Introducing myself as the project manager for the CASAA testimonials project

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New Member
May 24, 2009
Hi all!

This is my first time posting to the ECF, although I've been involved in tobacco harm reduction since 2008. I am the project manager for the CASAA testimonials project (E-cigarettes and other Tobacco Harm Reduction strategies: a collection of success stories), where we are collecting the stories of people who have quit or reduced their smoking using a smoke-free alternative.

I personally enjoy both e-cigs and snus (although so far have found snus to be easier to come by in Canada).

If you haven't already submitted your story to CASAA, please do so! We would love to hear from you.

Catherine Nissen

Bill's Magic Vapor

Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Feb 8, 2013
Hi all!

This is my first time posting to the ECF, although I've been involved in tobacco harm reduction since 2008. I am the project manager for the CASAA testimonials project (E-cigarettes and other Tobacco Harm Reduction strategies: a collection of success stories), where we are collecting the stories of people who have quit or reduced their smoking using a smoke-free alternative.

I personally enjoy both e-cigs and snus (although so far have found snus to be easier to come by in Canada).

If you haven't already submitted your story to CASAA, please do so! We would love to hear from you.

Catherine Nissen

Please add a CASAA Signature Banner when you have enough posts! You guys are doing great work for all of us.
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