Is Provari worth it? How big a premium must I pay for the very best equipment?

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Vaping Master
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Mar 4, 2011
Hickory, NC
Got my provari two weeks ago. Absolutely worth it. Only PV you will ever need.

It's a VV device and other than build quality, it does exactly the same thing as any other VV device that will handle the same amps. I seriously doubt that in this fast changing industry any device will be the only PV you will ever need, unless you have a really short life expectancy.


ECF Guru
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  • Aug 13, 2011
    If I went back to day one before I spent all this money, I would have gotten a provari, with 4 18650's the pila charger, one or two HH.357's, some phoenix bottom coils for at work, and I would have gotten many sampler packs from juice vendors.

    And you wouldn't have known what to do with any of it! I can assure you that a provari is perfectly capable of producing the worse vape you could ever imagine anytime you want it to.

    My personal opinion is that there isn't just one mod out there that would ever satisfy my needs. That is why I have several.
    To be honest, the one that I use the most is a little old Mako all mechanical 3.7v mod, which was one of the first mods to ever be marketed. ( absolute simplicity that never fails to deliver)


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    Jun 26, 2012
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    I ordered one a few days after starting vaping and eagerly await it's arrival today.

    As far as finances go it's all relative. Some people will say it's expensive, you can get as good for cheaper and the list will go on and on. Others will say don't waste your money on other products just get this because it will last forever. I belong in the second camp. I firmly believe through personal experience that buying top end equipment is just the way to go. That's somewhat of a personality thing as well.

    In the past with some of my hobbies I've opted for the cheap stuff to get started. For instance when I got back to playing in net(ice hockey) I purchased some lower end equipment. Within two months it was toast and I ended up buying professional stuff made in the U.S.A./Canada not something stitched in China. I could have saved myself approximately 2,000 dollars by not buying the crappy stuff first. Same story with remote control helicopters...should have gotten the expensive stuff first and saved myself a boat load of cash. Figured the cheaper stuff was the way to go due to crashes. Well I can honestly say the cheap stuff crashes a lot more because it doesn't fly as well and isn't as stable as the expensive stuff.

    At the end of the day I agree with most of the people on this board. Whatever keeps you off analogs is the right choice. Period. If a Provari will fill that niche it's the right choice. Lets say you spend 300 dollars on a Provari setup. That may or may not be a lot of money for you but I like to think of it in different terms. Lets say that 300 dollar purchases extends your life span and improves the general quality of your life. What is that worth? Only you can answer that. To me, it's priceless.


    Full Member
    Apr 29, 2012
    Pittsburgh PA/USA
    The point I'm trying to make is not that the provari is not worth the money you spend on it. It's about advising someone that that has just entered the world of vaping that the only way to do this right is with a Provari. EGO Twist set up with Charger, juice and atty being around $60 right is all you need to vape. For some this is all they will use or need and if they need a new battery its almost as much as an 18650. Telling a person to take the plunge and try vaping at a start up of 300 may keep a person smoking and that is not cool. People that do not own a Provari are having a good vaping experience. GrimmGreen doesn't have a Provari seems to a have wonderful vaping experience... Just advising someone this is the only way to enter the world of vaping is not the message I think experienced vapers should be sending to people just entering the world of vaping.


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    Jun 26, 2012
    Los Angeles
    I agree with everything you've said Closetpan. I could certainly be satisfied with my relatively cheap EGO C setup.

    Some people just want to try the top end stuff and see what the experience is like. But that's a choice it's not necessary by any means.

    I've watched a lot of PBusardo reviews and I like his no nonsense approach. I don't think he pulls any punches. He tried the Provari and said he now knows what all the fuss is about. I want to see it for myself as well.

    Again I agree it's completely over the top and totally unnecessary but so are many things.


    Senior Member
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    May 23, 2012
    Ann Arbor, MI
    And you wouldn't have known what to do with any of it! I can assure you that a provari is perfectly capable of producing the worse vape you could ever imagine anytime you want it to.

    My personal opinion is that there isn't just one mod out there that would ever satisfy my needs. That is why I have several.
    To be honest, the one that I use the most is a little old Mako all mechanical 3.7v mod, which was one of the first mods to ever be marketed. ( absolute simplicity that never fails to deliver)

    Debatable. Not that much of a difference in the learning curve between the two. I could have learned how to use the provar the same as I could have learned how to use the kgo.

