Issue with new Lavatube - I'm stumped big time

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I'm out of town visiting family. I walked into a mall here and see a "Volcano" kiosk. Look around and get to talking with the girl. I've been really interested in a new toy, but wasn't convinced yet. She let me hook up my vivi nova to her LT and I was immediately sold.

So it worked fine all day. Worked fine all night. Out of nowhere I can't draw. Nothing at all. I back the tank off about a full turn and its back. Wobbly as anything but works great once again. Confused.

I try another identical vivi and no issue. I can screw it all the way in, no wobbling and it works fine. Strange; I pull it off and compare looking for a clog or something. Nothing. Put the new one that just worked back on and nothing. Back to vapor lock.

Same with the other one.

I'm freaking confused. This is a total mystery to me and I can't seem to figure out anything except to not screw it all the way in which really sucks.

Can someone out there tell me what I'm missing? I really almost feel like maybe the spring on the center pin isn't working properly, sometimes its out further and keeps the vivi from screwing in all the way? I've looked and nothing appears out of the ordinary.

I have a lavatube, with the spring loaded center pin, that reads ohms, red power button. I've tried to figure out what version I have but have seen all mixed answers on the version. Don't care, I just know that it vapes like a champ. I was convinced I loved my ego twist and USB passthrough with VV, but this LT is amazing.

Thanks in advance!!
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