lets get it together vape shops

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Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Jul 12, 2014
So I just wanted to go on a little rant and see what you guys thought about some of these shady vape shops out there
So as you might know I have the opportunity to travel the country and go to all sorts of vape shops around the country and I am just confusrd about a couple things

1. High prices
2. No knowledge
3. House juices
4. Testing juices
4. Etc.

So first with these high prices I am confused and I think a change needs to be made and maybe its not so much the shops but the manufacturers but when a customer is willing to order from china and wait 2 or more weeks on the product versus buying it in your shop there is.a serious problem lol a 14 rda should not cost 40 or more in a vape shop when they are both clones!!! Think a little more on the volume side a vape shop is not a get rich quick scheme it should be a place where a revolution is taking place!! Now I own 3 businesses myself and I understand the costs involved but mot the vape shops that I go into the have 3 or more employees 2 of which are just sitting around vaping away or watching tv in the vape lounge?? Looks like there is some cost cutting right there

Second almost all of the shops that I have gone into the people really seem to have no knowledge of what they are selling this is business sales 101 stuff people your employees need to have all the answers and if they dont they need a easy way to find the answer quickly to make the customer happy but when you walk into a shop and ask about something and get an idk or heard from a buddy that it was cool!!! Thats just not right lol sales people should have first hand experience with what they are selling to make the customer have confidence in you and your shop that for when they return they know they will be taken care of the good shops that I have been to know simple things like what this or that is called how it performs and how to use it properly come on people step it up a little and do your research if your going to sell something to some especially if your need to charge those outrageous prices

Third and fourth all of the shops that i have been to make there own juices which is cool because you get to sample a wide variety of different juices but I think these shops need to step it up a bit on there clean work spaces all juice making should be done in a food grade environment!!! I dont want to walk into a shop and see a bunch of open bottles of nic etc that have been getting dust in them all day long we are putting this stuff in our bodies it needs to be as safe as possible the good shops that I have been to have a room dedicated to actually making the juice behind closed doors but of course display juices out in the show room. Brings me to another point whats with these shops using the worlds cheapest tank to let customers test juices in? Its not going to bring out the flavor correctly for the customer to be supremely satisfied and want to buy yoyr entire stock lol I imagine a little expense here is worth a mountian of coustemers. Amd also if your going to have 10,000 test juices out for people to try I dont want to walk up and see a bunch of condensation build up inside the tanks that everyone and there mother and grand mother has produced clean the tanks after every test!! That condensation can be a carrier for harmful things a qu tip and rubbing acholo will go a long way to just clean that tank out really fast
My ideal shop would have wickless drippers set up to test all of the juices just drip a little on hand it to the customer have them do the suck and blow really quick wash and repeat lol that easy

Most of all take pride you shop owners take pride that you are part of a revolution where a smoker can come in and purchase something to help them stop!! You gotta keep in mind they are taking the biggest step in saving there life by just even walking into your shop please dont deny them that by crappy customer service because you know what if you do that they are going to drive right down to the corner store and buy a pack because you didnt make them a believer


Senior Member
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Apr 9, 2013
High prices are why I quit shopping in B&M shops. I don't even go in them any more. We've had an explosion of vape shops in my locality and I've considered giving them a go once more, hoping that competition has brought prices down, but when I can order online with discount codes and have it delivered, I don't see the advantage.


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Jul 12, 2014
High prices in a brick and mortar will never change. They have to pay rent, employees, insurance, utilities and still make a small profit.
They will never compete with any online shop or especially China where wages are next to nothing and everything gets made in bulk.

No doubt its hard to compete with china or online so I dont expect prices to match them but customer service is what will have to be changed to make that added expense worth it for the consumer

I had a idea that I was talking to one vape shop about that literally blew them away

I was talking to them about you know how home depot has workshops amd things well why cant you do that with a vape shops advertising for days where people can come and have hands on experience with vape supplies a day for starter kits a day for build coils and wicking a day for juices etc etc

sell hotdogs for christ sake get people in the door lol
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E-Cig Afficionado
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Mar 19, 2013
New York
See and thats what I am talking about would you rather sit around at home on a dusty old computer or see some sunshine meet some people and learn first hand about what you are buy? Its all about experience imo

I see your point and I do buy at one of my local shops but I always expect to pay more, it's just something I accept. You'll never get that China deal in person but if I ever have a problem I have a place to go back to and return something or just hang out.


