is e-cig really banned from China to use?

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Full Member
Jan 6, 2014
Well, to ask this shortly, I was vaping infront of a friend and then he kept going about how bad e-cigs are, then he said something that really dazzled me and I couldn't believe it, he said

"If e-cigs are really good, then why is it made and manufactured in China but in the same time it is banned from being used in China" --- he then said "Even the people that created it aren't using it, what does that tell you?" he asked me, and I couldn't answer it, because I had to believe him, he has a business in China and he flies to China like 3-4 times a year.

If its true, then how can they actually create the product, then they themselves don't use it?


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Feb 4, 2015
Chicago, IL
Depends on what one means by "China". Hong Kong is anti-vaping, but mainland China is pretty much an unregulated market. E-cigs are primarily made in Shenzhen, which is next to Hong Kong, but is in mainland China. To answer your friend's question, one has to understand that smoking in mainland China is very common and cheap. Also, a lot of smokers there don't even understand the health risks of smoking (e.g., only about two-thirds of the population believes that smoking can lead to lung cancer, even less when it comes to other diseases). The government is slowly moving against smoking, but right now you basically have a lot of smokers in China who generally don't understand the risks, have access to dirt cheap cigs ($1.50 for a good brand), and are participating in a culture where smoking is still well accepted as a social activity. In such a market, only the most health-conscious are going to seek vaping as an alternative to smoking. Consequently, ignorance, cheap cigarettes, and social norms are the answer to your friend's question on why many Chinese haven't turned to vaping as an alternative to smoking.


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Jul 26, 2014
Alberta, Canada
strange, its banned from more countries than its allowed, I wonder why all the controversy with e-cigs, maybe it's just not as good as some of you think?

I think it has more to do with governments losing out on tax dollars, tobacco and pharma companies losing on profits, and tobacco control zealots losing their jobs than any harm it can do to your body.


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Aug 9, 2013
I agree with ElectriSean that is the same reason they want to ban it here in California is loosing money from a deal they made with Big Tobacco. Big Tobacco gives California money for heath care related to smoking. Sales are down because of Vaping so in turn California gets less money that they have already spent. And this is true in every state in the US.


Full Member
Dec 16, 2010
August 19, 2015 PHE (Public Health England) released “E-cigarettes: an evidence update.” The UK gpvenment website states “This review explains the relative risks and benefits of e-cigarettes, in terms of harm reduction when compared with cigarettes and as an aid to quitting.” It concludes “E-cigarettes are 95% less harmful to your health than normal cigarettes. When supported by a smoking cessation service, they help most smokers to quit tobacco altogether.

Executive Summary: E-cigarettes: an evidence update

As detailed elsewhere in the report, the information we present does not indicate widespread problems as a result of EC. New regulations currently planned should be implemented to maximise the benefits of EC whilst minimising these risks.

The ASH survey indicates that about 60% of current EC users are current smokers, and about 40% are ex-smokers. The proportion of EC users among never smokers remains negligible.

Although the concept of the gateway theory is often treated as a straightforward scientific theory, its emergence is rather more complicated. In effect, it is a hybrid of popular, academic and media accounts – a construct retroactively assembled rather than one initially articulated as a coherent theory.

Since EC were introduced to the market, smoking prevalence among adults and youth has declined. Hence there is no evidence to date that EC are renormalising smoking, instead it’s possible that their presence has contributed to further declines in smoking, or denormalisation of smoking. The gateway theory is ill defined and we suggest its use be abandoned until it is clear how it can be tested in this field. Whilst never smokers are experimenting with EC, the vast majority of youth who regularly use EC are smokers. Regular EC use in youth is rare.

EC should not routinely be treated in the same way as smoking. It is not appropriate to prohibit EC use in health trusts and prisons as part of smokefree policies unless there is a strong rationale to do so.

Although the majority of adults and youth still correctly perceive EC to be less harmful than tobacco cigarettes, there has been an overall shift towards the inaccurate perception of EC being at least as harmful as cigarettes over the last year, for both groups. Intriguingly, there is also some evidence that people believe EC to be less harmful than medicinal nicotine replacement therapy (NRT).

Regulatory interventions should ensure optimal product safety but make sure EC are not regulated more strictly than cigarettes and can continue to evolve and improve their competitiveness against cigarettes.

There is no indication that EC users are exposed to dangerous levels of aldehydes." "The mice model has little relevance for estimating human risk and it does not raise any new safety concerns.

Encouraging smokers who cannot or do not want to stop smoking to switch to EC could be adopted as one of the key strategies to reduce smoking related disease and death.

There is a need to publicise the current best estimate that using EC is around 95% safer than smoking.

Here's a link to the full pdf document.


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Dec 20, 2010
I lived in China from March 2012 to Sept 2013. Midway between they stopped selling e-cigs and all the BnM stores and underground metro station market stalls for e-cigs and juice disappeared. You could not buy juice or tanks or PV's in China.

It was still legal to order them in online however and I got my stuff from OVALE which is JANTY's non EU/USA franchise, also got DEKANG which is made in China sent by web order. Just not actual BnM stores.

Not sure what situation is now though, as that was 3 years ago....
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