Kicking our Black & Mild habit for good. Need advice really bad.

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Full Member
May 7, 2011
I'm 26 years old, and I've smoked Black & Milds (sometimes up to a pack a day or even more) since I was 21. I've spent god knows how much on them over the years...

A year and 1/2 ago I came upon the ECF, and bought my first round of Ecigs, Bloog's Pen-based battery/carto kit. Since them I've kept buying batteries, juice, cartos.. even had to replace a charger (and got a defect they didn't do anything about...) Also, during most of this time I've STILL smoked Black & Milds. these pen-style batteries just can't replace the same feeling of a cigar.

So you see, I have a harder uphill battle than some. I don't like cigarettes, they just don't work. Cigars cut it, and nothing else can. We (my fiancee' and I) managed to quit last year for a 5 month stretch of time with LOTS of willpower, rather than truly being satisfied by out pen batts. We're back on them..

I've looked into Ego models, searched the forums, googled.. Its just too much information (good and bad) to make an informed decision on something to REALLY satisfy and kill the habit.

--What I'm asking for:

What can make enough vapor to replace cigars?
What is reliable?
What is really worth the high cost of larger batteries?
I've heard that tank mods aren't all that great, is this true?
I need durability, or something with a good carrying case. My present batts reside in my pocket all the time.
Aesthetics don't matter as much, since I like the design of the Ego, and many other ones.
I'm not too interested in something that will take up time, it's a commodity I don't have often. (So mods that require constant tinkering wouldn't be so great)
It needs to be easily refilled without a syringe, I live in a state where that can net you a lovely search of anything you own.
We prefer Cartomizers, the atomizer carto system feels tedious and would suck when the atty died if we didn't have spares. We tend to just use cartomizers for 2 weeks each or so.

I really need something with enough kick to really help kick the habit. I ask for your assistance, fellow vapers; because smoking cigars while buying vape supplies is just more money burned to fuel an out-of-control habit.

Thank you for reading.
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Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Feb 9, 2013
I was a cigar and cig smoker for over 20 years, I found that the vision spinner ($19.95) with a vivi mini nova (&12.95) and cigar juice mixed with a little vanilla bourbon to be the sweet spot for me. I mix all my own juice so much cheaper and it allows me to add more of this or that to get the right flavor i want.
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Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Jan 20, 2013
Concoction Creating Cave
go to discountvapers website and order the gogo twist and some cartomizers and you will fall in love. I was a heavy smoker for25 years and since getting this I have not had another smoke. backwoods cigars are delicious but there are so many better vapor flavors out there. The gogo system is a no hassle great vaping system you will love it.


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Sep 5, 2012
Yeah, pen style isn't going to cut it. Congrats on sticking it out so long. Not sure I would have had the patience!

Easiest set up that will get you the vapour is an eGo-Twist (or Spinner as mentioned above - they're essentially the same) and low resistance cartomizers. Cartomizers aren't too much fussing, they don't leak, and I far prefer them for flavour and vapour production. To me, they give more of the sensation of smoking something.

Clearomizers (like the Vivi Nova) are maybe a bit less work, but they're a little bit cooler and many don't find they give as much flavour. Both are cheap, though - it's worth trying both to see what you prefer.

Main thing is getting a bit more power out of your battery. I find the pen style tremendously un-fulfilling. I think you'll be pleasantly surprised at the difference.


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Feb 27, 2013
Hey I know what you mean about the syringe (I live in Huntsville) and I have no idea what is good for a cigar smoker (sorries) but i just got a syringe in the mail with my order i just placed cause i will need it to fill the clearomizers that I ordered and there is no way anyone would have known what it is. The parcel itself came in a white priority mail box and the syringe was in its own little black box inside with just the word Accessories printed on it. Also just tell someone if they are particularly nosey that is for diabetes or to give a small infant medicine. The syringe needle isnt even sharp it is blunt so it dosent look like you are a .... head or anything. Good luck with finding something to replace the black and milds. I am new to vapeing so my amount of knowledge is scant but there is a store here in Huntsville if you ever come up and they actually let you try different models in store. I would go there see what you like then go back online to buy unless they are having a sale or something because after what i have seen online the shop here in Huntsville wants about double what you would pay online for most of their items. I buy a few cartos or something lil from them from time to time just because I am glad their is a store here and do not want them to go out of business.


