It's the little things...

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Unregistered Supplier
ECF Veteran
Feb 16, 2009
Atlanta, GA

It's a rainy Saturday morning. I woke up bright & early to get Eli off to my parents' house. Sid was awake, and was quite disappointed when I informed her that I would be going back to bed until 11am.

I got up at 11, hung out with Sid, watched a Disney movie (Get a Clue with Lindsay Lohan). At 1:45 I decided I wanted to go snuggle Jimmy, who was still sleeping peacefully. So I snuggled up next to him-- you know, just enjoying the feel of my warm man for a few minutes.

Sid cracks the door and whispers, "Mommy!" Now, this is something she is only supposed to do if there is some kind of emergency. We need that rule in order for either of us to get any sleep, ever. So I quickly and quietly got up, walked into the living room, and gently shut the door, and asked Sidney what the problem is. She flips her hair, and in the most nonchalant voice says, "Oh, nothing! I just wanted you to get up!"

I had every intention of telling her that she had no business doing that, but when I opened my mouth, instead I burst out laughing. She did too. Freakin' gooberhead. I love that kid.

Mary Kay

ECF Guru
ECF Veteran
Apr 3, 2009
West Tampa Fl.
I love kids! At least I do It wasn't so easy when they are growing up and you are run ragged with work and the house.
It's memories like those that keep you awake some nights smiling.
I look at my grown up children and rapidly growing grands and remember when they were tiny and sweet. I wish I had the time then to just cuddle and play!
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