janty kissbox

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Full Member
Oct 16, 2008
Essex UK
Hi been analog free now for 12 days and already getting a collection of these e cigs, a super mini was my first and like many made the mistake of thinking if it looked more like a normal cigarette it would be better unfortunately I was wrong.
Next got three 901's and seemed happy with these but couldn't leave my credit card in my wallet so had to go for the kissbox extended classic, ordered from jantyshop on sunday and received today so pretty rapide delivery from holland to the uk and they also added some free carts.
batteries are still charging but able to fire it up using the usb lead which seems a very valuable addition, so far seems a nice bit of kit with plenty of vapour and a sooth and easy draw.
Not tried the manual switch yet just the automatic which is ulta sensitive compared to the 901's, so far very happy lets hope it will carry on performing this well .

Nosmo King

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ECF Veteran
Oct 19, 2008
Aberdeen, Scotland, UK
Cheers for that Kate, yes it does. Now why didn't that occur to me straightaway ? I am an engineering craftsman after all ! :oops: !
It's been a very long day at work, and my nicotine levels are obviously not optimal yet :rolleyes:
I find the Janty a very easy, smooth draw, I like it, just the thing for an evening. I think I prefer the manual switch though, I always prefer manual to automatic anyway.


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Oct 11, 2008
Belfast, UK
The AC 3-pin plug, lead and socket I got with my 901 fits the Janty charger as Kate suggests. When my Janty arrived (my first e-cig) with the 2-round-pin 'electric toothbrush' plug I was a little confused. I ordered a UK connection but there I was with only the bathroom to plug the thing in.

To be fair - it was shipped from Holland and the Dutch may do more in their bathrooms than we do!

Luckily I'd a couple of 2-to-3 pin converters and it didn't cause a problem.

Kate - as a gadget addict I try and stay away from browsing sites like Dealextreme - but you're right, the USB is great. Do you find the USB a little short of a fully charged battery? The USB seems a little weaker and that "morning rush" for a cig I've found isn't satisfied by a USB but is satisfied using a fully charged battery.

It could just be me and the craziness caused by suddenly stopping a habit I've had for over 30 years. The e-cig has made not smoking easier than any other method I've tried but at key moments of weakness I need to know I can get a full hit. The USB deals with a lot of the day - but, for me, it just seems too weak to deliver that crucial fix.

I don't know if this is just my experience or how much of my experience is down to being in shock for lack of tar, monoxide and other toxins. At this point - it is my experience of what I've found helpful in the early days of quitting.


Moved On
Jun 26, 2008
Ha, well I'm pretty much a lazy lump Rob, I don't walk about much. When I'm at my desk I just use the USB battery unplugged and swap with a charged one regularly.

I use these batteries - DealExtreme: $4.32 Ultra Fire 10440 3.6V 500mAh 2Pack

and this charger - DealExtreme: $12.58 Ultra Fire 10440 14500 Ac Charger

I don't use the computer at all, it's under my desk and the cable doesn't reach, it's only 1 metre long. So I have a dangly wire from my ecig but it's not a problem when I'm sitting. If I'm walking around I use the dedicated Kissbox batteries.

The charger takes two batteries at once and they are the same batteries as the ones I need for my Ruyan Bling ecigar so I don't need lots of different chargers hanging around either.


Moved On
Jun 26, 2008
Hi Soot, it's not just you, a few of us have noticed that the USB battery delivers less power to the atomiser. Ludo says it's something to do with the size of the wire and safety. The dedicated Kissbox batteries seem to heat the atomiser more and cook the vapour making it a bit harsher but it has less flavour. At least that's how it is for me. You get used to the slight difference after a while.

Well done on cutting down on the cigs, that's a real achievement. Hopefully you'll have many more years of happy vaping.


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Oct 11, 2008
Belfast, UK
Kate - thanks for the reply - it's good to know that it isn't just my warped monoxide starved perception that sees the USB a weaker power source (for the Janty rig).

Mind you - I'm using the USB as I'm writing and am happy with it. Come morning, I'll be unscrewing the battery from the charger and then replacing it with the spare to do the same for after dinner. In between - the USB is great - though I don't recognise any difference in flavour.

Having just had my sense of smell restored I took a half-day from work to buy perfume for my wife. I used to buy by label - not really being able to sense much of a difference before. I'd no problem today. It's our anniversary tomorrow and I think it'll be the first time I'll be giving her perfume that expressed a preference from me. Does that make sense?

Taste is improving - but perhaps not as fast as smell. I can smell smokers at a distance that'd humble a Beagle!


Moved On
Jun 26, 2008
It makes your gift more special if you've picked it because you like it, I'm sure your wife will appreciate that.

I had a plumber working in my house recently and told him it was ok to smoke. Weeks later I can still smell stale smoke in the house, it's amazing how noticeable it is, and it's not too pleasant. It's great to be a non smoker now, I never thought I'd be able to do it and I really appreciate the benefits.

Happy anniversary, hope it's a good one.


Unregistered Supplier
ECF Veteran
Feb 27, 2008
This is a very sweet post :)

Soot, please go to our website of your choice and order 5 free liquid bottles or carts of your choice. Free shipping, and all free of charge. Put this message for your DISPATCH in the communication window during check-out. Have a nice anniversary, best wishes to both of you, Ludo

ned Zeppelin

Super Member
ECF Veteran
Jul 24, 2008
Yes Ludo that is a very very generous offer and good on you. Dam you've just missed myself and Miss Diane's anniversary of over 26 years of being together. But I don't know whether we will be able to claim our free goodies because we've never managed to actually get married yet.

But we will let you know when our next anniversary will be. It will be in September next year. So you can pen this in your diary if you like he he he.
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