Kant 30ml Bottles - anyone else buy one?

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Super Member
ECF Veteran
Feb 17, 2010
New York
Hi Everybody . . . I recently bought a bottle of 30ml Kant

Now, I know (unfortunately after I placed my order) that the "new Premium Kant" is different from the "old Kant" and like Maxx and Mischief I will flat out DIE if the old flavor disappears forever.

Anywho, my 30ml bottle of Kant (created on 1/28) arrived today and while I was expecting it to taste different (and I hoping I would like it even though it was different) I wasn't expecting the difference to be so HUGE.

It tastes like buttered popcorn - which I see a lot of people mention as the overwhelming flavor for the "French Vanilla" so I'm thinking that perhaps I didn't get a bottle of the "New Kant" I may have gotten a mislabeled bottle of French Vanilla.

It certainly doesn't taste bad - it's just nothing even remotely close to the original.

Has anyone bought the a 30ml of the "new Kant" recently and if so, what does it taste like to you?


Oh and seriously: I know Leaford doesn't like tobacco flavors so if I've got to get my .... to Shenzhen to rescue the old Kant flavor. I will.
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Super Member
ECF Veteran
Feb 17, 2010
New York
Thats it!!!!

I have been sniffing that stuff for days trying to figure out what it smelled like. I knew it was familiar, but could not place it. Buttered popcorn....bullseye!

Whew, okay if the "Kant-y Man" tells me that I'm right that the new one tastes like buttered popcorn than at least I know I did get the "new Kant" and it wasn't just mislabeled.

I thought you had only bought the premium cartos maxx . . .

Good to know and thanks for the link - I will check it out.


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Jan 23, 2010
Have any of you tried the premium cartos of Kant, rather than the juice? I have, and I thought the cartos were good, but I never tried the original. Nothing like buttered popcorn in the cartos I have.

The premos are different from classic (gold color Kant)....but vapable in a pinch. But the 30ml is different yet again. I been vaping all three today and I am convinced there are either three batches (not two)...or the red stuff is in fact a mislabel as I originally thought.


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Feb 17, 2010
New York
Condolences, yanks. I think it was before your time, but V4L told us the 30ml and 20ml bottles had a different formula from the 5 ml. As I am coming near the end of my stash of Kant cartoz, I pray for the day that we get a Kant we can count on.

Thanks, mischief - I've read a lot of your posts and you have my condolences too.

I know a lot of people like the fruity or creamy flavors and/or never smoked a menthol cig but are not really into menthol flavors but that isn't me. :(

Don't get me wrong, I like some non-tobacco flavors but (similar to a post of yours I read) when I found Kant it's was like: wow, I CAN quit smoking with this. It was like finding Nirvana - I almost freakin' cried.

I know, it's happened to you more than once.

The classic good stuff, the one that is in the premium cartos....and this red junk.

Really? Hmmm . . . I just figured what was in the 30ml was what was in the premium cartos - haven't bought any of those - just bought the regular $9.95 Kant cartos.

Have either of you tried Kant/Kent juice from another vendor? I only reuse my cartos 3x and it will get way too expensive buying just the cartos until this gets fixed because as well know: even when Leaford gets it all worked out there's no guarantee it will get into the US in a timely manner.


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Jan 23, 2010
yanks....I have looked into Kent from another vendor and will go that way if I run out of V4L Kant and the "redo" isn't in yet. It's a longshot that it will be alike....but my backup V4L tabacco is Parlament, and that also is in turmoil based on some threads similar to the Kant series of threads. Fortunately, the V4L menthols I like are OK for now....and I tend to do both daily. I only use the fruits and berry flavors when stealth vaping since the scent is sort of like candy.


Moved On
ECF Veteran
Feb 8, 2010
NE Illinois

It tastes like buttered popcorn - which I see a lot of people mention as the overwhelming flavor for the "French Vanilla" so I'm thinking that perhaps I didn't get a bottle of the "New Kant" I may have gotten a mislabeled bottle of French Vanilla.

It certainly doesn't taste bad - it's just nothing even remotely close to the original.


French Vanilla you say? I may have to try some of that 30ml Kant!



Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Jan 23, 2010
I got curious about the potential for three different formulas. Based on color....that appears to be supported. I extracted the juice from a brand new premo carto (last one)...and did the drop test again. As you can see....the 30ml is off on it's red tangent, but there appears to be an ever so slight difference in color between the 5ml and premo carto. Again....the carto was still sealed from the factory and not exposed to air until I spun it out.



Super Member
ECF Veteran
Nov 3, 2009
St Augustine, FL, USA
Yanks, I'm going to take the plunge and buy some Kant from another supplier, if I can find one, and tell you how similar it is to the old stand-by. Maxx, I feel ya, buddy. Maybe you need to start a spreadsheet to keep up with the formulas you're discovering! Thanks for all your hard work. Maybe we can have a bake sale and give you the proceeds to make up for the bottles of yuck you're stuck with.
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