Long time vaper experiencing extremely irritating cough.

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New Member
Apr 27, 2015

I've been trying to look up for help from everywhere, but I havent found anything solid.

A bit of background:
So I am an 24 year old former smoker who went from analogs to vaping about a year ago and I havent looked back since. Im using the Kanger Aerotank v2 with stock coils and I have been using that for over 4 months.
I've been vaping 70%pg30%vg liquids by Redwood blend and WizMix with nicotine ranging from 0.6% to 1.8%.

About a week ago I got my new order of 0.6% nicotine liquids (redwood blend, wizards leaf, banana blend, fruit salad) and started using those, because I had been vaping my old 1.8% redwood blend taste (unnecessarily strong for me) nicotine liquid for a while due to not having money to order new ones.

Ever since I've had this irritating tickly feeling on top of my lungs and it wont go away even if I cough and trust me I've been coughing alot. Even tho the cough is not forceful you just feel like you have to cough cause the feeling is extremely irritating.
If I do not vape the feeling slowly starts fading away, but it takes hours before I feel normal and even so the irritating feeling occasionally presents itself. The cough or the irritating feeling does not get much worse while vaping, but rather starts after Im done vaping.

Any help would be appreciated!


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Mar 26, 2015
Eastern NC
Maybe its the juice. Does the juice taste different? Are you just using one juice that you have ordered? If so try a different one and see if the cough persists. Who knows maybe the company that you have been ordering from changed the type of ingredients they have been using and you are not taking to it well. I hope you find an answer. Good luck!


ECF Guru
ECF Veteran
Apr 8, 2012
Ridgeway, Ohio
My guess would be its the juice, too. Either too much nicotine or too much pg.

I have been vaping 3 or 6 mg nic with a heavy Vg ratio for the past year.

Recently I've been digging up some of my old e-liquids (before they expire) which have 12 or 18 mg nic and a higher Pg ratio than I've been used to. I get that nagging cough and throat tickle with these older e-liquids.


Super Member
ECF Veteran
May 4, 2010
Merced, CA
Maybe its the juice. Does the juice taste different? Are you just using one juice that you have ordered? If so try a different one and see if the cough persists. Who knows maybe the company that you have been ordering from changed the type of ingredients they have been using and you are not taking to it well. I hope you find an answer. Good luck!
Ditto. It might be the base liquids, too. I started at 100% PG, and now I find it just too irritating. Currently, I vape all VG & have no problems... but I think I remember the feeling you're describing. I DIY my liquids now, which makes it really easy to experiment with different proportions; you might want to consider taking up "home brewing".


ECF Guru
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Verified Member
Jan 22, 2015
West Virginia, USA
Hi Ruuttuu. I don't have an answer, mostly because I haven't had any problems with my vape. From what I've read there could be a number of issues. Mouth to lung or straight lung hits? Could be something in the juice? A totally unrelated health issue is also possible.

I'd recommend browsing this section of the forum until an expert answers the question.

HEALTH QUITTING Health, Safety and Vaping | E-Cigarette Forum

A list of symptoms when quitting tobacco and changing to an ecigarette | E-Cigarette Forum

Good luck in your journey.

Cullin Kin

Ultra Member
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Jun 28, 2014
The 3Oh!3, Colorado
I've had this happen on several occasions, even during the middle of class lol. It is super annoying! What I feel like is we accidentally inhale something like a hair or something. Then the vapor kind of like glues it to your throat. It only happens with one specific juice and I know it's not allergies because 99% of the time it's fine. It's so strange though. Just sometimes this happens and it is super irritating! Anyways, the only way I've found is to take super slow drags when vaping that juice. And you just have to wait it out when it happens. Hasn't happened to me for a while, knock on wood.


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