looking for the perfect wood mod

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Dec 15, 2015
Hey everyone. I'm writing in hopes that someone can point me in the right direction. I really want a wood mod. I love how they look and really want a nice one for ... eh.. $100 or less. I've seen some reviews on the Tesla Invader II and like how that looks, although something even more whimisical or steampunkish would be great!

I just bought a smok tfv4 tank to go with whichever new mod I choose. I'm currently vaping an ego one. It's fine but it's soooo small and leaks a bit, but the flavor is amazing.

I would really like my smok tank to work on whichever mod I choose, but I'm sort of new to the sub ohm aspect of vaping and am not 100% comfortable in choosing a mod that will work with the smok tank. The ohms only go up to .3 so it needs something special. My only other sub ohm tank was an atlantis 2. I liked it but ... meh.. It could have been the mod I used for it or maybe it was just meh but.. meh. I cracked the tank and never replaced it.

Anyways, any suggestions? Think... wood or copper... Most of what I've seen has been around 200 and .. while that might not be out of the picture, I don't want to drop that amount of money on something I'm not going to use for a long time.

Also, I already have about six of the purple 18650 3.7v 2500 mAh with a discharge of 20a/35a. I guess if I have to buy more batteries I will but it would be awesome if I didn't have to xD.
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Jun 22, 2014
Cowtown, USA. Where the West begins.
It depends on what you want. You get what you pay for. If you want top quality and exotic woods, you're going to drop some bucks on that, period. Are you any good with your hands? I could make one-- mech or MOSFET-- for 50 or 60 bucks plus my time. $100 would buy a DNA 40 board to go with it and make a regulated mod, or $125 for a DNA 200 (that's 3 batteries, though). If you like that Tesla, buy one. If you want Philippine Kamagong, or a Bloodwood body with a Bird's Eye Maple door, bring your checkbook. I don't recommend those efest batteries for anything, and especially not a mechanical mod, but if you're going to use it, make sure it's a two battery parallel mod if you want to go .3 ohms.
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Jun 22, 2014
Cowtown, USA. Where the West begins.
Would the Tesla work with the Smok? I read/watched (can't remember which >.< ) somewhere that it worked best with .5 ohms and the smok is lower then that.

The philippine Kamagong mods are beautiful but I couldn't find the Birds Eye one.. Thanks for the leads though.
The Smok tank is really for high watt regulated mods. All replaceable coil tanks are at their best on regulated mods because on a mechanical (or MOSFET) mod, the only way you can vary watts is to change the coil resistance. Obviously, this is much easier to do with a RBA. A wooden regulated mod is going to be high dollar, I'm afraid. And the Bloodwood/Birdseye combo came to mind because I saw Reo Woodville in that configuration for sale on the classies here last week. I'm sure it's gone now-- I'd have bought it myself immediately if I had had the money-- and it's not what you want anyway. A Reo is a squonk mod, and they're pure mechanicals.
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Jun 22, 2014
Cowtown, USA. Where the West begins.
Thats good to know, it narrows down my search anyway, about the wooden regulated mods. I have to say I didn't really pay attention to the differences between a mechanical vs regulated.
Lol, take my word for it. If you're going to use that tank with replaceable heads, a regulated mod is what you want. I notice your tank has a RBA, so you could make it work on a mech like that, but I don't recommend it. Especially if you're not paying attention to the differences between a regulated and a mechanical mod.
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Dec 15, 2015
sig-cmt ... That silver wolf mod is amazing.. That's almost exactly the look I'm going for. I think he might be sold out though already, I only saw one listing for it and it said out of stock, and he put on the page it was a limited edition.

suprtrkr ... Oh I'm nowhere near into it enough to want to start building my own.. Maybe after the costy coils hit me, but I've never used a rba before. I'm sure that my local shop would show me how but.. it just always seemed like too much to try. The tank did come with some extra cotton so I guess I'll have that if I ever want to use it.


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Apr 9, 2015
Cleveland TN
Thanks dcfluegel! I saw that one, I like it a lot, the color is nice, I'm just scared that my tank won't fit with that curve.. What tank do you use with it?
currently running an el cabron dripper - will check and see if my tfv 4 fits, though... confirmed, full size tfv4 fits, airflow slots should be un-occluded... tfv4 mini (22mm) might be a better bet there, though
Funny you should ask. Less than 30 min ago I watched a YouTube video on a Parallel 26650 Wood Box Mod. I'm not sold on it but I am going to go and take a look at the Tesla Philippine Kamagong, or Bloodwood body with a Bird's Eye Maple door for the heck of it. Sounds good. Who knows!


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Dec 15, 2015
Tommy-Chi ... I like the colors on that Da Vinci mod, but that logo in yellowish is a little off putting..

Bunnykiller ... I'm going to look through that site.. it's too late now but I will look.

EverPresentNoob ... That looks great! I wish I were that crafty, those corners are nice.

I've been leaning towards the Tesla 160w TC, wood version. Any opinions on that one? The reviews looked good and it looks like it can handle the sub ohms. Not as pretty as I would want it but.. ah well. I have a dremel maybe I could carve a little something on it.


ECF Guru
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Jun 22, 2014
Cowtown, USA. Where the West begins.
Funny you should ask. Less than 30 min ago I watched a YouTube video on a Parallel 26650 Wood Box Mod. I'm not sold on it but I am going to go and take a look at the Tesla Philippine Kamagong, or Bloodwood body with a Bird's Eye Maple door for the heck of it. Sounds good. Who knows!
I saw a Reo once in that bloodwood/birdseye combo. It's the only one I ever saw. I don't know how to tell you to look. I think you'll have to make it, or pay somebody to do it for you. It would be very beautiful if you can, though ;-)
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