Looking for advice and/or opinions

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Jan 16, 2012
Alright So i had my eGo-t for about 4 months now and I am starting to feel its not giving me enough strength or satisfaction so I am looking for something new. I been looking into mostly looking at the Boge Revolution V2 starter kit. Found one for $60 on my ecig supply. I plan on doing more research and also look into the lavatube too. Any other suggestions/advice​



Super Member
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Apr 16, 2010
Central California
Perhaps theres just not enough Nicotine in your juice? If you're vaping 12, try 16, or 18mg/mL.. If you're vaping 18, give 24 a try. That could be a cheap way to get the satisfaction you're looking for, if not, VV mods are a great option..

The Lavatube is a fine VV device for the price.

The benefit to a true "Buck/Boost" VV device, like the LavaTube, and ProVari (it can increase, or decrease voltage over, or under that of the battery feeding it) is multi-fold.

1) With a single battery, there's significantly less chance of mis-matched "stacked" batteries going into thermal runaway, and
2) A full range of voltages will open a whole new world of trying different attys / cartos, and driving them just so, to get that "sweet spot" of vapor, TH, and flavor with your various favorite juices.

The ProVari, and Darwin are 2 of what some would call the "Gold Standard" of VV devices, but they're both pricy options.

Once you have expanded past an eGo, Variable voltage is a great next option. For the $60-$70, I'd go with the Lavatube. The ProVari ($160-$300, depending on finish) will give you more useful information about your atty resistance and battery state (testing each while under power) and the Darwin ($230 last time I checked) will allow you to dial in a specific wattage (heat) and lock it there.

There are a *ton* of other options out there as well, these are just the ones I've played with.


ECF Guru
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Jul 5, 2010
South Carolina
I got to the same point that you are at in just a few months after I started vaping. I purchased a Buzz VV APV and have been very happy with it for more than a year and a half. I now have a Buzz Pro and am also very happy with it. The price is much better IMO and it is a sturdy dependable safe APV.

I truly know that if I had not purchased an APV with a little more power than what my Riva had, I would not have continued vaping. Thanks to my Buzz, I am nearing my two year mark of being smoke free.

Good luck to you on whichever you choose to purchase.


Unregistered Supplier
ECF Veteran
Dec 20, 2010
Since you mentioned the Revolution, another option would be to look into a very inexpensive boxmod. Madvapes has a 5v and a VV version. I use the the 5v version and have the VV version to try different cartos/attys etc. With the right atty/carto and liquid the the 5v will hit like a truck, the battery life is good and despite being plastic, they last a long time.

It is not an elegant solution (rather utilitarian actually) but it is cheap and it works very well.
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