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I agree. Some shops hold themselves to a standard, when so many others don't give a gosh darn about quality and are in it just for the money, and they make everyone else look bad :nah:

I am so glad my local B&M is clean and reasonably priced, they've done a lot to increase the number of people switching from smoking to vaping in this area :) but the other shop in town I've heard is "seedy," even from first timers :mad: I will not go in there...


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Jul 12, 2014
I agree. Some shops hold themselves to a standard, when so many others don't give a gosh darn about quality and are in it just for the money, and they make everyone else look bad :nah:

I am so glad my local B&M is clean and reasonably priced, they've done a lot to increase the number of people switching from smoking to vaping in this area :) but the other shop in town I've heard is "seedy," even from first timers :mad: I will not go in there...

lol exactly I was in one shop the other day and I was looking at there Rda's nevermind they really couldnt tell me anything about them except this one is gold and this one is silver lol but I was finding you know imperfections like burrs on the holes or ring fitment issues all easily fixed so I notified them of it and there like o well and stuck I right back in the case when they have a dremel/drill press/bench grinder sitting right behind them lol really!!!!!!!

On the other hand went to another shop found the same thing he was like holy crap let me see that.....ill be right back.......noises!!!!.......here you go!!!! I bought over 400 worth of stuff from that shop!!!!

See the difference lol


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Jul 12, 2014
If you go to a bar a beer is gonna cost damn near what you can get a 6 pack for at the store.
I don't think bars are going out of business anytime soon due to high pricing.
As was mentioned it's about the experience.

Now I totally feel you about some of the employees at some of these places.

Yup and we all go to bars and spend that kinda money cause its about the environment lol cause no one want to drink alone so lets not vape alone either

ahhhh ooooo ahhhh look at that cloud .......ooooo thats right I got no friends!.......did you like that kitty? (Crazy cat lady in the making lol)
I'm glad that my local (favorite) shop is full of knowledgeable people and a very positive atmosphere. The prices are high of course, roughly $1 per ml of liquid and ego batteries for ~$30... But the customer service is really great. Still not what I have the budget for right now, but it's nice to know that there's something to be said for the way they handle business.
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Sir Rod - MOL
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Jul 11, 2014
Tampa, FL
Saving money is good. It is. But in saving and not helping our local stores, we're dooming ourselves to a life without ever being to see, touch and try things in person. I vape, but it's not my only hobby. I'm also into photography and there are no longer ANY photography only stores in my town. It's either buy online or Best Buy. I chose to pay retail for my latest Nikon DSLR (D7100) from Best Buy because I wanted to see it and try it and I want people in my town to have jobs, so they can pay taxes, buy cars and houses, clothes and groceries, etc. I also want to be able to take it back and get service if something goes wrong.

I shop at my local vape store, where the prices are reasonable (but certainly not as low as online) and the people there are highly knowledgeable and give me great service. Maybe I'm goofy, but to me, it's worth it to spend a little more with a local shop and I value personal service and am willing to pay for it - as long as I'm not being gouged.
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Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Jul 12, 2014
Saving money is good. It is. But in saving helping our local stores, we're dooming ourselves to a life without ever being to see, touch and try things in person. I vape, but it's not my only hobby. I'm also into photography and there are no longer ANY photography only stores in my town. It's either buy online or Best Buy. I chose to pay retail for my latest Nikon DSLR (D7100) from Best Buy because I wanted to see it and try it and I want people in my town to have jobs, so they can pay taxes, buy cars and houses, clothes and groceries, etc. I also want to be able to take it back and get service if something goes wrong.

I shop at my local vape store, where the prices are reasonable (but certainly not as low as online) and the people there are highly knowledgeable and give me great service. Maybe I'm goofy, but to me, it's worth it to spend a little more with a local shop and I value personal service and am willing to pay for it - as long as I'm not being gouged.

There you go nice on ya!! We as consumers just wanted to be treated nicely and we will spend those extra bucks at the shops lol I am about to place this 800 order and I am just hesitant because I cant touchy feely it lol

Well and another problem seems like most these shops only have a couple grand In inventory so I cant youch the stuff I want to buy


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Honestly, I really want to make sure GOOD local shops stay open and multiply, for one very specific reason... The sheer number of people who, for one reason or another, will not order anything online!

