Is this normal

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Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Aug 17, 2010
I just heard about ecigs 3 weeks ago. Researched for a few days (all on this site and quite a few youtube videos) ordered and started vaping on 8/19/2010 (That was a GREAT DAY). I was a 10-15 cig a day smoker and have not touched analogs since I started vaping! Absolutely no urge whatsoever. I spend a good portion of my day combing this forum for any new information or others experiences in general and I have spent lots of money ($500+ not looking forward to that credit card statement :facepalm:) for juice, samplers, additional Rivas and spare attys, battys and drip tips. I definitely overdid it as I would have been fine with my initial order which was only hardware and juice samples at less than $100 but after my initial experience I wanted everything ecig.

I've been getting nervous at the thought that this may not be readily available to me at the same prices based on the pending FDA case so I started looking into DIY and am very intrigued. I will probably spend another $300 on DIY supplies. Am I moving too fast? I'm not all that concerned about the money because I would pay any price for how I feel today knowing that I'm smokefree, I'm just wondering if anyone else has done the same thing.


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Jul 18, 2010
NE Ohio
Welcome Ladyzr,

I've kind of done the same thing, but with various models. My feeling is that this is a replacement of sorts for the dreaded analogs. I haven't looked back but do want to be prepared.

Afterall we can't walk into a drugstore/gas station anymore and get what we once did. Fortunately we have the pay it forward, classified and so much more here on the forums that we can sell/trade or pay it forward to someone else.

Knowledge can be a dangerous thing, but not being prepared can lead back to....well you know!

My new thing is doing cosmetic mods to my batteries and experimenting with diy flavors, I've tapered off on reading all the posts because I just want to buy more! Now I just experiment with doing cosmetic mods to my batteries and mixing new juice flavors with diy flavorings!

Welcome to the forum! Vicki


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Jul 18, 2010
NE Ohio
Ha! I did the same thing back in June. The spending tapered off as I gained experience and found out what PVs and ejuices I liked. I wouldn't be too concerned. A lot of us had the same experience and there are several threads on ECF about our OCD. :laugh:

he he - do we have a OCD forum yet - I need to join !!!:shock:


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Jun 23, 2010
Heh, I did a similar thing, but on my own budget scale (which is very small). Got my kit, all the spare parts, and a complete DIY set-up.

You can get a really good DIY step-up that will last you for months for under $100, by the way. You don't *need* to spend that much.

Let's just say you vaped 2ml of juice a day - that's a pretty average amount. And let's say you liked 18mg - that's an average nic strength.

If you bought 120ml of 60mg nic juice ($40), 360ml of PG/VG ($15), and 40ml of flavoring ($15), you would have enough to keep you going for about 7 months.

And... it's fun! :D


Full Member
Jul 31, 2010
Bellingham, WA
A co-worker had been puffing on a blu-cig for a few weeks in our smoke area. I was intrigued. One day he was smoking an analog and I asked what happened to the e-cig. He mentioned that it broke and was waiting for a replacement from He explained they were better quality. So that night I was at v4l ordering a kit and juice. Once it arrived I loved it but wanted more. Found and ordered myself and ego and many accessories. Now I'm looking at a 510 either from Janty (dura-c) or from I have yet to order a thing from yet so I'm leaning that way. yes this is a very OCD habit. But I still think I'm spending less than I would on my imported Canadian 11.00/pack cigarettes!!!
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