them.

I've done research on battery safety, ohm laws, etc. Or I wouldn't be holding this potential pipe bomb in my hand. I want clouds because I like them, not for other people or to look cool.

There are a lot of options out there, and the best way imo to get info on them is from people who have personally used them, not the people trying to sell their product to me.

I appreciate your advice, nyiddle, hope to come across more helpful people like you


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Apr 9, 2014
USA. State: Inebriated.
I'm not trying to get into competition vaping(?) cause I don't really understand competing to blow bigger clouds, and I have read badittude's blog, but as I was researching I came across the whole competitive thing and didn't think it made a difference but I wanted people's opinions because I couldn't find anything on them.

I've done research on battery safety, ohm laws, etc. Or I wouldn't be holding this potential pipe bomb in my hand. I want clouds because I like them, not for other people or to look cool.

There are a lot of options out there, and the best way imo to get info on them is from people who have personally used them, not the people trying to sell their product to me.

I appreciate your advice, nyiddle, hope to come across more helpful people like you

Anytime! Glad to know you're doing this safely. I can understand the concern other members expressed, a lot of people come here saying, "What's the best battery for my .18 ohm build, a Duracell, or 7/11 Brand?" (exaggeration). It's really surprising to see how little some people really know, and the limits they're willing to push their battery to.

I have an informal review on the Doge RDA in my blog posts, if you're interested. I highly recommend a regulated box mod, there are a bunch on the market right now. I'm a big fan of the Hammond-style boxes, I have a custom-made one with an OKL-T20 chip in it (capable of about 100W if you push it) and it performs fantastically with a large surface-area microcoil (like 14-16 wrap, goes across the entire airflow hole for the Doge) at around .6 ohms. With smaller "nano coils" it kind of sucks/is pointless, because this box mod is regulated, and "bucks up" or "steps down" to whatever voltage I set it to, while a mech mod's voltage is determined by your battery's nominal voltage -- I've found "nano dragon coils" often get instant hotlegs. I assume it's because the box fires so quickly.

So with that in mind, I highly recommend checking out some of the people on Reddit (the guy who makes the Truck Mod is a really nice dude) and consider commissioning one of them to make you a custom box. For 140-200$ you can find a really talented individual to make you a very unique mod. Of course, all of this is assuming I actually just talked you into a box mod.

If you're choosing the mech mod route, I've had my eye on the GNOME 2, but I'm fairly certain it's too late for me to get one. Overall, since I've started using regulated boxes, I haven't picked up any of my mech mods.

Anyway, I'm ranting. If you have any other questions or concerns, feel free to ask.
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