    I was more of just mentioning that hindsight is 20/20.


    ECF Guru
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  • Aug 13, 2011
    Debatable. Not that much of a difference in the learning curve between the two. I could have learned how to use the provar the same as I could have learned how to use the kgo.

    I was more of just mentioning that hindsight is 20/20.
    I agree that 20-20 hindsight is a wonderful thing, and no doubt I would have skipped a few things if I had known what they were like before I got them. But, that's the point, I had to experience them before I knew they wern't for me. If you go out and buy a bazillion dollar mod right out of the gate, what are you comparing it to? You would only 'think' you have the greatest thing since slices bread.
    When I first stepped into the wonderful world of vaping my first PV was an eGo-T, and I thought it was the greatest thing since sliced bread. It was the latest and greatest after all, the hot new thing and all that. Simply put, I had no knowledge base to compare it to.
    I can't knock that old eGo-T, it got me off the 50+ year habit of smoking, but it sure didn't take all that long for me to discover that there was an easier softer way to vape than messing with those T atties all the time..
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    Vaping Master
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    Feb 26, 2012
    Fontana, CA
    So there is no way to crown any one device as "the best".

    A lot of time and effort is spent by folks in building arguments around their preconceived notion, and the end result is some form of fan clash. Don't let yourself dragged into that.

    Better advice you will never see.


    Ultra Member
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    Jun 26, 2012
    Los Angeles
    Well the Provari arrived and it's up and running.

    While I've been told the Boge cartomizers will mute the flavour that's all I have for now as my second package with tanks and juice won't be arriving until tomorrow. However....if this is muted flavour I really can't wait to see what the full flavour will be.

    As I said before I would have been happy with the EGO setup...but now that I've tried this it's going to he hard to go back. Amazing amounts of smoke. Warm vapor. What a difference a few volts makes on all the different types of juice. Completely changes the flavour profile of some of the juices. I'm frankly a little stunned that THIS is out there. I'm not saying a lava tube isn't as good because frankly I don't know but WOW, and I mean WOW. Variable voltage is like the second coming. I see what all the fuss is about.

    Now I have to go order a mini for the road. THANKS Provape. This habit just got a lot more expensive.

    To the OP: If you can swing it just do it. What an experience.


    Full Member
    May 21, 2011
    As a new provari owner (2 days now), i'll share my views.
    I started vaping ~1,5 years ago, with normal 510 style batteries and 510-T atties. Both of these soon become quite troublesome for me to use... About 1 year ago, i made my own boxmod with an evercool style (good pwm) regulator. Atties, cartomizers, clearomizers, i tried alot, i had some i hated, some i liked, this went on. And i was very happy with my boxmod. About 2 weeks ago, it fell down and the plastic broke. I didn't have the time, to build another or fix this one. It's a wonder i managed not to drop my boxmod for almost a year, for my next pv i needed something thats massive.
    Let me say this here, that i saw some of you were saying, that technology is evolving, and next year there will be better products, and yesteryears will be old, "worse". That's true for the batteries itself (18650 for example). It's also very true concerning atomizers/cartomizers. But the basic principle of an ecig unit is to: provide a stable voltage on the atty connector. This won't change next year, or the year after. Sure, chinese manufacturers in a year or two might find out, how to properly build electronics, but i'm not really holding my breath for it.
    So back to my story, i was accustomed to precise, and more importantly stable voltage settings. For my new pv, this practically ruled out all chinese stuff. Let me tell you, i still do prefer the 3AA size box, compared to tube. It just fits so perfectly inside my shirt pocket... So i started looking for ~3AA size boxmods with good electonics, and much more importantly, made from stainless steel. I couldn't find one. The vv reos were awesome, but the big waiting list, and the bottom feed (i really never drip) steer me away from it. Then i said, ok let's check out tube mods. Then i realized, that good quality tube mods with stacked batteries are not really that much cheaper compared to a provari. I also thought, that if i can make it without going bankrupt, i'll try to avoid stacked batteries (mind you, i was using stacked for a year). So i created an excuse (i had my 27th birthday) and ordered one. People in the USA are very lucky, since they can have it so cheap... i pad $40 for ems shipping what took almost 2 weeks (all hail eastern europen customs), and i had to pay some vat as well, totaling almost $300. More then half of this months salary, byebye.
    I see many ppl overcomplicate things with the provari. But it's actually very simple: it's just a massive tool for a purpose, that it does perfectly (except some extremes, like 6v on 1,5ohm dc or bottom feed), with some nice minor extras added.

