Introduction with a V2 Thoughts and Review

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Imperious Rex

Full Member
Oct 29, 2011
Lynchburg, VA
With this being my first post, I think a little introduction is in order. I was planning on quitting smoking when I turned 30, but I did still enjoy having a smoke at times. Yet after 15 years of smoking and being up to 2 packs a day, I knew it was time to stop. Initially I was going to use the patch or gum or anything that may work breaking me of the habit. One evening while at my ex-girlfriend's house I was talking of my plans and her mother stated she used ecigs when she was working and they really cut back on her habit. She let me borrow her kit as she no longer used them. It was one of those smokefreeonline starter kits with the 3 piece design. I used it that night exclusively and was very intrigued. The vapor and throat hit were almost non existent but I was hooked none the less. Down the rabbit hole I went and spent the next few days researching various brands of ecigs.

I wanted something as close to an analog as I could get, with a good throat hit and lots of visible vapor and the gear to allow me to hit the ground running. I quickly realized that 'review' sites and blogs would recommend the company that would give them an affiliate spiff and truth was hard to come by. I learned they all used the same batteries and 2 piece design. Green Smoke and Cirrus were outrageous in claims and price, some of the other brands and sites looked less than trustworthy. One brand that kept coming up as a good starter was V2. I looked at the site and the offerings, even googled 'V2 complaints' and scoured Youtube for videos. Looked like good product and great customer service, so I took a shot and decided with V2. As I said earlier I wanted everything I would need to dive in and not look back. The ultimate kit had it all, but I looked at the traveler's kit and noticed it had what I needed and I could add the extras customized to my preference and still come out cheaper than the ultimate kit. I added everything I wanted to the cart, used one of those coupon codes I saw all over the place, and hit checkout. My total order was $160 with 2day shipping. The order showed up on time, and everything was correct. Even the options I chose to customize the standard traveler's kit.

This is what I received for $160 shipped.

  • 1 shorty auto battery in white with red led
  • 1 standard auto battery in stainless with blue led
  • 1 standard manual battery in stainless with blue led
  • 1 usb passthrough manual in black with a 5' cord
  • 1 PCC hardcase that holds 2 cartos and one battery
  • 1 soft carrying case that holds 3 batteries any length fully assembled and 5 cartos
  • 1 auto to usb charging adapter
  • 1 wall to usb charging adapter
  • 1 6" usb battery charger
  • 5 18mg Menthol cartos
  • 5 18mg Congress cartos
  • 5 18mg Sahara cartos
  • 1 18mg 10ct sampler pack with 1 of each Red, Menthol, Congress, Sahara, Coffee, Vanilla, Peppermint, Cola, Cherry, Chocolate
The packaging was top notch and gave off the sense of quality. I charged the batteries for the recommended first charge time, and checked out all the accessories. Everything is branded V2 and looked of quality build. I decided to try the Sahara carto first since I am a Camel Light smoker. Screwed the carto onto the shorty and took a quick primer puff then a long drag... WOW! A lot of vapor with a good throat hit. The closest I had ever come to smoking an analog without actually doing it. A good flavor with a hint of sweetness. I was hooked. I was vaper.

Since that day in early October I have had not one issue with any of the batterries or accessories. I've even dropped the autos and not a problem. They produce a good amount of vapor and seem to be consistent throughout the charge. I typically use one standard and one shorty during one day of vaping. I now know I'm a manual man since I get more control. The passthrough is great when I'm at the pc or desk. The cartos have performed wonderfully with only 2 out of the 25 being burnt in taste and almost dead upon first using them. Not a bad failure rate IMHO considering that horrible kiosk ecig I first sampled.

I understand everyone has their views and many on this forum have expressed V2 being over priced. Now that I have spent many hours lurking and reading everything I can about vaping, I can see that argument. I could have gone for V4L or Bloog or Halo, and I plan on sampling their wares too. But the fact is, V2 got me here and I'm very pleased with the experience. I have no problem recommending them to anyone looking to get their feet wet in vaping with no hassle and a safe buying experience.

V2 Cigs Electronic Cigarettes


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Oct 27, 2011
Canton, MI
I was very close to going with a V2 after trying the Blu, but I wanted something with better battery life AND didn't look like a conventional cigarette. The Blu's were enough to cut back on smoking. I decided to try out a Tornado Tank (rebranded Ego) and haven't had an analog since the batteries charged. Good luck with the V2 and nice write up.
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