ISTICK 30W frozen?

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My wife has the eleaf Istick 30w (red) and has been usingbit for 4 months now. Today she screwed on her kayfun v4 and when she pressed the fire button to start vaping her Istick wouldn't fire. The screen is permanently frozen showing 22.4 w, 0.4 ohm ans 2.9 v on the screen. Fire Burton doesn't work nor do the up (+) or down (-) buttons work either. The screen just stays lit not firing.

Anyone ever experience this? If so, how did you fix it? I am hoping that if the screen is on that the battery will die and then hopefully if it charges turn on and start working again.... sort of like a reboot. Any help?
Trust me it's not locked... I tried all possible button combinations... she started vaping it than it wouldn't Vape anymore.. pressed the fire button and nothing, that's when we noticed the screen was stayingbon and the device was frozen. She got 2 puffs fromnit before the device froze.....

I'm seriously thinking the device is FUBAR'd....

I believe the device has a 1 ye warrantee? How is eleaf with their warrantee policy?
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ECF Veteran
Nov 27, 2012
I'm seriously thinking the device is FUBAR'd....

I believe you are correct unfortunately. I have 2 iSticks and not a problem with those, however, I had an MVP that happened to and had to send it back. Once that screen freezes, that's game, set and match. I'd contact the vendor you bought it from and get it replaced.
Thanks everyone...

I waited 3 days and the battery had ywtvto drain. I emailed the vendor that I purchased it from and they topknot back via RMA. They were going to try to fix it, if it couldn't be fixed, they would send me a refurbed one as replacement ( as a one time curtesey) since I had this one over 4 months.

Hope they can fix it but ill take a refurbished as long as it works. Very limited budget so buying a new one isn't easy.
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