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Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Dec 1, 2011
Middle Tennessee
Hi! I can finally post here, yay!

I smoked analogs 8 years before I got interested in vaping. After researching several models I chose the Vapornine Nebula and I'm glad I did. Easy to use, just 2 pieces. Vapornine's customer service is awesome combined with a fast delivery time and great sales.

I currently have 4 batteries, 3 shorties and one Monster which lasts forever and is awesome! I just placed an order of an additional wall charger plus 5 bottles of liquid and 15 cartomizers. I love the refillable carts! I initially had a starter kit, so I used Tobacco flavor at first, then moved on to the Cherry liquid which is great. I order the Grape Escape cartomizers and refill with Cherry. I can't wait to try to the other liquids.

vaping is great - has totally changed my life. My Nebula goes everywhere with me and no more smell, butts, ashes or finding a spot to smoke. I've said this in some other threads, but when I go to my inlaws' house I don't have to wait hours for my fix - I just casually go into the bathroom, pull out my Nebula and stealth vape right there.

Just wanted to say thanks to you guys. Looking forward to actively participating in ECF and the Vapornine board.
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