Just Got My 510 And No Throat Hit???

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Super Member
ECF Veteran
Mar 9, 2009
kreel, first of all, you don't know me,, so shut your mouth and mind your business unless you have something positive to add to the conversation.. do you see me overanalyzing your posts and talking s*it about you? i don't think so...

you want pictures of my 510 while i'm giving you the finger? let me know bro,, i'll take care of that...

if the learning curve weren't too steep for you of knowing your way around this forum, you'd SEE that i have had plenty of worries and questions about the kr808d-1 with burning carts.... take a look at the vaporello thread, genius.


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Apr 9, 2009
West Texas
Interesting response. Apparently I was correct. :)

I'm not knocking the Vapor King, but whoever you work for is obviously losing out bigtime to the 510. Just look at the new supplier list of 510s and compare them to the new supplier list of the Vapor King. Better yet, look at the sites that sell both and see which ones they have trouble keeping in stock.

Just an observation.


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Mar 9, 2009
you think i work for a company? you're out of your mind,,, i troll this thread and others like it because i care about the product i paid for and tried to have a group of people who have a wealth of knowledge on the particular subject to help me out,,, not to have some ..... who knows nothing about me attack my character when it is completely unfounded,,

after all, isn't that what a forum is for? people trying to discuss and help other people? not to try and start a battle? you don't see me trolling around pointing fingers and making assumptions out of nowhere. do you? read my posts.. see who was chiming in about worries with the kr808d-1.. you want my order number and tracking info from eastmall??? get a life


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Apr 9, 2009
West Texas
I've read all your posts now. You throw two names around quite often, the dpv9/Vapor King, and the greencig. When other posters disected a used VK cart, you said you did the same thing and yours was looking just fine, and thought maybe they just had some bad carts? The only problem I see with the VK is that it's disposable, thus expensive. You've maybe figured that out and purchased a 510. We don't know. What nobody in this thread can figure out is why you can't achieve the same results from yours that everyone else achieves with theirs. If it's not a learning curve, then what is it? Are you trying to say the 510 is crap in a roundabout way? If so, why? Thousands of tickled 510 owners, and then there's you.

I "still smell poop". No offense intended. Just an observation.


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Mar 9, 2009
no offense intended? why not send me a private message and say, "hey buddy, i don't know you, but is it possible that you have an issue with 510, or it's retailers, or it's manufacturers and that's why you're saying bad things about it?" i'd gladly respond to you privately and say, "hey, thanks for the concern, reading my posts in this particular thread, i can see how one could perceive that, but when it comes down to it, i'm a new e-cig user in general, tried 3 products, the bloog, which i returned, the vaporello, which i've been satisfied with, and now the 510 after everyone has gone crazy over it."

but... instead, you want to be "that guy" the one that sits anonymously behind his computer and tries to point fingers, so he can have all his internet pals give him accolades because he was the guy that found the bad guy in the thread. due to his amazing detective work and investigating skills, he uncovered the secret and dirty truth about ditc,, who has TONS of alterior motives to wipe 510's off the face of the earth and to have vapor king sold at every supermarket in the word... buddy,, get outside every once in awhile... do you really think i'd take the time to throw dirt on a product's name? and if i did, do you really think this is the best approach? come on,, just because not everyone on here is as seasoned of an e-cig vaporer as you, and has unlimited knowledge of batteries and every possible e-cig ever made, does that mean they don't have the right to ask questions? gee, i'm SORRY that my product didn't come as advertised. i'm SORRY that i can't get it to work properly, without devoting 10 hours out of my day to do little tricks. i'm SORRY that i've had better experience with one product over another....

give me some credit buddy, if i'm gonna launch a slanderous attack on some product, i would damn well do a better job of it than this... and no joke dude,,, let me know, i'll give you my order number, my tracking info.,. i'll even cc you on my emails to david @ eastmall... no one likes a bully,, or a hall monitor,, and both of those are what you're trying to be... do you homework a little bit better next time before you start pointing fingers...


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Mar 9, 2009
anyway, can anyone that's not named kreel and doesn't have an unoriginal, overused image from taxi driver as their user icon answer the question about the atomizer for the 510 giving off the burning smell? when i had an atomizer with the cart not attached, screwed into the manual batt, i pressed the button for 10-12 seconds. i saw a red hot coil light up (is this normal?) which heated the wick in the middle, and the whole time, with all 5 atomizers i tried, it gave off those noxious fumes that smelled like burning plastic.... is that how they all are when they're brand new? any POSITIVE comments would be great! thanks in advance!

if you're going to tell me how i'm a supervillain out to destroy the 510 and how i have a separate agenda,, don't waste your time.... you can private message kreel instead and talk to him about why he has a horrible life,, or just visit him hiding behind his computer in his tighty whities...


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Apr 9, 2009
West Texas
We have a 510 forum where almost all of your individual concerns have been discussed in detail.

Joye 510 - e-cigarette-forum.com • The place for electronic cigarette reviews, news and chat

Drop in and have a look. We're a happy bunch. Those that are new to the model usually find the 510 forum to ask questions, receive answers, get insights, tips, and such. Because there isn't a Vapor King or Greencig forum, perhaps you would like to start one of those as well?

Anyways, let me be the first one to invite you there. Have a nice morning.


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Mar 29, 2009
Dude... you need to chill.

KreeL never insulted you or wrote offensive stuff.

We've all tried to help you with answering your questions, but you keep asking the same thing.

The burnt smell is from the atty cooking dry vapor and I'm not sure it's wise to run a dry atty for 12 seconds. You've probably fried it.


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Apr 21, 2009
Chapel Thrill
Seeing as how the conversation has deviated from the original topic, I'm going to go ahead and close this thread.

ditc: If you still haven't found the answer to your question in this thread, you can go ahead and make a new one.

However, consider this a fair warning to anyone involved in this situation. Any further off-topic conversation in the form of insults or arguments will not be tolerated.



Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Mar 3, 2009
Baton Rouge, LA
Alrighty guys... let's try to keep it civil, shall we?

I don't want to have to become a playground monitor. I assume we are all adults and can act like one if need be. Well, I'm officially saying "need be".

No response to this post is necessary... matter of fact, no response would be nice.

Thanks for your cooperation :)

[Edit] Doh, while I was reading the thread, Az closed it. Never mind, but the point should be taken for future reference, no?
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