Look up top folks!

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Full Member
Aug 23, 2013
Raleigh, NC
Hello fellow vapers,

When I looked at the Forum Homepage before starting this thread, I saw that there were over 100 people looking at this forum. Currently, only 60 people have replied to the sticky thread at the top of this page.

I know that we all like to just sit around and vape and pretend that there isn't a situation going on that could end the very thing that we're doing right now, that is saving our lives. But there is.

The powers that be (FDA) are planning regulations right now that could make ALL ELECTRONIC CIGARETTES ON THE MARKET ILLEGAL.

Please visit the "sticky" thread at the top of this forum page.

In the first post, you will find links to:

-Look up your representative in the House of Representatives

-Look up your Senators

-See the information that needs to be brought to their attention

I know that a lot of us are very busy and may not have time to sift through and organize all of the information that needs to be brought to the attention of our congressmen and women. Luckily, a few people have posted the letters that they have sent and you can simply copy and paste them and fill in the pertinent information.

Please visit the thread linked above. Find out who your representatives are and send them a message! If you are as happy as I am about saving your life (and the lives of others) by using e-cigs and want that to continue, please take a few minutes out of your day and send them a message. This is the time folks. Please don't hesitate! Make your voices heard!

Best Regards,

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