    TL;DR I had a 14500 evercool, it was great, it broke, got a provari, it's f*kin expensive to get one in the eu, the vape is the same, single battery is safer, and i think this will last.

    My recommendation to the op? Get an evercool boxmod if you're fine with the shape since it's great performance and cheap, but don't drop it much :blush: If you decide to upgrade, that box will be a very good backup unit. Or play the chinese stuff game, but not many came out of that happy after a period of time.
    Just my :2c:


    Super Member
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    Apr 14, 2012
    Well the Provari arrived and it's up and running.

    While I've been told the Boge cartomizers will mute the flavour that's all I have for now as my second package with tanks and juice won't be arriving until tomorrow. However....if this is muted flavour I really can't wait to see what the full flavour will be.

    As I said before I would have been happy with the EGO setup...but now that I've tried this it's going to he hard to go back. Amazing amounts of smoke. Warm vapor. What a difference a few volts makes on all the different types of juice. Completely changes the flavour profile of some of the juices. I'm frankly a little stunned that THIS is out there. I'm not saying a lava tube isn't as good because frankly I don't know but WOW, and I mean WOW. Variable voltage is like the second coming. I see what all the fuss is about.

    Now I have to go order a mini for the road. THANKS Provape. This habit just got a lot more expensive.

    To the OP: If you can swing it just do it. What an experience.

    I love using Boge Carto's. While I do think they mute the flavor ever so slightly, I actually prefer this with some juices. Take, Sweet Watermelon from TVR. I love it in a Cart but hate it in a tank or a atty. It becomes way to sweet in everything but a cart.

    I have been thinking about another mod for the road but I've never even thought about getting the Mini. I currently use a Provari V2 with the extender cap so I'm getting about a day and half out of it. I kind of thought I wanted a different mod from a different manufacturer to add to my collection but now I'm just thinking about the Mini.


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    Apr 14, 2012
    It's a VV device and other than build quality, it does exactly the same thing as any other VV device that will handle the same amps. I seriously doubt that in this fast changing industry any device will be the only PV you will ever need, unless you have a really short life expectancy.

    Besides the battery, I really don't see much changing in terms of E-Cig technology. In the end, all you are doing is delivering Voltage to a attachment. Yea, I'm sure there is going to be advancements in the power efficiency side of things. Maybe in a year, a 18650 mod will last 3 days but that doesn't mean whatever you buy now is going to be obsolete in a year. If you purchase something now from a reputable company with good customer service (like Provape) they might just upgrade your current device for $20 if technology really changes that much.

    In the end, I'm not going to not purchase a high end laptop just because Intel, AMD or Nvidia is going to bring better products to the market next year. I'm not going to never purchase a high end cell phone just because something better is going to be released in 6 months. I have always been a tech geek and through the years have learned my lesson. If you purchase high end right now, it will be relevant for a longer period of time. When I want to upgrade, I'll just sell my electronics to someone who doesn't want to spend money on the current high end gear and doesn't mind having technology that is a year old. Of course, I'm only going to get a little over 50% for my old electronics but all of those funds go towards buying the next best thing.

    If you're waiting for the next best thing, then you're never going to buy something.


    Full Member
    Jun 26, 2012
    For what its worth, I just started using my brand new Provari VV V2 today. It's the first e-cig I have experienced, so I obviously can't compare.

    What I can say is that I am extremely impressed by the quality, build, looks, and most importantly, function.

    I have not yet had a real cig today (since my morning one, waiting for me e-juice!) , and I can say that I am satisfied with my Provari enough that I don't want a real smoke!

    I pay $315 a month on Newports. I had no problem justifying a $200 Provari.

    Warren D. Lockaby

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    Ultra Member
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    May 13, 2012
    I would rather spend $150 on juices and stocking up on good cartos, than pay that for a mod. These are the things that I can never have enough of. I don't see the big deal with devices. There's variation, but nothing truly genre/mind blowing. I can be happy with many of them. Ymmv.

    The issue here is innovation. Some are justifiably satisfied with the status quo, and I mean no disrespect to those that are happy with what they are using, I am as well, but a LOT of us are always in search of the holy grail and are greatly intrigued with advances in technology and sincere craftsmanship.
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