Just because we "Can"......should we?

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Dragon Lady
ECF Veteran
Sep 12, 2013
Santa's a fake too,,,,,,,,,,

oh no! :blink:
you mean... there is no Santa Claus?

naaawwww... that can't be true! He always ate all the milk and cookies that I put out for him! AND left presents! So there :p

Now really... next you'll be telling me that the stork does not bring the babies! :blink:


Moved On
ECF Veteran
May 21, 2013
Greenville, SC, USA
Though I'm not a Christian, it all comes down to the golden rule. "Do onto others as you would have them do onto you". (Something like that. Anyway...)

Could blowing large plumes of vapor interfere with someone else's enjoyment of the film? Yes. So I don't do it.

When you're in a crowd, could stealth-vaping a strong-smelling juice bother other people? Yes. So I don't do it. (And, yes, I agree that perfume or certain other things fit into that same category - I don't do that either.)

For situations where I'm going to be in a crowd or among people I don't know well, I vape unflavored, high-PG juice. Minimal clouds (none if I'm careful) and no aroma (so I've been told).


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Jun 8, 2013
Farmington, NM USA
What's this about memories of smoking in theaters? I've been smoking since circa 1955 and have never seen a time when that was allowed. Fire regulations, ya know. I do remember a theater club in Tulsa that allowed smoking during dinner. When the live show started, we were informed that we couldn't smoke because the club was suddenly a live theater. Sounds kind of funny, but fire regs predated smoking rules by a long shot.


Moved On
Nov 5, 2013
Justice, IL
If the establishment allows it I say go for it. They're the ones who have to weigh the risk/reward of possibly offending non-vapors who might not come back, not you.

Having said that, I would never consider vaping anywhere without prior permission.

That right there is the key. If the business openly allows it, people have a choice whether or not they patronize that business.


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Jan 1, 2009
""Ever hear the phrase, "people who live in glass houses..."?
Even if you are at 0mg you really have no room to talk about someone else's addiction just because they're more addicted than you are. You may as well go the rest of the way and join the ANTZ if that's how you think. "

I respond in kind. Unless of course by "you" you meant the "public".

"But respect is a two way street which you don't seem to understand." :blink:

"I'm sorry you feel put out because someone in a wheelchair takes up isle space but we do make exceptions for medical needs." :facepalm: Having a disability is one thing, but to use it as an advantage over someone else is a poor excuse for a human being.

I agree.. I am against smoking bans and vaping bans. I am all for the business itself to do as it sees fit. Then us, the consumers, can choose if we wish to be a patron.

Nowhere did I say I'd use disease as an advantage over someone else (unless they ban recreational nicotine, then I'll use it as an advantage to get nicotine, but since I'd actually rather not be on nicotine and trying to quit is what got me diagnosed I'm not sure how much of an advantage that really is, maybe if they can ever do a colon transplant I can trade with someone who wants nicotine, now that would be an advantage and you bet I'd use it if anyone was dumb enough to go for it).
I told you my example of why you shouldn't judge people for having the same addiction you have.
My guess is that a majority of smokers are self medicating for something.

Do I need to self medicate every waking hour? I doubt it. I know what happens when I go a month with too little (and I've been scared to try cutting back to find my limit because I didn't like the doctor's answer of take more pills).
Other people (you included) who have physical or mental benefits from nicotine may need it every hour. I'm not laying judgment on them because they have to partake more or more often than me.
I know when I smoked I sure didn't want to go 2 hours without a smoke.

What's this about memories of smoking in theaters? I've been smoking since circa 1955 and have never seen a time when that was allowed. Fire regulations, ya know. I do remember a theater club in Tulsa that allowed smoking during dinner. When the live show started, we were informed that we couldn't smoke because the club was suddenly a live theater. Sounds kind of funny, but fire regs predated smoking rules by a long shot.

I'm not that old. I also remember being able to walk about department stores smoking. I don't think I was ever old enough to do either. Although I do remember smoking in the lobby of theaters.


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Sep 26, 2013
Savoir-Faire is everywhere!
What's this about memories of smoking in theaters? I've been smoking since circa 1955 and have never seen a time when that was allowed. Fire regulations, ya know. I do remember a theater club in Tulsa that allowed smoking during dinner. When the live show started, we were informed that we couldn't smoke because the club was suddenly a live theater. Sounds kind of funny, but fire regs predated smoking rules by a long shot.
I remember smoking in the theater but we had to sit in an enclosed room up in the back.


The Philosopher Who Rides
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Jun 13, 2012
Richmond, Va
In 1993 or so, we had a theater in Virginia where it was a restaurant-style theater. You could order a beer, nachos, a burger, and have a smoke during your movie. The ventilation was such that the smoke was never an issue, and I went to many movies in that place. I think sometime around 1998 they closed. I don't think it was from lack of business, but I don't know for sure. I sure do miss that place. I bet if vaping gets just a little more popular, there could be a niche market for just such a place.



Full Member
Sep 14, 2013
.... Rapids, MN
I agree that it is not polite to others that one thinks they can vape big clouds when and where ever they want, " we must be considerate to others"
But at the same time if i'm in a tall building and I know I can fill up a elevator with my dual coil 0.3 ohm dripper while no one is in it riding from the top floor down to the lobby.
Ill fill that sucker up, and if it just happens someone is on the bottom floor waiting for you when you get there.
the look of :blink: on their face is quite funny.


Dragon Lady
ECF Veteran
Sep 12, 2013
In 1993 or so, we had a theater in Virginia where it was a restaurant-style theater. You could order a beer, nachos, a burger, and have a smoke during your movie. The ventilation was such that the smoke was never an issue, and I went to many movies in that place. I think sometime around 1998 they closed. I don't think it was from lack of business, but I don't know for sure. I sure do miss that place. I bet if vaping gets just a little more popular, there could be a niche market for just such a place.


now that sounds like a fun place! :)
I do not go out much, as I do not like paying exorbitant prices for something that I can have much cheaper - and much more comfortable - at home, but yes, that sounds like a fun place to visit! I think even I would go there :)


Tootie Puffer
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Jun 21, 2009
San Diego
My son quit going to theaters after the "fog" of "vapers gone wild" prevented him from actually seeing the screen with any clarity.
I've stealth vaped through about 30 movies in the last four plus years.
Nobody has ever known.

But then I only go to movies after they have been out for a few weeks and the theater is mostly barren.

I think any vaper in their right mind would agree that vaping in a crowd is questionable.
And vaping "out loud" in a crowded movie is even more unacceptable.

Not sure how this is an issue, and not sure what kind of douchebags live where your son lives.


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Jun 22, 2012
......and not sure what kind of douchebags live where your son lives.

Unfortunately they live everywhere and move into next to you. The house next to us has been for sale for 10 years. We have a beagle and a beagle/hound. Every time we saw people we saw people looking at it we didn't want to move in.. We "let the hounds out".

Husband and Wife bought it 4 months ago. I like them expect they are Purdue fans which is better than the couple that rented it who where Michigan State fans, but liked them too.

I won't go into the types of people that rented it for those 10 years after the poor woman lost her husband to cancer gave the house to her church and moved to Florida.
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