Is this normal?

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Mistress Blabber Mouth
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Apr 20, 2011
I recently bought my husband an Infinity pro (he loves it btw, so a HUGE thank you for that). I set him up with a tank and today he complained that the carto was clogged. When I went to switch it out for him I noticed the top of the iPro was coming unscrewed. I screwed it back down finger tight, and the unit is still working so I assume no wires got broken, but I just wanted to make sure this is normal and just something I should have my husband check for every once in a while and make sure it's tight.

Also, he has a bad habit of refilling his carto's while still on the pv, which is why I took over the tank filling because I find sometimes when I put the tank cap back on, the juice will drip a bit out of the bottom of the carto. No problem there at all, I remove the tank before filling and I just clean it off the carto after and blow out the excess, but I don't want any spillage to damage the iPro. Is the atty connector sealed? Do I have to worry about every dop of liquid that might get down by the treads? Is it possible for it to leak into the battery compartment and damage the internals if he's not super careful?

Thanks! :)


Unregistered Supplier
ECF Veteran
Nov 6, 2009
Central Coast Ca.
On the IPro there is a hole in the side of the top cap , take a round screwdriver or ?? and stick it in that hole then tighten it while holding the body ! no glues needed !

In fact one customer had used some lock-tight on a BP and we killed the tube trying to get it apart so DO NOT use GLUES !!!! please.


Mistress Blabber Mouth
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Apr 20, 2011
On the IPro there is a hole in the side of the top cap , take a round screwdriver or ?? and stick it in that hole then tighten it while holding the body ! no glues needed !

In fact one customer had used some lock-tight on a BP and we killed the tube trying to get it apart so DO NOT use GLUES !!!! please.

Will do, no glue. Thanks!


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Oct 29, 2010
I have a Buzz Pro, and although I do not believe it is necessary, I bought a shorty sealed adapter which I use on mine. Just makes ME feel better....I've been known to flood my cartos more than I care to admit! lol ;) Double the protection in my mind is a good thing. It's short too, so it doesn't add a whole lot of length.

I've read enough threads here to know that some have had wires break inside the top cap while unscrewing cartos and not realizing the cap was unscrewing as well. I am not one to mess with such things as solder, etc (it would NOT be pretty):facepalm: so I always hold onto the top cap tightly while unscrewing my cartos. Better to be safe than sorry.....I would seriously cry if I had to send it back to the buzzpital and be without VV now....for any length of time.

Just my two cents. :2c:

Enjoy your IP!!! =)


Mistress Blabber Mouth
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Apr 20, 2011
Thanks, I considered putting one of my short adapters on it, but it's just tipping the scales of unacceptable size as it is now for my husband. Considering he just came from using eGos it was a pretty easy switch, but he looks at the pv's I use and just shakes his head. I suppose we'll just have to be extra careful and if it does have to go to the buzzpital, I can lend him one of mine to use until it gets back.


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Sep 30, 2010
On the IPro there is a hole in the side of the top cap , take a round screwdriver or ?? and stick it in that hole then tighten it while holding the body ! no glues needed !

In fact one customer had used some lock-tight on a BP and we killed the tube trying to get it apart so DO NOT use GLUES !!!! please.
Oops, too late. :laugh:


ECF Guru
ECF Veteran
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Jan 1, 2010
My Buzz Pro came loose once but I tightened it real good and it hasn't happened again. I don't use glue because sometimes I change the top cap for a different threaded one.
On you carto clogging issue I sometimes have one clog and it becomes hard to draw so I take a large safety pin and clear the filler out of the air path.


Ultra Member
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Jul 21, 2011
Stockton, CA
In fact one customer had used some lock-tight on a BP and we killed the tube trying to get it apart so DO NOT use GLUES !!!! please.

Just wanted to add that there are MANY different strengths of Locktite available out there and some require a torch to remove the bonded parts! Better to take Mike's advice and not use any in case it needs to go to the Buzzpital for any reason.


Unregistered Supplier
ECF Veteran
Nov 6, 2009
Central Coast Ca.
Just wanted to add that there are MANY different strengths of Locktite available out there and some require a torch to remove the bonded parts! Better to take Mike's advice and not use any in case it needs to go to the Buzzpital for any reason.

Ya if we cannot get the top off there is no way to fix it !!! so you will LOOSE the tube and top cap , really 90% of the unit !!
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