Full Member
May 7, 2011
I REALLY APPRECIATE all the replies! I just got my taxes back, and its time for that all-too-important change. I'll now start looking up reviews on all the products mentioned above, and more suggestions are WELCOME!

To Spirra: SMALL WORLD eh? lol. I actually could get an actual syringe from a vet tech I know, but I worry about people thinking I use it for something else. Keep on the course of quitting though. I LOVE my ecigs, they just haven't managed to replace the habit entirely yet, so I HAVE to upgrade.

Thanks guys & gals!

Vapoor eyes er

ECF Guru
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ECF Veteran
Sep 13, 2011
Toronto, Ont.
Hi Laserous and welcome back. In regards to the "kick" you may be looking for:
Juice Components
Flavoring usually about 15%- could be higher or lower depending on the flavor used.
PG enhances flavor, TH and lung hit- water like
VG= vapor and can mute flavor- thick
Nicotine- TH, lung hit and our need for nicotine. The MOST important ingredient in regards to TH and lung hit.
Standards in the industry are 80/ 20 or 70/ 30 PG/ VG.
As for the Spinner I own it and am very pleased- variable voltage- 3.3- 4.8 volts.
Things have changed so very much from 1 1/2 yrs ago and nowadays big bux are not needed to accomplish what you're looking for. Actually there are TOO many choices LOL.
The Very Best of Luck..I only wish they had PVs around when I was 26.
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Full Member
May 7, 2011
In regards to using cartomizers with the twist: I'm only finding Atty / Cart combinations for the twist. How is this accomplished? I read earler about the "High Power Vaping" trend, and it sounds like a great idea. LR cartos with adjustable voltage seems like it would work wonderfully. (I'll have to shop around for juice though, Bloog juice burns at higher voltage) I had researched Boge's Cartos, they're threaded for 510 devices and are LR. Are Egos compatible with anything that is threaded 510? Where should I buy them if so? How do I reap in some savings while getting the quality?? so many questions.. lol

Also.. Perviously I'd used Vaperite's juices with my Bloogs, but it eventually tasted terrible. Does this mean that the juice itself should be used in higher voltage applications? There is just SO MUCH information to take in, and I've done this research many times over..

One thing I do know though, is that I won't be getting the new Bloog Tank mod.. xD If I'm gonna step it up and move out of the newbie market, I'll have to get a respectable PV that will get the job done every day.
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Telescope Neil

Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Jan 25, 2013
Quezon City, Philippines
If you're looking for mods that have big batteries like an 18650, a Vamo is a good one, and many people will recommend it. A vivi nova is what i will recommend for a tank. It's cheap, VERY EASY to refill, and works great. I have a genesis atomizer right now and currently don't use it, but before that the vivi nova was the best thing for me IMHO and I still swear by it. Just be sure to get the genuine one though, as there are knockoffs out there. The genuine one is made my by Vision.


Full Member
May 7, 2011
Hi Laserous and welcome back. In regards to the "kick" you may be looking for:
Juice Components
Flavoring usually about 15%- could be higher or lower depending on the flavor used.
PG enhances flavor, TH and lung hit- water like
VG= vapor and can mute flavor- thick
Nicotine- TH, lung hit and our need for nicotine. The MOST important ingredient in regards to TH and lung hit.
Standards in the industry are 80/ 20 or 70/ 30 PG/ VG.
As for the Spinner I own it and am very pleased- variable voltage- 3.3- 4.8 volts.
Things have changed so very much from 1 1/2 yrs ago and nowadays big bux are not needed to accomplish what you're looking for. Actually there are TOO many choices LOL.
The Very Best of Luck..I only wish they had PVs around when I was 26.

