Local vape shop = perfect vape! No more NoTank and Vision Pisser!

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Senior Member
ECF Veteran
May 3, 2012
For everyone who's been keeping up with my ranting about the repeatedly faulty DV Spinners, and my Protank Disasters, I went to my newly opened local vaping shop, bought a $30 "regular" proprietary kit with a Spinner-type (but only 600mah or so, and not VW) battery (guess you'd call it an eGo) with an proprietary top feeder clearomizer. AND IT IS AMAZING! The battery and clearomizer is probably off-brand - it's the shop's own brand - but it is AMAZING! No burnt tastes. No popcorn sounds. No acidic burns. No overheating. No badly fitted connector ends. They said right away my battery sounded like a fire waitining to happen (I sadly forgot to bring it along - they had a voltage tester!), and set me up with this. AND I'M SO GLAD THEY DID.

Sure, the vapor production doesn't taste as a strong as all get-out (the vapor production is simply out of this world, though), but for the flavor purpose, I got a BRIDGLESS ATOMIZEZR which I was so shocked that they sold. You may ask why I refused to buy an "expensive" set-up this time around - this local vape shop definately had the goods (think MOV level almost) but after testing out this very set-up on their flavor tests, I decided this is what works, why not stay cheap? AND IT WORKS. SO LONG NOTANK AND VISION PISSER! HELLO TO THE "Oh those are sooooo annoying..." amazing cheapomizers. They work amazingly.

Next battle is trying the NoTank out on my new amazing little battery to see which is at fault, the NoTank or The Pisser. I do want to stay loyal to the Protank, as the safety of it is fairly unparelleled. But for now, I'll risk it with my plastic tank!

Sadly, the store didn't have full VG liquid availible, which sucks, because I think PG juice universally tastes like a sour sock and it hates my throat, but I managed to find just one in their taste test that had nothing else but menthol, and it vaped quite like a VG. So I'm a happy camper, and ya'll know just how much of a sour puss I am about my horrible vaping luck.

Anyway, the shop I went to is Rocket Vapors in Clarksville, Tennesse, and their knowledge and supply stock is truly amazing. They don't have a shoppable website up yet, but if you're ever in vaping trouble, I recommend their proprietary kit - it works like an angel for me so far!

I'm so happy! I KNEW I wasn't crazy!
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Super Member
ECF Veteran
Sep 21, 2013
Philadelphia, PA, USA
Glad you've found something that makes you happy. :)

Your experience pretty much mirrors my experience with Halo's purportedly overpriced and quasi-propriety eGo-like kit. It was well worth an extra couple of days worth of cigarette costs to get flawless and largely fiddle-free performance.

Mileages will vary, though.


Vaping Master
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Apr 26, 2013
South Texas
Hey, if you're happy with it, then great!!

Speaking of 'cheapomizers', I never understood the general distain I sometimes feel on this site for good ol' CE4 clearomizers. They're easy to use, inexpensive, work great, and now come in versions that can be rebuilt. What's not to like?

I'm glad you found something that works for you OP, may your batteries always be charged and your clearos never leak.

I'm a CE4 / 5 fan too.

They say you always remember your first, well a purple spinner with an odd green-colored CE5 was my first. I still have it and still vape it occasionally. Apart from the stardust swirl to keep the wicks wet, overall, it gives a very satisfying experience.


Grumpy Ole Man
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Sep 20, 2012
Williamsport Md
If your protank Fits............the kit is not propitiatory. It is store branded or a store packaged set.(more likely)
Anyway glad you finally got something functioning.
Try and remember to take the Battery next time you will be in the area and have them take a look. Could be as simple as your dial is dislodged and not actually adjusting. The old battery may be pegged out full power.:facepalm:


ECF Guru
ECF Veteran
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Mar 31, 2012
Ontario, Canada
Great to hear that you found something you like MJTP! I used to use CE4 clearos as my main vape and loved them at the time. Still have a few around and use them sometimes for out and about when I want something that I can count on working. CE4's do not have exchangeable heads. What I found with those was they gunk up pretty quick and the vape then deteriorates quickly. I used to wash and dry burn every few tank fulls. I found they took that very well and I sometimes got a couple of months from one.