I live in the sticks, and I know people who don't have a computer and/or internet, people who refuse to put their card number online for any reason, and even more people who rarely use computers because they feel skittish around them. Many of these same people really need to be walked through the process of how to use an e-cig because they're equally skittish about new technology.

For these people especially (many of whom I'm quite close to), they really need to have access to a good B&M with a knowledgeable owner who can walk them through the process and help them directly with technical problems (in case I'm not around lol...). Many of the people I know who now vape would never have even considered it an option if they had to buy everything online and use online tutorials to figure out how to use it.

Those good for nothing B&M's who have dirty shops and nasty attitudes do nothing but drive people away, not just from their shop but from vaping as a whole :mad: they really should be ashamed of themselves!


Sir Rod - MOL
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Jul 11, 2014
Tampa, FL
There you go nice on ya!! We as consumers just wanted to be treated nicely and we will spend those extra bucks at the shops lol I am about to place this 800 order and I am just hesitant because I cant touchy feely it lol

Well and another problem seems like most these shops only have a couple grand In inventory so I cant youch the stuff I want to buy

If you can't buy what you want locally, you don't have much option other than add to cart and checkout. My B&M tells customers all the time if they don't stock something, they'd be perfectly happy to order it and let the customer see it before buying.

And just to be clear, I'm not adverse to buying online. For example, I bought my first Provari from my B&M last week. I paid full price. It's already proven to be so fantastic that I've sold off my other APV's to people I know this week as they'll just sit in a drawer and never get used again. But, I also wanted a backup Provari and I wound up ordering a Blem (new with full warranty, but supposedly something not perfect on the finish) Provari directly from Provari for a significant savings. In fact, it's on the truck and will be delivered to me today.

But, I want a new battery charger and I'm going to my local vape shop this afternoon. I already know which one I want and yes, I can order it online for about $18, but it's going to cost me $24 at my vape store. For the $6 difference, I'll have it this afternoon, and if anything goes wrong with it, I take it back to my vape store and they replace it.

I also only buy my liquids from them. They have a tasting bar and they sell their own juices, which I find consistently good and I know what I'm getting when I hand over my credit card. If it's going to breathed in, I want to know how it's going to taste, feel before I buy it, even if it might save a few $$'s to order juice online.
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Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Jul 12, 2014
Yeah and idk I guess I can kinda see why some vape shops might not keep alot of inventory because of the un known fda regs so they dont want to buy alot of inventory that they might never be able to sell so its kinda a catch 22 but for people like me and the b&ms I visit I cant wait for them to order because I might never ever be back to there store


Senior Member
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Apr 9, 2013
High prices in a brick and mortar will never change. They have to pay rent, employees, insurance, utilities and still make a small profit.
They will never compete with any online shop or especially China where wages are next to nothing and everything gets made in bulk.

I realise that that and should have elaborated. My personal experience has been that B&M shops have not been worth paying for the overhead. Granted my experience is limited to a few cities and shops as I do not travel much. I like the idea of seeing and touching items before I buy and getting a recommendation. Where I've shopped the hardware inventories have been very limited and the sales staff have not been helpful. I would love to find a shop that was worth the price but I haven't. As I mentioned since there has recently been a growth spurt here I may try again. Perhaps one of the newer shops has a better business. I did like that there were other customers to talk to...the vape lounge was the one plus to the experiences I had. I got far more help and insight from other customers than I got from the store staff.


Vaping Master
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May 31, 2014
Austin, Texas
So I just wanted to go on a little rant and see what you guys thought about some of these shady vape shops out there
So as you might know I have the opportunity to travel the country and go to all sorts of vape shops around the country and I am just confusrd about a couple things

1. High prices
2. No knowledge
3. House juices
4. Testing juices
4. Etc.

So first with these high prices I am confused and I think a change needs to be made and maybe its not so much the shops but the manufacturers but when a customer is willing to order from china and wait 2 or more weeks on the product versus buying it in your shop there is.a serious problem lol a 14 rda should not cost 40 or more in a vape shop when they are both clones!!! Think a little more on the volume side a vape shop is not a get rich quick scheme it should be a place where a revolution is taking place!! Now I own 3 businesses myself and I understand the costs involved but mot the vape shops that I go into the have 3 or more employees 2 of which are just sitting around vaping away or watching tv in the vape lounge?? Looks like there is some cost cutting right there

