Is there really such a thing as Cigar Flavor Juice?

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Aug 28, 2020
Nevada, USA
I know this has come up before so excuse me for asking again but I do wonder if such a thing exists - A genuine cigar flavor ?

Of course cigars come in different flavors - When I finally quit lit tobacco entirely I was still smoking maybe one maduro {dark} cigar a day, nothing fancy just a cheap dark all tobacco cigar {ie. Parodi}.

I was also smoking maybe one or two bowls of pipe tobacco.

vaping is an excellent way to get away from lit tobacco for a pipe smoker as many vape flavors are similar to pipe tobacco in flavor.

I'm glad I quit lit tobacco entirely and I feel better, especially my mouth and throat, though I still get a dry mouth from some vape fluids but no more irritated throat.

Still I miss the flavor of a natural cigar - tried a sample flavor of what is titled 'Cuban cigar' - Not a bad flavor at all - but really tastes nothing like a real cigar.

So what juice, if any, has a real cigar flavor?


Moved On
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May 30, 2017
Nothing tastes exactly like combustion, no. That flavor of "burnt" is really hard to do (JMHO of course) and it's sort of a futile quest. I mean, you could try some but the only way I know of (other than contacting some of the fast food industries about char-broiled burgers which are usually most emphatically NOT) IDK what to tell you. I should also note I eat fast food maybe twice a year, due to it tasting like fake food. Etc.



Ultra Member
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Aug 10, 2020
But I think u can get pretty close if u try black note juices or any other natural extracted tobacco juices that claim they are cigar flavours...
I don't know any but i feel like u can find something good....
About the burn taste of cigs and cigars u really want this? Hahaha
I mean u can have the tobacco flavour without the nasty combustion taste so in my opinion it's better
Ofc it's personal perferance but u could try see it like that....why not :D

Walter Ladd

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Feb 9, 2019
New York
The artificially inspired "cigar" flavors to me taste nothing like a cigar. It's more like an abstraction, inspired by the idea of a cigar.

I haven't had much luck with naturally extracted tobacco (NET) vendors. Although I've only tried a handful.

So far, the best method I have found is to cut up your favorite cigar and place inside a jar of PG. Let it sit on a shelf 6 months at least, a year if you can stand the waiting. Give it a good shake every now and again.

After a year (or 6 months), filter out the the leaves using any number of methods. I've seen people use coffee filters, a french press, aeropress, etc.. Then you have a finished PG extract of your favorite cigar. You can add this as a flavoring to your e-liquid at whatever percentage you desire. I am personally liking the 25% threshold. It gives me a good flavor without being too much in your face.

Granted, it's not like smoking a cigar precisely, but to me it is pretty close. And to be honest, I have grown to like it a lot. You get the flavor of the cigar without the heaviness of the smoke drowning everything out. But even if you want that drowning smoke flavor, you can probably add a touch of a Latakia NET tobacco and up the percentage of your extract.

Another thing to note, NETs are notorious coil killers. You will be replacing your wick and coil every tankful. So this is territory of rebuildable atomizers if you want to save money.

Anyway, that's enough to get you started on NET if you are interested. There's a bit more of an art to it if you really want to get super involved with it.

Mad Scientist

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May 11, 2013
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Many years ago the superconcentrate (China?) flavors included a burley tobacco that tasted like tobacco. Apparently it had something in it that was either “bad” or expensive and they changed it (tastes more like chocolate than tobacco now). They used it in a mix called “Max Blend” that had a pretty good cigar flavor. No more.

After a couple years of trying to replace that flavor I’ve pretty much given up. A good real cigar flavor (unburned — as many have pointed out, can’t make a real combustion flavor) doesn’t seem to be out there.

Having given up for the most part, I’ve settled on a few flavors I like that do the job. I guess that’s my advice — try as many flavors as you can in a search for what you like, but keep an open mind as far as what it is that you like.
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May 22, 2010
Central GA
Vaping is more about finding a flavor that you like. There's few flavors that can reproduce even close to the sensation of real smoke from a burning tobacco.

For me, the key to satisfaction in vaping is getting the nicotine in my vape. I gave up flavor chasing years ago. These days I vape mostly unflavored juice. If I want flavor I add a shot of flavored juice to my unflavored juice on a tank by tank basis.

I replace coils on my Kayfuns about once or twice a month. By then, they are beginning to feel just slightly crusty when I break down the tank to replace.
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Mar 15, 2014
Buy your favourite cigar

Empty contents in to jar

Add 7ml PG per gram of tobacco

Put it in the cupboard for a few months

Strain (I use coffee filters, but debates rage on methods)

Use that as a concentrate for DIY

It will taste like the tobacco. Not so much the burning tobacco, just like smelling a fresh cigar

I think that there are some commercial concentrates to add a smokey edge
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Full Member
Nov 3, 2020
I haven't had but one cigar in over five months, due to dental implants and having to wait until the procedure is final. Until then I have been vaping. I haven't found anything that even comes close but I do somewhat like the Black Note's Cigar Blend, and I've ordered some of their other NET offerings. I also noted the link above to Real Tobacco Extract and was wondering if anyone has good feedback on their products?
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Nov 9, 2013
western Massachusetts
I think RTE generally is very very good.
But, I'm not a fan of cigar eliquids, so I can't tell you which of theirs is good bad real or fake tasting.
In my experience, RTE is quite responsive, and I would just email or call them and talk. It's a small shop.
They've often called me after an order to ask how I liked it etc.
I think you should buy some or call them and talk.
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Aug 28, 2020
Nevada, USA
I think RTE generally is very very good.
But, I'm not a fan of cigar eliquids, so I can't tell you which of theirs is good bad real or fake tasting.
In my experience, RTE is quite responsive, and I would just email or call them and talk. It's a small shop.
They've often called me after an order to ask how I liked it etc.
I think you should buy some or call them and talk.
When I started this post I still missed a cigar flavor
- I was smoking pipes and cigars.

