Lingering smell from tobacco flavors

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Full Member
Aug 12, 2010
I know that most people say the smell while vaping is negligible but so far most of the tobacco flavored juices that I have tried have had a smell that sticks around in the room. They do not smell like I am smoking in the room, more like someone is baking something... but I am still looking for something with little to no lingering odor that still tastes like tobacco. Here is what I have tried:

Revolver Tobacco Red - This came with my kit. It did not smell up the room, just wasn't very good IMO.

Viking Vapor Mar-Boh Light -Not good! The scent is the only one that bothered me and it even woke me up when the husband vaped it in the room while I was sleeping.
Viking Vapor Cherry Smoke - Another stinker.
(I did not have this problem with the non smoke Viking Vapor flavors.

FreedomSmokeUSA Camtel - Another one that didn't actually leave a smell, but did not have a strong tobacco taste either.
FreedomSmokeUSA Desert Ship - It smelled like someone was eating chocolate in the room.
FreedomSmokeUSA FreedomSmoke - It smelled like someone was baking cookies.
FreedomSmokeUSA Wyatt Earp - It definitely left a smell but I couldn't place it.

So far I have noticed that the closer you get to a strong tobacco flavor, the more the smell lingers. Is this the case or have I just not tried the right flavor yet (I'm only one week in)?

I really like the fruity flavors and they don't really leave any smell at all. My husband can't seem to make the switch off of analogs until he can find a tobacco flavor that won't leave evidence in a work truck.


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ECF Veteran
I've heard that VG based e-juices can leave a lingering smell more so then PG. Check to see how much, if any, VG might be in your liquids. I've been smoking 100% PG Marl USA Mix from StrictlyEJuice and it seem to leave little to no smell even on 5 volts.

Took my wife awhile to kick the cigarettes too. Finding your flavor is the biggest challenge to a lot of new comers. Don't worry, you'll both find what will work.


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Aug 19, 2010
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