Excellent bit of info there. I always thought I wanted more VG for the cloud I could make.. but Now I see that PG plays a very important role in the flavor. Thanks!

Vapoor eyes er

ECF Guru
Supporting Member
ECF Veteran
Sep 13, 2011
Toronto, Ont.
In regards to using cartomizers with the twist: I'm only finding Atty / Cart combinations for the twist. How is this accomplished? I read earler about the "High Power Vaping" trend, and it sounds like a great idea. LR cartos with adjustable voltage seems like it would work wonderfully. (I'll have to shop around for juice though, Bloog juice burns at higher voltage) I had researched Boge's Cartos, they're threaded for 510 devices and are LR. Are Egos compatible with anything that is threaded 510? Where should I buy them if so? How do I reap in some savings while getting the quality?? so many questions.. lol

Also.. Perviously I'd used Vaperite's juices with my Bloogs, but it eventually tasted terrible. Does this mean that the juice itself should be used in higher voltage applications? There is just SO MUCH information to take in, and I've done this research many times over..

One thing I do know though, is that I won't be getting the new Bloog Tank mod.. xD If I'm gonna step it up and move out of the newbie market, I'll have to get a respectable PV that will get the job done every day.

Yes eGo is 510 threading. Some juices taste better at diff voltages.

Prolly most of this you already know but I'll post it anyways if it's of help:
Different delivery systems:- note bolded Atty, Carto, etc is the abbreviated form

Atomizer/ Atty- an element on to which 3-4 drops of juice is dripped- usually used for testing new juices because Attys are easy to clean. There are some diehard Atty users because it’s the best vape possible but very time consuming.

Cartridge/ Cart- a container with sponge (filled with juice) that is used with the Atty- juice drips on to Atty from filled cart and is vaporized- older outdated first “tank” system and prone to leaks unless the user is willing to buy extra seals and “fiddle” with them.

Cartomizer/ Carto- metal tube with stuffing and element. Holds anywhere form 1- 4 ml of juice. Carto is fully saturated and must be occasionally refilled when juice runs out. My Cartos last 1-2 weeks. Best Cartomizer I’ve found is the Smok Tech XL 1.7 single coil. Boge 2.0 ohm cartos will give a cooler vape. Always use single coil cartos with 3.3- 3.7 PVs for the best vape.

Carto+Tank- a Carto with a hole punched in it. Carto is than placed in a glass, metal or plastic tank which is filled with juice- juice saturates Carto by way of hole in Carto. My Cartos with a tank last, before tight draw occurs: light juices- 80-90 ml. dark juices- 50-60 ml.

Clearomizer (includes the Stardust and the Vivi Nova Tank)- a plastic or metal tank with a wick and element. Contains NO stuffing. The rebuildable clearos come with heads (coil+ wick) that can be cheaply and easily replaced. When the head burns out simply unscrew the old head out and screw in new head- takes 10 secs. My Vivi Nova heads are lasting about 4 weeks BUT I wash the heads every few days. I've found the Vivi Nova to give the best draw.

Just about to be released is the Kanger ProTank- a glass clearomizer

When I first began vaping I used Boge 2.0 ohm single coil cartos (1 ml). After 1 month I switched to Smok Tech XL 1.7 single coil cartos (1.8 ml). Next I used a carto+and tank (3ml) setup. When the cracking and wicking issues were resolved I got into Startdusts (1.6 ml). I now use the Mini Vivi Nova (2.0 ml) rebuildables as I feel they give a better draw and are far superior in quality. It is VERY important to match the correct ohms delivery device to the PV we are using otherwise, dry hits or a weak vape will occur.


Full Member
Feb 17, 2013
I would get an ego kit from vapebig they also have really good flavors and pretty inexpensive. I just bought some juice from there. I have found that my ego is great for traveling and makes some good vapor. I stopped smoking cold Turkey, been smoking Newports for about 10 years.

kit comes with juice try the pomegranate or strawberry great flavor and Vape.
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