No problem with pipe flavors as many vape flavors are similar to pipe flavors - And as the old pipe tobacco adds used to say "Cool without the bite"

Vaping, not like lit tobacco, is almost always "cool"

And there are so many natural tobacco flavor vapes on the market today, some quite good and 'tasty', as they sometimes refer to cigar flavors,
that I no longer miss the cigar flavor - Vaping is good enough for me !!!


Full Member
Nov 3, 2020
I think RTE generally is very very good.
But, I'm not a fan of cigar eliquids, so I can't tell you which of theirs is good bad real or fake tasting.
In my experience, RTE is quite responsive, and I would just email or call them and talk. It's a small shop.
They've often called me after an order to ask how I liked it etc.
I think you should buy some or call them and talk.
I tried to order some items from RTE but there were too many cybersecurity red flags that popped up from the redirect to the payment site. Too risky for me.


Full Member
Nov 3, 2020
When I started this post I still missed a cigar flavor
- I was smoking pipes and cigars.

No problem with pipe flavors as many vape flavors are similar to pipe flavors - And as the old pipe tobacco adds used to say "Cool without the bite"

Vaping, not like lit tobacco, is almost always "cool"

And there are so many natural tobacco flavor vapes on the market today, some quite good and 'tasty', as they sometimes refer to cigar flavors,
that I no longer miss the cigar flavor - Vaping is good enough for me !!!
Your comments are interesting and relevant to me, because until dental implants a few months ago, I was a weekend cigar aficionado (one a day). About a month after the implants were put in, I decided to try out vaping. I've experimented with different E-liquids and coils, using a couple of devices. I've had exactly two cigars in the little more than five months since my surgery, both in the past month. And I've had to admit to myself I didn't exactly enjoy them. One of them was the #1 rated cigar of the year. It was...okay. So I guess what I'm saying is, I probably won't give up cigars completely, but will make them an occasional thing and vape instead.


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Jun 28, 2016
the Universe
If you do DIY FlavourArt has some cigar flavors that may interest you.

FA Eclipse, "This is a semi-sweet, smooth, dark chocolate-cigar tobacco blend that tastes very similar to an equal mix of FA Tuscan Reserve and FA Cocoa with a subtle accent of mint (not menthol)."

FA Tuscan Reserve, "This is FA’s Toscano cigar flavor. It’s a complex, bold tobacco blend. FA says it has a hint of “charcoal smokiness in the background”. That smokey note tastes slightly sour to me, with notes of Oak Wood and Black Fire. Age it well for smoothest flavor. With high VG you’ll taste smooth, dark caramel within the tobacco."

FA Shade, "Shade tobacco is often used to wrap cigars, so a little FA Shade is an authentic addition to cigar recipes. If your tobacco blend is too harsh, Shade can lightly sweeten and will add nice smoothness as it ages."

FlavourArt has more tobacco flavors that can be used to enhance those.

The italicized text is from HIC's notes on FA flavors. I attached the PDF.


  • HIC's Notes on FA 171102.pdf
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Vaping Master
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Mar 17, 2012
Imperial Beach, California
When I first started vaping I thought I wanted tobacco flavor and never found anything even close. Then years later after my desire for tobacco flavor was long gone I received the wrong flavor. It was Liqua Traditional Tobacco and I gave it a try. It truly had that cigar like flavor. By this time in life tobacco flavor was unwanted so I give it to a local vape shop for newbies.
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Vaping Master
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Nov 9, 2013
western Massachusetts
I tried to order some items from RTE but there were too many cybersecurity red flags that popped up from the redirect to the payment site. Too risky for me.
It's been a while since I've ordered from RTE. I dimly recall the last time they had some issues with payments processors, so they had to come up with a convoluted method. It worked fine without any security issues or fraud. But, that was a while ago.


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  • Nov 29, 2010
    Clown World, USA
    RTE uses a different website/domain name that they own (presumably) that is unrelated to vaping to process the card payment. The link to that page on that other site is on the final page of the checkout process. IF you click that link to go to the other site, some browsers and add-ons might get triggered for redirection to an to her site (domain name). But it doesn't matter if you get to that payment page through the link or if you go directly to it by typing in the URL, it's the same page. h++ps:// That's actually page on a seattle directory site, which I assume they own. This is how they stealthily process payments, as if you are paying the directory for an advertisement/listing or making a donation.

    Obviously they way they match a payment to an order is through various things like name, address and email address so it would be wise to make sure those are all the same as they are on the order you placed in order to eliminate confusion and order fulfillment mistakes.

    Personally, I think it's silly for them to do it this way. They should not even bother to give you the link and instead have a message on the page to check your email for the link to the payment screen. There is a small vape site in the USA that does it this way, too. I won't say whom it is, but I have bought from them a few times.

    In the end, though, it's up to each person as to what makes them feel comfortable.
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