King or Queen of the Thread

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ECF Guru
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Jan 22, 2015
West Virginia, USA
I went to the doc yesterday for my annual. Told him I quit smoking. He quickly asked "when"? I told him in January. Then quietly he asked "how?" I replied "vape." ::: crickets ::: I was a little worried he would be one of those against vape as I hadn't seen him since I quit. I think he was hiding a smile when he turned away.


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  • Jul 13, 2009
    Somewhere between here and there
    I went to the doc yesterday for my annual. Told him I quit smoking. He quickly asked "when"? I told him in January. Then quietly he asked "how?" I replied "vape." ::: crickets ::: I was a little worried he would be one of those against vape as I hadn't seen him since I quit. I think he was hiding a smile when he turned away.

    He just might have been. I think many doctors and such are afraid to endorse vaping. This I can tell you, my dentist checkups have gone much better since I started vaping and that's even with using snus. My hygienist commented today on how little staining I had and my appointments take about half the time they did as when I smoked. I haven't been into the doctor's office in a long time. I figure I'll schedule a checkup when I turn 45 later this year.


    ECF Guru
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    Jan 22, 2015
    West Virginia, USA
    Goodnight Fran :)


    Ultra Member
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    May 27, 2013
    No. Cal.
    Good Morning all! (Been sleeping on my throne job lately). I've had only positive experiences with my surgeon, GP, dentist and hygienist. Even when they don't know much about vaping or have poor info, they see the changes in me (less stain etc) and that seems to help with their attitude. One Dr even changed my electronic health record to "never smoked." What a kick! After years of nothing but smiles
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