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Moved On
ECF Veteran
May 30, 2009
Hundred Acre Wood
You got that right!!!

Of course my dog has found another favorite spot (in son's closet) so I don't have to see her sleeping and be jealous.

Have you tried the relax your jaw thing---I think it actually helps in the dropping off part.
Of course I could just be so occupied in keeping it relax that I'm not thinking of other stuff.


Moved On
ECF Veteran
May 30, 2009
Hundred Acre Wood
I've got to stick pretty much to a regular routine or it sends me into worse sleep modes than I already have.

June, July, and August differ for me and the change into and out of these months does not come easy. But these three months, I wake up early, I can stay up for a couple hours and then go back to bed. All in all, most of the time, I can get about 7 / 8 hours in.

The other months, three days a week, I have to be up about 5:30 and then stay up until I get home from the health club pool at 10:30. If I can get in a nap early (before two), I'm okay, but otherwise I drag all day.

Once I've gotten use to the switch in routine, it's okay, but otherwise, well, you know, it's the pits!!!


Ultra Member
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Jun 10, 2011
Cleveland area, Ohio
Insomniacs with a routine? I take sleep when I can. Nothing works for me. I gave up. So when I do sleep, I appreciate it even more!
I have to say that I tried melanin and it seems to help a lot. I dont do it often, as I am paranoid about sleeping through a nighttime child problem. Hubby takes sleeping pills, so the hounds of hell couldnt wake HIM.


Moved On
ECF Veteran
May 30, 2009
Hundred Acre Wood
I do keep to a schedule. For me, if I don't, it just gets worse.
Yes I'm saying this at 4:45 in the morning!!!
But that's the way it's been lately. Go to bed, get about 4 /5 hours. When I wake up, sometimes, I can roll over and go back to sleep, but most of the time I can't.
I get up and do a few things. One good thing is walking the dog---it's been a hot summer. After a couple of hours, I go back for round two and get a few more hours of sleep in.

Without Melatonin, I would not be doing this.


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Jul 14, 2011
Chicago, IL
I found this thread by accident and figured I'd tell my story...

I've had insomnia since high school. I remember I used to go to bed at midnight and lay in bed till four in the morning or so with my headphones on. It drove me mad. Then my friend introduced me to Tylenol PM, then I found that you could buy the "PM" without the Tylenol and I took those for about ten years until they stopped working (plus I developed a medical problem from taking them for so many years). I found out about Ambien, but my doctor is really conservative so he wouldn't give them to me. So I had to resort to drinking myself to sleep, which caused me to develop pancreatitis (a condition--according to a study on mothers who have had pancreatitis--is more painful than giving birth), which landed me in the hospital for four days, hooked up to an IV, only allowed to eat ice chips and not even allowed to drink water (though the shots of morphine every three hours sure were fun :laugh:. Not being able to eat solid food for another two months after leaving the hospital sure was fun too, but I digress. It took that to convince my doctor to give me Ambien, but I get used to that, so I still have to take the over-the-counter stuff sometimes, even though I shouldn't, but I don't have much of a choice. Plus I usually need two Ambien to fall asleep so I don't have enough to last a month anyway. I love it though; it doesn't make me groggy in the morning like everything else does.

So there's my fun little story :p:(8-o:pop:


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Mar 1, 2011
In the same boat ipet, even when I'm going on no sleep, the minute I lay down in bed, I wake up.. Ughh. Except I was the opposite in that you drank to fall asleep, in highschool, I used to shmoke ganja to pass out; drinking always makes me more awake. Now day's the best things Iv'e tried so far is melatonin, but the #1 thing that puts me to sleep is flexiril, "muscle relaxers", which are fairly, "easliy prescribed". Go into a GP and complain about back pain, chronic middle-upper back pain, (which I have and think that most pp who don't get anough sleep would probably have the same sorts of pains, your body overcompensating for the lack of mental awareness, to hold your head up). (Your current tight @$$ doc probably wont prescribe them to you, but most other docs should). It is also used as, a sleep aid, so I would just tell a new GP the truth. On days when I excessivly excersize, sleeping is WAY easier. My best combo at the moment is physical exertion and a flexiril, which you don't build a tolerance for. Sorry to hear about the pancreus:( Hope you get some sleep tonight! I broke my leg last summer, and collar bone BAD this summer, (Two bars in my body now, hahahar).. So I do know that surgeries will do a number on you, can't even imagine a surgery as invasive as pancreus surgery. No caffine after 6pm helps too! :) PS I'm drinking a diet coke right now...:laugh:
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Super Member
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Jul 14, 2011
Chicago, IL
In the same boat ipet, even when I'm going on no sleep, the minute I lay down in bed, I wake up.. Ughh. Except I was the opposite in that you drank to fall asleep, in highschool, I used to shmoke ganja to pass out; drinking always makes me more awake. Now day's the best things Iv'e tried so far is melatonin, but the #1 thing that puts me to sleep is flexiril, "muscle relaxers", which are fairly, "easliy prescribed". Go into a GP and complain about back pain, chronic middle-upper back pain, (which I have and think that most pp who don't get anough sleep would probably have the same sorts of pains, your body overcompensating for the lack of mental awareness, to hold your head up). (Your current tight @$$ doc probably wont prescribe them to you, but most other docs should). It is also used as, a sleep aid, so I would just tell a new GP the truth. On days when I excessivly excersize, sleeping is WAY easier. My best combo at the moment is physical exertion and a flexiril, which you don't build a tolerance for. Sorry to hear about the pancreus:( Hope you get some sleep tonight! I broke my leg last summer, and collar bone BAD this summer, (Two bars in my body now, hahahar).. So I do know that surgeries will do a number on you, can't even imagine a surgery as invasive as pancreus surgery. No caffine after 6pm helps too! :) PS I'm drinking a diet coke right now...:laugh:

Yeah, it's 3:30a.m. and I'm up, as always, lol. I can at least blame tonight on school since I've been doing homework all night.

Drinking always makes me pass out eventually, though I can't do too much of it anymore. I'm a big beer geek too, so it sucks that I gotta be careful now. At least I have vaping as a hobby now though :) Yeah, weed would make me tired sometimes, I don't wanna talk too much about that though, or else the rule police will come after us... lol. We could always PM about that sometime.

Anyway, melatonin is the one thing I haven't tried. I've heard it only works for certain types of people (there's some chemical in the brain that gets released in normal people at night, but some people are deficient in it, from what I've read at least). I do plan to give a try though. I really don't know why I haven't yet. I've heard of flexeril. Muscle relaxers are the one thing I've never had... I do have Vicodin, but I can't get it often because of my tight @$$ GP, as you so eloquently put it ;) I definitely need to look into getting a new one.

Exercising doesn't help me sleep. I know it's supposed to, but not for me. It does help me relax a little more at night, but I still don't get tired. The ONLY natural thing that makes me tired is reading, even if it's something I like. But that only works when I'm not stressed and right now I'm stressed about a thousand different things, so that's not even working.

I'm sorry to hear about the broken bones :( What do you do that makes you break stuff so much, rock climbing? lol, are there mountains in MN? So how close are you to the Vermillion River headquarters? If I was anywhere near Guss, I'd be knocking on his door all day looking for freebies and vaping with him :laugh:

My pancreas is okay now (for the most part). I didn't need surgery. When you get pancreatitis, your pancreas becomes inflamed, and the only way to bring down the inflammation is to not eat or drink anything, not even water, hence why I was only allowed ice chips. Basically, your pancreas does two things, produce insulin, and produce stomach acids. When you have pancreatitis, instead of the stomach acids being released to your stomach, they're released directed onto your pancreas, slowly digesting it. So yeah, it's pretty freaking painful!

Hmmm... I'm drinking diet mountain dew as we speak :laugh: It's weird though. I find that caffeine and nicotine help my sleeping pills kick in faster. I think it's because they make your blood pump faster and push the drugs through your system. That's my theory at least. Before I vaped, I'd take my sleeping pills, and they always kicked in hard after a cigarette.

Alright, so that was long. I should probably take some drugs and hit the sheets :D
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