Vape happy :thumbs:


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Jun 4, 2013
United States
CE4's will always be the one; that is my 1st atomizer and the best IMO. I found a metal tank for it at madvapes

I ss mesh mine at 1.2-4ohms and the flavor, vapor, warmth, etc is un-matchable..
Tank goes out really fast using acidic juice is its only negative in transparent form
The colored tanks seem to last a bit longer with acidics


ECF Guru
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Jul 12, 2012
USA midwest
There is something to be said for newbies going to an actual brick and mortar, because they can get hands-on experience and help with stuff, face to face.

I think it is a good idea to develop a good relationship with a CAPABLE B&M close to you, you know they will be there and you can drive there if you need to, and also get a demonstration,try some juice, etc.

Supporting the ecig vendors whether online or on land is good. :)


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
May 3, 2012
Well, see, with my Protank, I did everything I could to it that any advanced vaper would do. Dripping on the wick, letting it sit, primer puffs, a slight blow for air bubbles, pre-soaking the wicks occasionally, rolling it around in the hand, ect ect... it would always burn up as though I was smoking a fire. Every single time, on the first hit. It shouldn't do that with juice dripped on the wick! For the clearomizer - all I do is turn it upside down, spin it a could times, take 4 primer puffs, and the vape is absolutely heaven. Without doing that on the clearo, the wick starts to very minimally make a sizzling noise and it makes the vape degrade by a fraction amount. You really have to make sure the wick is well soaked, and suction on the clearomizers seems key.

However, I even found a way to create suction with my Protank. I took one of the rubber caps of a Blu carto, cut the little 'pointy thing' inside it off with scissors, put it on the bottom of my Protank, and took just ONE primer puff. It made the thing leak. The whole Protank experience has been horrible, as though I got some sort of cheap clone, and it just doesn't work. There's no reason it shouldn't work even better than my Clearomizer. The girl working in the store was using the same Kanger heads for the Kanger something-or-other, and she let me dry her own device with the Protank heads as a favor (their samplers were Clearomizers) and her vape tasted even smoother and tastier than the Clearos - and she said she does absolutely nothing to the Protank heads.

Also, another thing I noted was that GeJ's juice, all three of them, were EXTREMELY THICK, I could barely get it out of the bottle. I think they may have made a mixing mistake or only intended their juice for the most rigorous of re-built coils (which in case, they need a disclaimer up.) Other wise, if it's not my battery, and it's not my Protank, then it must be Gej's coil-killing juice.

P.S. The juice I chose to try from Rocket Vapes was Chocolate Mint (the smoothest one they had - I like a soft, velvety vape) for only $3.50 per 7ml. Sadly, they were clearancing it, but it's the best flavor they have! I'm going back tomorrow to buy quite a few of them,
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Senior Member
ECF Veteran
May 3, 2012
Does the Smoktech have a glass tank? I looked at it and it looks actually really cool, but I'm super concerned about plastic tanks in the long run. Then again, I wish somewhere sold pre-mesh wrapped wicks because I also have such sensitive tastes that I can taste when wicks microburn, which most wicks of any company do on any puff... the "sizzle"... so far though, my CE4, when full or with primer puffs, keeps the wick so saturated that it's compeltely silent, which means the wick isn't getting enough air exposure to burn the wick, which no air exposure improves the flavor drastically, and is healthier, and produces more vapor. If any wick even makes a sizzling noise whatsoever, I'm so sensitive to it that it almost makes me puke. To me, wicks taste like cigarette filters if they aren't %100 saturated and silent.
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Senior Member
ECF Veteran
May 3, 2012
Well, at my local shop, I'm going to be buying a few CE4's (since I love them so far) and testing out my somewhat VG juice (none of my juices are %100 VG, but I think they may have been %70 VG - not sure, the bottles don't say.) I have some distilled water that I used in my Protank tests and it didn't help the problem I had with that, but I'll be trying it again.

