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KR808D-1 Bottom Coil Cartomizers Vs. Bloog Maxx Fusion Cartomizers

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Oct 19, 2009
Lindsay, ON
Hey again all,

As everyone knows I am a huge fan of the Bloog Maxx Fusion/ Volt line of products and one of the biggest complaints we all have is the price of the cartos. Well I received a free pack of 5 KR808D-1 bottom coil cartomizers and I have been testing them out for a while now on my standard Bloog battery.

The appearance out of the box is virtually identical, with the exact same rubber end caps and cart condoms that Bloog uses. I have vaped on 3 cartos now and they are still performing at par with my Bloog cartos.

In my 5 pack, I have only came across one that started to tasted burned rather quickly, so that is a bit of a negative mark on the non-bloog cartos. Every last Bloog carto I have used tasted perfect from the first vape.

In conclusion, I find that they are about at par with a bit more quality control going to Bloog Maxx Fusion cartomizers. Very much a good buy and I know I will be getting more!


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Apr 2, 2010
Vancouver BC
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Apr 17, 2011
I"m still thinking of trying the bloog mini, especially since the price went down at Happy Vaper, and they have manual kits now. No way I'm messing with an auto battery :D Anyway I do have a couple questions from people who have used this:

1. How many ml's on average do the cartomizers vape before they crap out and you have to throw them away?
2. What happens when they die - real gross burning vape? Does this happen gradually or is it like great vape, crap vape?
3. How many ml do the things take? How often do you have to refill them? How the heck do you tell when you need to add more juice?



Super Member
ECF Veteran
Oct 19, 2009
Lindsay, ON
1. How many ml's on average do the cartomizers vape before they crap out and you have to throw them away?

I kind of go by taste/ performance for each carto, so I vape a ml through a carto until it is used and put it in the boiling pile. Normally a carto can be boiled 1-3 times before needing to be thrown out as well, but some last a lot longer. So on average I will say 3 complete fills per carto with countless other fills throughout the day as each carto is used.

2. What happens when they die - real gross burning vape? Does this happen gradually or is it like great vape, crap vape?

When a carto dies you can tell. The flavour is gross and burny or it just stops performing right. One of the first signs a carto isn't working right anymore is a stiff draw, bad flavour and pitiful vapor.

3. How many ml do the things take? How often do you have to refill them? How the heck do you tell when you need to add more juice?

Bloog cartos take .8 ml I believe, so basically 1 ml for the sake of argument. I normally fill it, vape it for about an hour or until I notice it's tasting a little "dry" then refill with 5-15 drops and repeat all day. I always fill a carto until it starts leaking out of the bottom, then blow it out gently and give it a couple "thermometer whips" to make sure the juice is evenly distributed in the carto.

Knowing when to fill is a matter of flavour, if it tastes a little dry then it is time for a top up, if they taste wet but aren't giving off enough vapor then they are a little too flooded and need to be blown out a little more.

Hope that helps!
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Jun 29, 2011
Ontario, Canada
I"m still thinking of trying the bloog mini, especially since the price went down at Happy Vaper, and they have manual kits now. No way I'm messing with an auto battery :D Anyway I do have a couple questions from people who have used this:

1. How many ml's on average do the cartomizers vape before they crap out and you have to throw them away?
2. What happens when they die - real gross burning vape? Does this happen gradually or is it like great vape, crap vape?
3. How many ml do the things take? How often do you have to refill them? How the heck do you tell when you need to add more juice?


1. They clean fairly easily and are very reusable. The only issue I've found is that the thicker juices will tend to really clog up the filler. 100% PG works fine for me, although some other Bloogers seem to have success with high VG. The 5-pack that I bought a month ago still has 3 in use. The other two got really clogged with a thick juice and I had to toss them.

2. Just tastes burnt. It seems to be fairly quick. For me it doesn't get slightly burnt, burnt, then very burnt.

3. A new carto will take 30 drops. If I'm refilling, I'll do 10 then wait a minute before adding another 10. I can also get 30 drops into a cleaned carto. I know it's ready to be refilled when I get that burnt taste.

One suggestion that I can make is to get the big batts. I bought 4 65mm ones cause I wanted something close to an analog, but I was only getting about two hours off each. I moved to the 105mm ones and they last much, much longer. They only thing they need to do now is to make an atomizer for them and I'd be happy!


Senior Member
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Apr 2, 2010
Vancouver BC
  • Deleted by Misty
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Jun 11, 2010
Vancouver, BC
Received my Volt on July 29th and haven't touched my ego w/XL LR attie and aluminum mod Cart since then. I was put off by the orginal 510 cartos and the CE2's well, didn't really do nothing for me.....

I am a bottom coil carto believer now!!!!!


opps, I was mis-informed Volt/Bloog cartos are horizontal :facepalm: D'oh!!!!!!


Ultra Member
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Jan 31, 2011
British Columbia
I will have to try out Volt's cartos as well since I am still impressed with this system and it can't hurt to try. It's probable that it is the same design but a different resistance and I find that very intriguing.

Yes. Wish I had a multimeter. But my volts are warmer with more TH than the Bloogs
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