Second almost all of the shops that I have gone into the people really seem to have no knowledge of what they are selling this is business sales 101 stuff people your employees need to have all the answers and if they dont they need a easy way to find the answer quickly to make the customer happy but when you walk into a shop and ask about something and get an idk or heard from a buddy that it was cool!!! Thats just not right lol sales people should have first hand experience with what they are selling to make the customer have confidence in you and your shop that for when they return they know they will be taken care of the good shops that I have been to know simple things like what this or that is called how it performs and how to use it properly come on people step it up a little and do your research if your going to sell something to some especially if your need to charge those outrageous prices

Third and fourth all of the shops that i have been to make there own juices which is cool because you get to sample a wide variety of different juices but I think these shops need to step it up a bit on there clean work spaces all juice making should be done in a food grade environment!!! I dont want to walk into a shop and see a bunch of open bottles of nic etc that have been getting dust in them all day long we are putting this stuff in our bodies it needs to be as safe as possible the good shops that I have been to have a room dedicated to actually making the juice behind closed doors but of course display juices out in the show room. Brings me to another point whats with these shops using the worlds cheapest tank to let customers test juices in? Its not going to bring out the flavor correctly for the customer to be supremely satisfied and want to buy yoyr entire stock lol I imagine a little expense here is worth a mountian of coustemers. Amd also if your going to have 10,000 test juices out for people to try I dont want to walk up and see a bunch of condensation build up inside the tanks that everyone and there mother and grand mother has produced clean the tanks after every test!! That condensation can be a carrier for harmful things a qu tip and rubbing acholo will go a long way to just clean that tank out really fast
My ideal shop would have wickless drippers set up to test all of the juices just drip a little on hand it to the customer have them do the suck and blow really quick wash and repeat lol that easy

Most of all take pride you shop owners take pride that you are part of a revolution where a smoker can come in and purchase something to help them stop!! You gotta keep in mind they are taking the biggest step in saving there life by just even walking into your shop please dont deny them that by crappy customer service because you know what if you do that they are going to drive right down to the corner store and buy a pack because you didnt make them a believer


Ultra Member
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Jul 15, 2014
Fontana, CA
Weve only got two here in town, and I ordered my first starter kit online this week, it was less than HALF what the one B&M here in town sells the Kanger EVOD kits for.. I will avoid that shop like the plague because its smack in downtown Palm Desert and reeks of 'hipsterism'.. Folks that picked up vaping just cause its the latest trend.. I did it to get myself off analogs, I didnt do it because nicotine is all of a sudden the cool thing to do heh.

I just got the EVOD yesterday so I needed some juice fast and decided to hit up the other B&M in town. The store itself is a hell of alot nicer looking than the other, has a really nice tasting bar, but not alot of gear unless youre all about big battery mods. I was scared to ask how much they sold the Kanger Protank 2s for haha. They were actually a decent experience, despite the girl being 20 minutes late to work so there were already a bunch of us waiting for the shop to open hah. Didnt get the house juice cause they only had it in 12mg so I went with the 'name brand' Rippin Vapors, and yeah it was $1 a ml as well, but it was between that or run to the Circle K next to work and grab that HAUS brand juice or the weird generic looking stuff they also carry.. Girl was actually fairly helpful and from the few questions I heard her answer she seemed like she knew her stuff. Was pretty helpful with me as well when I wanted my 24ml juice and ended up going with 18mg after a bit of discussion.. Ill probably end up going back so far the Rippin stuff is pretty good, but they didnt have a menu posted (I found Rippin's website last night afterwards and was ...... I missed out on some other awesome flavors I want to try!). I just grabbed some Green Apple cause they had it listed on the house juice menu. Wanted to go back today and pick up some more but think Ill wait til my next check, it looks like the 15mls I got is gonna last me at least until payday haha..

Its the same with any business really.. There are those that are in it because they believe in it, and there are those that are in it just to make a buck off the latest trends.. Been a guitar player/recording engineer for over 20 years now, and I know better than to go into Guitar Center and ask for help with ANYTHING unless its a guitar I need to get off the wall haha.. But the local mom and pop music shops, I can hang out in there and rap all day with those guys about amps, guitars, pedals and actually PLAYING.. Its just too bad that big box chains like GC killed most of those kinds of businesses. Thats why I hope big tobacco doesnt really try to take over this industry now..
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