I'm so glad my town now has a vape shop. Their mess is a little pricey, and they don't have a 1300mah battery with a rubber finish, which is the grip I love, but my little 650mah battery is neat because I can hold the bottom with my pinky finger. And I've been vaping on it all night and day, and hasn't went out yet. The 1300mah battery I had (faulty or not) aggrivated me though because it took 5 hours to charge - aint' nobody got time for that!


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
May 3, 2012
Okay, so bad experience with this shop today - I went in and explained that I was getting excellent taste and vapor from my CE4 Clearomizer that had multiple needle-thin wicks as the wicking method, and said that I wanted a CE4 with exchangable heads, but that I required as good as wicking or better than the cleaomizer I began with. The employee recommended one with a single, thick wick. I explained my situation of how I vape very lightly flavored juices, and that if my wicks make any sort of hearable sound - sizzling, burning, popping - that I can immediately taste the wick on that particular hit, and that with my multi-wick clearomizer, that a couple of primer puffs, coupled with that clearomizer's tight suction, gives me a super-wet wick that never makes a sound, and tastes bad only on the rare times it does (if I forget to primer puff).

So I buy three of the single-wick replaceable head clearomizers, with the assertion that they'd wick just as well. I get home and put the same exact juice in one of them, and try to do my primer puffs, only to find that the suction of the tank is probably 3X more airy, and will not allow me to get a good primer puff. I primer puff it like 6 times, and yet when I vape it, it tastes like a burnt sock. I keep primer puffing it and after priming it like 10 times, I finally get a good flavor on it and it doesn't make a sound, but any other type of method on future hits (less than 10 primer puffs) makes it pop and sizzle, which, to my sensitive taste buds, gives me a burnt sock flavor - my self-studies prove that these wicks are NOT supposed to make a sound no matter how many vaper's tell you it is normal. It degrades the juice drastically, especially on light menthol or mint juices where the flavor is really thin. To repeat, this style of cleaomizer, the single wick, tastes like a burnt sock unless I prime it about 10 times to get as wet of a wick as the multi-wick device.

So I call back and ask if any customers have noted the difference between the two styles of wicks, and asked which one particularly wicks better. The employee said that she did not know why there was any difference in them at all. I explained to her again the different styles of the wick, and expressed my dissapointment that while I was told these clearomizers would work "even better" than the ones I already had, that they did not work and tasted burnt. The employee said "Well, I noticed on your original kit clearomizer, the one that you said works well, that the single wick looked very unraveled, and that may have helped the vapor." and I said, "No, the wick wasn't unraveled, if you look closely, that's the style of the wick - about 5 separate tiny wicks piled together." and she said, with an extremely rude attitude, "Right, I know what I'm talking about, it's a CE4." and appearantly she did not have a clue what she was talking about because she was stupid and contradicted herself right before that. My multi-wick system was not unraveled in the least. It was simply multiple wicks, whereas the changeable CE4's have single thick wicks that often do come unravled (the multiple wick ones never do because the individual super-thin wicks are woven very tightly).

I do not like this place already, and I can't wait til the 2nd Vape shop opens in this town, it is soon. There's only ONE truly polite employee at this place. They also have the "put anything that we find faulty on a special sale" motto, which one of the employees was nice enough to honestly point out. They were selling a big stock of faulty Kanger clearomizers on sale that one of the employees admitted leaked most of the time for an unknown reason. My current cleaomizers were just about the only other thing on sale (3 for $15) and well, they plain suck. Taste like a sock. It could be that the suction does not allow me to get my preferred primer puff, it could be that the wick is a single-wick style (I personally can see the science behind how a multi-wick device would wick better, as there's more gaps between wicks for juice to go in), but the main point is, they're virtually unvapable.
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Grumpy Ole Man
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Sep 20, 2012
Williamsport Md
Honestly, it sounds to me like you are not giving anything a chance to break in. I have a dozen different types of tanks and ALL of them work Better after a tank of so of E-liquid.
Wicks are much like sponges. New, a sponge can be lunged into water and pulled back out almost totally dry. Let it soak and it can be squeezed out and reabsorb much better. Keep it wet and eventually it starts to suck up liquid like a straw. Same with wicks.

I seriously believe you are going to find using something like an Ithaka is more to your preference. Not a cheap way to go, but possibly better than looking for perfection in desposable CE's
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