Is this the so-called "Vapor's Tongue"?

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Apr 8, 2013
Las Vegas, NV
So I've been vaping Boba's Bounty on a passthrough using a ProTank for the past couple weeks. It's been pretty good and I clean and dry burn my coils every 5mL or so. However, the last two days Boba's has been tasting very off to me. It's sort of like an oily, bitter almost sour taste. I've tried changing ProTank heads as well as tanks and still the same thing. I've even tried tasting a drip of the juice from two different bottles and it tastes just like it vapes -- terrible.

Am I experiencing a bout of Vapor's Tongue?

EDIT: I tried a couple of different juices and while it's not as bad as Boba's is to me, they still a bit bitter/metallic. Maybe my taste buds are injured and need a break :blush:
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Vaping Master
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Jun 4, 2013
Westfield, IN, USA
sounds like it or the start of a head cold :blush:

drink plenty of water....brush your tongue real well :lol: scrub 'em buds back into order

have your sinus' been giving problems lately? As smell is a source of our taste as well...

drink some hot sauce ;)

ummmm eat some hot peppers :p

drink some lemon juice

flush nasil cavities out

giggles there's all kinds of "fixes" but really it's just a waiting game....
best advice though, make sure to get buildup off of tongue, keep sinus' clear, drink lots of'll come back hopefully soon


Full Member
Verified Member
Apr 8, 2013
Las Vegas, NV
sounds like it or the start of a head cold :blush:

drink plenty of water....brush your tongue real well :lol: scrub 'em buds back into order

have your sinus' been giving problems lately? As smell is a source of our taste as well...

drink some hot sauce ;)

ummmm eat some hot peppers :p

drink some lemon juice

flush nasil cavities out

giggles there's all kinds of "fixes" but really it's just a waiting game....
best advice though, make sure to get buildup off of tongue, keep sinus' clear, drink lots of'll come back hopefully soon

Aww man, I hope I'm not getting sick! Whenever I vape, my sinuses always act up -- my nose will be stuffy and run sometimes but it's never really affected the flavor of the vape until now. I'll try to do some of the things you mentioned, thanks!


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Apr 8, 2013
Las Vegas, NV
When you switched off of Boba's did you change the head again? Might try dissasembling the protank and washing it completely and trying a new head on it.

Yup, washed the protank out and let it dry and put a new head in. Still tastes like the last one did to me. My tongue does kind of feel like what happens when you eat too much pineapple (chemical burn?) so hopefully it will heal given some time.

Anyone else ever get this same feeling?


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Apr 8, 2013
Las Vegas, NV
sounds like vapor's tongue to me. Try switching flavors. Try a flavorful fruit juice for a change. Also, the smell of fresh ground coffee is an aroma that will reset the taste buds. Flavorists use this trick constantly throughout the day to "reset" their taste buds. Good luck to you!

I just tried switching flavors (vanilla custard and strawberry) and for the most part, they taste fine to me. But when I went back to Boba's it still tastes a little bit off from what I remember it being. Maybe I've just outgrown the flavor?


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Oct 3, 2013
I just tried switching flavors (vanilla custard and strawberry) and for the most part, they taste fine to me. But when I went back to Boba's it still tastes a little bit off from what I remember it being. Maybe I've just outgrown the flavor?

HH - I get this when I vape on a flavor for more than a week or so. What usually helps me is sticking to another flavor until I get vape tongue from that and keep rotating. Other suggestions within the thread are also helpful (Hot Sauce, Hot Peppers). You may want to try some Listerine mouthwash to jolt your senses back to normal.


Super Member
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Sep 23, 2012
Ifaitoldzya, Umytszlapmi
Here's a little trick. This guy who used to work in a cigar factory in central America said they did it as a regular routine when they got our equivalent to vapers tongue.

Swoosh your mouth out/gargle with warm salt water.. a glass or two works. Put 1 1/2 2 tbsp salt in a standard glass.

Miracle fix. Instantly cures vapers tongue. Seriously.

Also go to your local discount/dollar store and buy a tongue scraper. You will be totally amazed at the coating on your tongue from PG/VG :D


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Oct 3, 2013
Virginia, USA
I recently had vapors tongue & I couldn't taste ANY flavors. It was almost as if I had a cold but I didn't & it only lasted a few days. Nothing I tried helped & believe me, I tried everything I read online. So I vaped a flavor I didn't like as much & waited. Frustrating isn't the word for it, but it does go away & all goes back to normal.
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