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New Member
Sep 14, 2010
Elmira, NY
Hi everyone. I'm new here and just wanted to say Hello. This looks like a great place for everything ecig related. I'm sure I'll learn a lot. I'm looking for my first kit. I'm thinking about the Riva or the new Lux. Also does the Lux take a 510. I would want an LR 510 atty. Any opinions?

also, I'm a menthol smoker and looking for a great menthol replacement. I'm thinking about Seatle from Vapor Station or an nhaler octane liquid but not sure which menthol from there. Any opinions on menthol juice?

Thanks everyone in advance for your suggestions. All help is appreciated.
Hi BrownShoe, and welcome. My LUX is in the mail, I'll let you know how it goes.

The LUX is most like the RIVA. Tony always has his products customized and you can either use the 510 parts or the 902 parts, which are a little bigger/better.
I have his 902 so that means I can look like I have a cig in public or use the LUX for power vaping.... simply can't wait.
I also always have to mention that Tony is gifted when it comes to customer service. You will be hard-pressed to find better.

I vape regular tobacco flavors, but have read and seen that FreedomSmokeUSA and Halo both have great menthol blends.
You can also watch and read a ton of juice reviews in the reviews section.

Good luck


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Jan 5, 2010
Elmira Heights, NY
Welcome BrownShoe. You're right; you're in the best place and you'll learn everything you need to know. I also heard that Vapor Station's Seattle was a good menthol, but I only do regular tobacco flavors, so I don't have first hand knowledge. I've also heard that Halo has a good menthol but I'm not sure which of their menthols is the one that people think is most like a tobacco menthol. Maybe people who have used these can chime in with opinions. Good luck and we're here if you need us.
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