Long Time Lurker - First Time Poster!

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I'm a retired engineer that has really embraced vaping! Acquiring and modifying tanks, mods, and juices has become a big hobby for me!

First experience was with a little 650mah ego 3 years ago. Bought it to help with the 28 hours of no smoking during a couple of trips from my home in Florida to Australia and New Zealand! It was a Lifesaver! Had no problems vaping in the airports or the 747! Wasn't satisfying enough for me to give up smoking though!

Several months ago I met an old friend that let me try his setup; A Kanger Protank filled with Bobas Bounty on a ZMAX at 12 watts, - WOW! That was satisfying enough for me to Quit smoking!

Progressed rapidly to where now my favorite vape is a Big Fogger with dual coils at 1.0 ohm sitting on a Pioneer4You Seven-30 Mod set at 22 watts! Also have lots of Kayfuns which are also great for me with 1.5 ohm at 14 watts!
I'm now retiring my ZMAXES, Kanger Tanks, and Aspire Nautilus's

Sure wish I could post and exchange technical questions and answers on some of the equipment threads!


ECF Guru
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Mar 12, 2014
Mpls/St.Paul, MN
Welcome! I was a long time lurker as well. I started with my first e-cigarette in 2006 and could vape everywhere back then. But the equipment available was sub-standard compared to what's out today.

Once you get in 5 posts and the server updates (at :25 past the hour) you will be able to post in most places on this site. Just reply to other posters on this thread or go out and welcome some new members who are posting for the first time and you will have your 5 posts.
Thanks Much for the welcome! I need to make the requirement to get on the Co-op Forum so I can join a forming group to acquire IPV 35 watt Boxmods for $45
Wish there was someway to get myself included while I waiting to have jumped through all the hoops for complete access!
Welcome aboard ECF ewspears, congratulations on kicking the stinkies :D
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