Is there any safe way to vape?

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My -0^10 = Nothing at All*
Supporting Member
ECF Veteran
Apr 16, 2010
Is there any actual safe way to vape without health risks?

Completely Safe? With Absolutely Zero Potential Health Risks?

No. There Isn't.

But then again, I don't know how You define things like "Safety" or "Health Risks" in the context you gave them? Or when you say "vape", if you are referring to Nicotine Inhalation and not to Inhaling something else.


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Apr 14, 2020
Is there any actual safe way to vape without health risks?
1. Be an adult
2. Be sure your blood pressure is within the healthy range & that you've no chronic cardiovascular or respiratory ailments
3. Assure you don't use materials to which you have allergies or sensitivities, primarily propylene glycol & nickel.
4. Get or mix e-liquid w/ no nicotine or a moderate percentage of nicotine & w/o diacetyl or oils other that USP grade propylene glycol & vegetable glycerin, such as any available commercial e-liquid
5. Use a device w/ electronics safety protections
6. Don't troll vaping forums

In short, do what vapers generally do.
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